March 24 & 25, 2020

May 27, 2020

Europe/Middle East/Africa
September 2, 2020

Get ready to join WordPress developers for a virtual conference
happening in a time zone near you!

WordSesh APAC has been rescheduled to March 24 & 25 to include additional speakers.

Want to know more? Each WordSesh event is designed to support its region, featuring speakers from that region with sessions scheduled during common working hours.

Join to the mailing list and stay up-to-date about all future event details!

PS – you can watch the recordings of past events on WPSessions and follow @WordSesh on Twitter for announcements. Scroll onward to see more about the events.

What's WordSesh?

WordSesh is a live, virtual conference that is highly curated to provide you with the absolute best possible experience. Every presenter is been hand-picked and each topic is selected to complement or build on the others.

Can't make it for the live broadcast? Not a problem! Every presentation is recorded and available to WPSessions Members for viewing at your convenience shortly after each live event ends.

Meet the Speakers

Carl Alberto, @carlalbertodev
Ahmad Awais, @mrahmadawais
Maham Batool, @MahamBatoolSh
Ahmad Bilal, @AhmadBilalDev
Ajit Bohra, @ajitbohra
Ian Labao, @p0y141
Jo Minney, @jo_minney
Aslam Multani, @aslam4net
Piccia Neri, @piccia
Stephen Rees-Carter, @valorin
Imran Sayed, @imranhsayed
Biplab Subedi, @biplab43
Jitendra Vaswani, @jitendrablogger
Chathu Vishwajith, @iamchathu
Grzegorz (Greg) Ziółkowski, @gziolo

Event Schedule

2324 March 2020

23:30 UTC

Meet & Greet

Join early and say hello!

23:45 UTC

Opening Remarks

Brian Richards

Take 15 minutes to learn about everything that is going on today and get to know your host.

00:00 UTC

Performant JAMstack for everyone

Ahmad Awais

Ignoring JAMstack in 2020 could be fatal?! See, 15 years ago, I learned PHP because of WordPress. Junior developers today, are learning React because of JAMstack. BuiltWith reports over 323,994 sites built with JAMstack.

I'm going to show you why you should care about the JAMstack trend and how it's going to be more relevant than ever. We'll study the impact of a great open-source project, i.e., Next.js, on the React ecosystem. I'll also share why I bet my DevRel career on this.

By the end, you'll walk away a little bit more scared of building a custom React site and a lot more prepared for building on top of the JAMstack.

01:00 UTC

Why Progressive Web App for WordPress?

Imran Sayed

This session talks about how we can combine the capabilities of native apps and the reach of the web, to get the best of both worlds, using Progressive Web Apps with WordPress.You will learn about my experiences in building a Progressive Web App with WordPress, that earns a place on the user’s home screen, works offline and bring the user back with push notification.

02:00 UTC

Not Just Another WordPress Site!

Ian Labao

This talk will uncover the stigma that everyone thinks that WordPress is just a blogging platform or a basic CRM. We will try to uncover what else you can do with WordPress!

03:00 UTC

Think Like a Hacker and Secure WordPress

Stephen Rees-Carter

“What could I have done to avoid being hacked?” is a question you’ll often hear after a site is hacked. In some cases the answer is complicated, but a lot of the time it’s relatively simple and there are many checklists and guides online outlining the ways sites can be hacked, plus how to secure them. However, a lot of people learn better from seeing and doing than reading (often boring) checklists. So rather than look at checklists on slides for 30 minutes, we’re going to hack into WordPress instead!

04:00 UTC

Learn Something Useful Every Day

Brian Richards

How do you grow, both personally and professionally? It can almost seem overwhelming at times – all of the technologies, resources, and disparate and unrelated interests we have to learn about. We can simplify things, though. After I set forth with an intention to learn not just something new everyday, but something useful… well, that’s when everything changed.

In just fifteen minutes I will help you with a framework that you can use to learn something useful every day and make measurable growth in your own life.

04:15 UTC

Mid-Day Break (75min)

Grab a bite to eat, take a nap, catch up on email, or just relax.

05:30 UTC

How We Utilized Decoupled WordPress to Build a Mindfulness App

Aslam Multani

With growing popularity of APIs and Cross Platform integrations, Decoupled WordPress or Headless WordPress has started getting the attention these days. Developers are evaluating the advantages of decoupled approach websites and applications.

During the talk, we will go through a brief introduction of Decoupled WordPress and its different use cases. Along with that we will discuss real case study about how we utilised Decoupled WordPress to build a mindfulness app for one of our clients who is biggest technology consulting firm in the World.

06:30 UTC

Managing WordPress projects - the Agile way!

Biplab Subedi

The session will discuss how using Agile Project Management approach can help achieve smooth development of WordPress projects and products.

It will do so addressing the need for high quality value delivery to the costumers amid the high-level of uncertainties in our projects.

07:30 UTC

How Modern JavaScript Influences WordPress Development

Grzegorz (Greg) Ziółkowski

WordPress has always been recognized as a very welcoming platform for developers at any level of expertise. Introduced in WordPress core over a year ago, the block editor not only brought an entirely new editing experience for users, but it also redefined the way plugins and themes are developed.

