Superannuation - ACTU Australian Unions


standupforsuper_logo.pngOver twenty five years ago unions won superannuation as a right for all Australian workers and set up Industry Super Funds to look after the retirement savings of their members.

Since their establishment, Industry Super Funds have gone from strength to strength while retaining their philosophy to maximise the superannuation of members. Today Industry Super Funds look after the needs of more than 5 million Australian workers — an achievement of which unions are rightly proud.

Types of super funds

There are a number of different types of funds with super funds falling into two broad categories:

  • All profit-to-member superannuation funds, for example Industry Funds; and
  • For-profit funds, for example retail funds run by the major commercial banks.  

The ACTU and Australian Unions support Industry Super Funds and all other profit-to-member funds. These funds continue to deliver to their members higher investment returns than for- profit funds while maintaining lower costs.

Features of Industry Funds

  • Run only to profit members, not shareholders.
  • Established by unions to give all workers the right to super.
  • Equal numbers of member or union elected representatives and employer representatives on trustee boards.
  • Lower average fees than retail funds
  • Don’t pay commissions to financial planners and accountants.
  • A history of strong long-term investment performance.
  • Focus on innovative investment options

More Super information

You can find out more information about:

  • Superannuation changes - Industry Super Australia, who represents 15 Industry Super Funds, has a summary of current and proposed changes to superannuation on their website.
  • Industry Super Funds by visiting
  • Finding lost superannuation - find lost super.
  • Superannuation and financial advice on our Financial Planning page
  • Superannuation campaign information and bargaining resources for unions by visiting
  • The annual ACTU Super Trustees Forum by visiting the ACTU's Events page

GET INVOLVED: find out how industry super funds are under threat from the Federal Government.

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