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Updated March 20, 2020 - 6:16 PM EDT
Trump Nixed Calls to Attack Iran, Citing COVID19
  Coronavirus: Iran Official Says One Person Dies 'Every Ten Minutes'
US Military Plans Martial Law If Necessary
  California Governor Issues Statewide 'Stay-At-Home' Order
  California Governor Ready for Martial Law, if Necessary
Coronavirus Forces Pentagon to Limit Operations
  Navy Struggles With Coronavirus in Trying to Keep Ships Active
  National Guard Chief: Don't Federalize Us to Fight the Coronavirus
Dozens of Afghan Troops Killed in Insider Attack
Philippines Ceasefire Declared to Fight Coronavirus
US Suspends Iraq Training Over Coronavirus Fears
Israel Debates 'Total Suspension of Individual Freedom'
item The Coronavirus Is Killing Iranians. So Are Trump's Brutal Sanctions  by Mehdi Hasan
item A Cornerstone of 'Russia Hacked the 2016 Election' Collapses  by Larry C. Johnson
item Surprise! The Army Is Now Using ISIS as an Excuse to Stay in Africa  by Daniel L. Davis
item America's Commandos Deployed to 141 Countries  by Nick Turse
item Putin and Other 'Irreplaceable People'  by Gilbert Doctorow
item US Drone Assassinations Continue Despite German Effort to Restrict Them  by Patrick Maynard

More Viewpoints

Tulsi Gabbard Quits US Presidential Race and Endorses Joe Biden
Scripps Research Institute: Covid-19 Coronavirus Epidemic Has Natural Origin
Nikki Haley Resigns From Boeing Board Over Airlines Bailout
NATO Scales Down Exercises Due to COVID19
The War at Home
Chairman of Senate Intelligence Committee, Sold Off Significant Amount of Stock a Week Before Market Crash Started: Report
Sen. Kelly Loeffler Dumped Millions in Stock After Coronavirus Briefing
Coronavirus Bailouts: Trump Would Consider Federal Equity Stakes in Companies
From a Trickle to a Steady Flow: Coronavirus Caseload Tests US Military
Democrats Introduce Bill to Send Coronavirus Tests to US Troops in Middle East
130 House Members Want 24% More F-35s Procured in FY21
The Pentagon Has Sent a New Legislative Proposal on the Space Force to Congress
US Army Chief: How COVID-19 Will Impact Modernization Is a Wait-and-See Situation
Pakistani Doctor Arrested in Minnesota on Terrorism Charge
White House Scraps G-7 Summit in Favor of Videoconference Due to Coronavirus
US Suspends Afghanistan Deployments
Afghan Forces Ramp Up Defense Options as Taliban Attacks Continue
Former Chief of Australian Defense 'Shocked' at Video of SAS Soldier Killing Unarmed Afghan Man
Australian Soldier Suspended After Alleged Killing of Unarmed Afghans
A Summary of the Afghan Peace Process
Afghan Govt Expels Two Iranian Diplomats
Afghan Violence Tallied on Eve of Persian New Year
Three Afghan Security Force Members Killed in Kunduz
India's PM Modi Orders One-Day Nationwide Curfew to Combat Virus
India Locks Down Disputed Kashmir Region After First Coronavirus
Coronavirus: Wuhan Police Apologize to Family of Whistle-Blowing Doctor Li Wenliang
Indonesia Halts Muslim Pilgrimage, Begins Quarantining 9,000
Vietnam Military Increasing Isolation Housing to 60,000 Beds
Libya Official Says Five Women Killed in Shelling Near Tripoli
UN Condemns Libya Shelling Deaths After Coronavirus Truce Plea
Militant Attack Kills 29 Malian Soldiers
Egypt Arrests Activists Demanding Prisoners Are Freed Amid Virus
Algeria Set to Suspend Public Transport, Close Cafes and Restaurants
US-Mexico Border Restrictions Expected as Coronavirus Spreads
Turkey Says Two Soldiers Killed in Syria's Idlib in Attack by 'Radical Groups'
Iraq Daily Roundup: Two Killed; Mortar Attacks in the North
The Sadrist Movement Warns Iraqi PM Designate: We Will Not Pass Your Government
Iraqi Forces Assume Full Control of Military Base in Anbar Province
Coronavirus: Iran Slams Saudi Arabia and Its Allies for Blocking NAM Statement on US Sanctions
Iran Grants Medical Furlough to Imprisoned US Navy Veteran Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
Iran's Death Toll From Coronavirus Rises to 1,284
US Blacklists Five UAE-Based Companies for Doing Business With Iran
Netanyahu Accused of Dictatorship Amid Coronavirus Crisis
Israel's Mossad Acquires 100,000 'Unusable' Coronavirus Test Kits
Netanyahu Tells Israelis: Now It's an Order – You Must Stay at Home
Four Palestinians in Israeli Prison Have Allegedly Contracted Coronavirus: Group
Palestinian Groups Accuse Israel of Neglecting Palestinian Prisoners Amid Fears of Coronavirus Spreading Among Detainees
Palestinians Defy Leaders' Health Crisis Ban on Work in Settlements
Palestinian Structures Destroyed by Israeli Forces Near Jerusalem
Saudi Arabia
Trump Says He Will Enter Saudi-Russia Oil Fray at Appropriate Time
Saudi Arabia Suspends Prayers in the Arenas Outside Mecca, Medina Holy Mosques
Oil War, Virus Plight Force $13.3 Billion in Saudi Spending Cuts
Middle East
Turkey Sent 500,000 Coronavirus Test Kits to US: Health Minister
Houthi Attack Kills Two Soldiers in Northeastern Yemen
US Military Helicopter 'Smuggles' Israel Collaborator Amer Fakhoury Out of Beirut Embassy Despite Travel Ban
UK Puts Military on Standby, Queen Addresses Anxious Nation
Russian Opposition Leader Urges Constitution Vote Boycott
Covid-19 Dampens European Exercise, but US Army Chief Says All Is Not Lost
Kosovars Bang Pots From Balconies to Protest Political Crisis
Coronavirus: Germany Plans to Mobilize Military Reservists
France's No.1 Police Union Threatens Walkout Over Coronavirus Protection
Hungary to Deploy Military Personnel to 140 State Companies During Pandemic
Turkish Cypriots Postpone Election Over Coronavirus
Read more

Justin Raimondo
The FBI vs.

Maj. Danny Sjursen, USA (ret.)
The One Thing Corona Won't Halt: Endless War

Daniel Lazare
Saudi Arabia: The Crown Prince in His Labyrinth

Dave DeCamp
The Forgotten Epidemic: Cholera in Yemen

Ted Snider
Quieter and Quieter: The Evolution of Latin America's Silent Coups

Scott Horton
The New Cold War With Russia Is All America’s Fault

Sheldon Richman
The Nonintervention Principle

David R. Henderson
Silent Night

Lucy Steigerwald
George W. Bush Is Not Your Republican Friend With Whom You Respectfully Disagree

Ran HaCohen
Jerusalem, the Capital of Apartheid

Additional Contributors
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