In this talk, I want to present how the JavaScript ecosystem has flourished in recent years, creating a wide range of opportunities for contributors working on the Gutenberg project. At the same time, I want to explain many of the architectural decisions that have sought to make the transition as smooth as possible for those familiar with developing products and services based on WordPress.

08:30 UTC

Visual Perception & Memory: How to Win on the Web With Better Visual Communication

Piccia Neri

We all know that 3 seconds is all it takes to lose the attention of visitors to our web pages. But there’s hope yet! We can all win on the web by leveraging the brain’s strengths and limitations. An understanding of how the human brain processes visual information can greatly help us win our visitors over and keep them where we want them, instead of losing them to cyberspace.

09:30 UTC

Closing Remarks

Brian Richards

Stick around for some exciting announcements!

2425 March 2020

23:30 UTC

Meet & Greet

Join early and say hello!

23:45 UTC

Opening Remarks

Brian Richards

Take 15 minutes to learn about everything that is going on today and get to know your host.

00:00 UTC

Automating Your QA Through Visual Regression Testing

Carl Alberto

This will have an introduction to Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) in automating the QA process of visually comparing changes after a WordPress core, plugin, or theme update. This will utilize the new GitHub Actions for the CI/CD and BackstopJS to compare the difference after a change.

01:00 UTC

Complete WordPress Development Setup with GitHub Actions

Ahmad Bilal

Is GitHub the version control of your choice for WordPress Development? GitHub Actions publicly released last year can prove really handy for automation of all your software workflows and CI/CD. Moreover, they are much simpler to implement, so you can have a full-fledge GitHub development setup ready in no time. The talk will demonstrate a number of these actions and how to use them to improve your GitHub-WordPress workflows.

02:00 UTC

A Civil Engineer and WordPress Walk Into a Bar!

Maham Batool

Can you imagine Civil Engineers using WordPress? Sounds made up? Let me tell you how? I'll be talking about how WordPress helps me manage and maintain a content portfolio that receives an audience of more than 50,000 Civil Engineers and prospective clients across my country. I will walk you through the tools that WordPress offers for an entirely non-technical audience.

03:00 UTC

Fighting The Invisible Monster Within

Ajit Bohra

Mental illness is something that the majority of us tend to ignore & shy out from talking about it. With growing competition, fast-paced life & constant changes one is easily vulnerable to it. Being in tech makes us more vulnerable to mental illness where mental stress is more & physical activity is less.

The talk will shed light on different forms of mental illness/conditions one might find dragged into unknowingly. It will be about creating mental health awareness.

04:00 UTC

Creating Opportunity through Public Speaking

Brian Richards

Let's talk about talking. Specifically, let's talk about the art of public speaking.

Anyone has the capacity to become a compelling public speaker and, more importantly, public speaking has the capacity to produce outsized returns in your life, and the lives of those around you.

Let's talk about how you can become a public speaker and speak opportunity into existence.

04:15 UTC

Mid-Day Break (75min)

Grab a bite to eat, take a nap, catch up on email, or just relax.

05:30 UTC

How to Be A Kickass Digital Nomad With These 5 Hacks

Jitendra Vaswani

In this talk I am going to share how you can be effective digital nomad and travel the world without getting broke.

How to Make a decision and stick to it, How to find your inner passion & peace while traveling the world. Lastly how you can build your own community and stay connected.

06:30 UTC

Hardening WordPress is Like Driving a Vehicle

Chathu Vishwajith

After mastering the art of hardening WordPress on many client sites in Sri Lanka, I have come to the conclusion that hardening WordPress is a lot like driving a car. There are many serious security threats that target WordPress, but you don't need to be worried about them if you are prepared. Let's talk about where you should start and which areas need your attention, just as if you were learning to drive for the first time.

07:30 UTC

Information Architecture - How to Plan a Website Your Users Will Actually Want to Use!

Jo Minney

There are lots of myths around UX in the web industry, such as the well-known but inadequately supported ‘three-click rule.’ While efficiency is definitely important to your users, it’s much more critical that they can clearly and quickly find what they want without having to guess where the heck to go next.

Jo Minney is here to share with you her process for developing a sitemap that people will actually find useful based on evidence, and what you REALLY should be thinking about when planning a website.

08:30 UTC

Closing Remarks

Brian Richards

Stick around for some exciting announcements!

Kind Words about WordSesh

Hallway Track

No good conference is complete without the opportunity to chat and network with your peers. This year, WordSesh has multiple built-in opportunities for you to connect with other attendees, talk shop, swap notes, and make new friends from around the globe.


Event Swag

No, we won't have any stickers, pins, or t-shirts, but we will have plenty of useful gifts for every WordSesh attendee! We've made special arrangements with many awesome companies in the WordPress space to provide exclusive digital swag.

Watch Past Events

There have been so many great presentations on WordSesh that it would be criminal to make a list of favorites. Instead, here is just one recent session.

You can watch the recordings from all past WordSesh events on WPSessions.

WordSesh, a WPSessions Event

For the past seven years, WPSessions has been recruiting remarkable presenters to teach what they know.

WPSessions is home to more than 170 hours of exclusive content to help you write better code, find better clients, and deliver better projects.

If you're hungry for WordPress training, and one full day of WordSesh just isn't enough for you, WPSessions is ready feed that desire year-round.

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