We Won't Wait - ACTU Australian Unions

We Won't Wait


Domestic violence can happen to anyone. 800,000 women and 1 in 20 men will experience family or domestic violence this year.

To escape a violent relationship you have to take time off work.  Many of the services that support women and their children are only available during business hours.  Without paid leave, people experiencing violence simply don’t have time or resources to find a new, safe, place.

The We Won’t Wait campaign is calling on all political parties to support 10 days paid family and domestic violence leave to be included in the National Employment Standards.

Having economic independence and job security is critical to ensuring that any worker experiencing violence can take the steps they need to leave. 

Women need to know that their workplace is committed to supporting them through paid leave to speak out, seek help and take action if they are experiencing domestic violence.

Paid family and domestic violence leave will help save lives.


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Watch and share these videos

Paid domestic violence leave will save lives


We Won't Wait - Ged Kearney


Front-line workers support paid family and domestic violence leave




WE Won't Wait