Dyne.orgAkun terverifikasi


Think &do tank, non-profit software house, stewards of digital commons. ✉info@dyne.org

Bergabung September 2012


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  1. Tweet Sematan
    22 Jan

    Public institutions should facilitate the transparency of processes rather than enforce secrecy and surveillance; facilitate the understanding of algorithmic rules; facilitate participation and inclusion; empower people to appeal algorithmic decisions

  2. 1 Agu

    The Society for Social Studies of Science: Unintended by Design: On the Political Uses of “Unintended Consequences”

  3. 1 Agu

    The Society for Social Studies of Science: Sticks, Stones, and the Secular Bones of Indian Democracy

  4. 31 Jul

    /tmp/lab: Kubernetes Security tech session [Upcoming]

  5. me-Retweet
    29 Jul

    "Maar het maakt duidelijk dat een smartphone-app niet de enige oplossing is. Als je het concept van zo’n gespecialiseerd apparaatje met het gebruik van DP-3T combineert zoals in het proof-of-concept van , heb je het beste van twee werelden."

  6. me-Retweet
    27 Jul

    This approach to adding a GUI to WSL looks interesting: a script that adds xRDP support to the Windows Store Debian image, converting it to KDE on Devuan (spotted on Reddit)

  7. 29 Jul

    Zero Days: Studi legali, professioni, marketing e tecnologie in tempo di crisi: un dialogo con Paola Parigi

  8. 27 Jul

    Zero Days: La sanzione a Wind Tre da (circa) 17 milioni di Euro e il consenso nel marketing per il GDPR e il Garante

  9. me-Retweet
    26 Jul

    REFLOW members will discuss the potential of and in accelerating the transition to . The workshop will be on Monday June 27th, 19:00h - 20:30h (CEST) and is free for all. Sign up now 👇

    Tampilkan utas ini
  10. 25 Jul

    Vlax: ● NEWS ● ☞ Mexico's new puts human...

  11. 25 Jul

    Maemo Leste video channel: Maemo Leste on the Motorola Droid 4, with PowerVR (mostly working)

  12. 25 Jul

    Data Knightmare (Italian podcast): DK 4x42 - AgID e cloud nazionale e europeo - FINALE DI STAGIONE

  13. 24 Jul

    Maemo Leste video channel: Hildon Application Manager working on Maemo Leste

  14. 22 Jul

    . we can't both be right.: webshit weekly

  15. 21 Jul

    Classic Programmer Paintings: “Engineers remove dead code after dropping a feature...

  16. 21 Jul

    Sakrecoer: House Of Me

  17. me-Retweet
    20 Jul

    The code/algorithm motif came from a 2018 short interview with — motivated by your work, too — — so the inspiration is mutual. :D

  18. 15 Jul

    . we can't both be right.: webshit weekly

  19. 15 Jul

    Data Knightmare (Italian podcast): DK 4x40 - Attraverso il deserto

  20. 10 Jul

    Using ? want to switch it to a shell script a little quick? check out 🤟

  21. 9 Jul

    Data Knightmare (Italian podcast): DK 4x39 - Governare per algoritmi?


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