Australian Unions

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Questions at Work

Do I Get Paid Less Because I Come From Overseas?

ANONYMOUS I work on a plant farm. My friend at work is paid more than me. I asked my boss and he said it is because he is a citizen. Is this true?


I'm a Casual Worker But I Want to Be Made Permanent

Erinna asks:

I’ve been a casual here for nearly 3 years. Last year I asked my manager if I could be made permanent  They said they’d think about it but although I’ve asked a couple of times since I haven’t heard anything back. I don’t understand why not as I work pretty much the same shifts every week. It’s really important to me as my partner and I are saving for a house deposit and I probably won’t get a loan if I’m casual. Is there anything I can do?

Member Benefits News

Member Benefits Update March 2020

In the March edition of your Member Benefits Update find out about what's happening in your state for International Women's Day, learn what drives women's financial decisions, there's a great deal for union members on health insurance.  The Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA raffle is back for 2020, we have two terrific DVDs from Madman Entertainment to give away plus there's our FREE footy tipping competitions for union members to join!