Do more. More Naturally.

Kolbe is the only program that understands and builds on your instinctive strengths. Understanding your core self can unlock productivity and joy for yourself, at work and with your family.

Help me discover...

  • how to hire the right people.

    There’s more to being successful than charm and intelligence. Only Kolbe RightFit™ software identifies what a job demands and whether a candidate’s instinctive approach is likely to make them successful.

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  • My instinctive self.

    Uncover the natural, instinctive strengths that explain how you take action. The Kolbe A™ Index will help you understand your conative attributes and set you on a path to joyfully tackle the challenges in your personal and professional life.

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  • The secret to a more productive business.

    Activate the innate strengths that make you and the people you work with productive. Kolbe unlocks conative attributes to allow for better communication, more effective structures and unprecedented team performance.

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  • The path to even better relationships.

    Learn how to trust your instincts and avoid stress over simple differences. The Kolbe System™ and our Takes Two® program provides powerful insight into your relationship and reveals unknown truths about your partner and even yourself.

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  • Thriving kids and parenting.

    The Kolbe System™ educates you on your strengths and builds bridges that you and your family can use to communicate more effectively, show more support and achieve the goals that you have set in place for yourself and your family.

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The Conative Mind

Scientists throughout history agree that there are three parts of your mind. Kolbe looks beyond intelligence and emotions to identify your innate approach to taking action. This is the conative mind and it is Kolbe’s mission to show everyone what drives their success. Discover the key to achieving — with less stress and more joy.

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cognitive layer of the mind affective layer of the mind conative layer of the mind
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