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Taking our understanding and awareness of the world further for more than 130 years

Se unió en noviembre de 2008


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    This we'll be celebrating a different female explorer—both historic and modern—behind National Geographic who have unearthed ancient civilizations, broke records, mapped mountains, and more. Follow this thread as we salute them here:

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  2. Buried on a bed of antlers and adorned with ornaments, this woman was a special member of her community—but why?

  3. One continuous population might have survived the fallout from Toba—the largest volcanic blast in the last two million years

  4. Nothing in the wild goes to waste—not even a footprint

  5. Women over the centuries, scholars now understand, have both fought in battle and led whole armies

  6. These are Texas horned lizards—and they can shoot blood from their eyes

  7. "Women learn weakness. We can also unlearn it."

  8. Women-focused travel companies have existed on the fringes of the tourism industry since the late 1970s—now the niche has hit the mainstream

  9. When reviewing the history of medieval Europe, no woman stands out as much as Eleanor of Aquitaine

  10. From desert chroniclers to Arctic explorers, these women explorers made their mark on the world

  11. More than a century ago, the holiday was created by socialist movement leaders impatient for equality for women

  12. Mostrar este hilo
  13. The pictures in this archive are often beautiful, sometimes funny or sad or even shocking—but they are reflective of the prejudices and practices of the times

  14. For four years, Caligula drained Rome’s treasury and mocked the Senate—until those sworn to protect him plotted his death

  15. Groundwater is the hidden scaffold propping up much of modern life. But by 2050, thousands of rivers and streams worldwide could pass a critical ecological threshold

  16. Stroll along waterfront promenades, journey by train through romantic Alpine countrysides, and soak up the splendor of this historic city

  17. Winemakers in Europe kept careful records of harvest dates stretching back in some cases to the Middle Ages. Together, they offer a glimpse into how the climate has changed over time

  18. An earwig's wings expand to 10 times or more their size during flight—and lock without the use of muscles

  19. Spring marks many changes: warmer weather, longer days—and for many people in the U.S., the start of daylight saving time

  20. This baby elephant was born prematurely and had to be transported—via helicopter—to receive proper care

  21. Scientists have spotted cellular structures—and a substance that behaves like DNA—in cartilage more than 70 million years old


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