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Health & wellness

Milk and juice are not as needed in our diets as you might think

Milk and juice are not as needed in our diets as you might think

In truth, there's not much of a health case to drink any beverage after the age of two, except for one.

  • by Aaron E. Carroll


Choose a window seat: Protecting yourself from infection on a plane
Coronavirus outbreak

Choose a window seat: Protecting yourself from infection on a plane

Major airlines say they clean their planes to varying degrees between flights, but with coronavirus spreading around the world, here's how you can disinfect your space on a plane.

  • by Tariro Mzezewa
'Helping no one': The role we all play in the obesity epidemic
Body language

'Helping no one': The role we all play in the obesity epidemic

Blaming individuals for finding themselves stuck in a spiral is as futile as it is short-sighted.

  • by Sarah Berry
Confused about what you should be eating? You don't need to be

Confused about what you should be eating? You don't need to be

Eating healthy may not be easy, but it is fundamentally simple if you remember the one basis of good nutrition.

  • by Sarah Berry
Car seat for child fails during crash test
Road safety

Car seat for child fails during crash test

It’s the first time a dummy has been ejected during testing in the Child Restraint Evaluation Program’s (CREP) history.

Hand sanitiser or soap: What's better to protect against coronavirus?
Coronavirus outbreak

Hand sanitiser or soap: What's better to protect against coronavirus?

As coronavirus panic spreads, we are being told we must wash our hands more thoroughly and regularly. But what's better between hand sanitiser or regular soap and water?

  • by Sarah Berry
When the coronapocalypse is over, I’m never washing my hands again

When the coronapocalypse is over, I’m never washing my hands again

I’ve washed them so many thousands of times the last few days that I have scrubbed off every loop and whorl of my fingerprints and clogged up every pore with soap.

  • by John Birmingham
Are you worried about coronavirus?
Coronavirus outbreak

Are you worried about coronavirus?

People on the streets of Chatswood share their concerns about coronavirus.

Hello 'foot-shake'? The new rules of etiquette in a time of coronavirus
Coronavirus outbreak

Hello 'foot-shake'? The new rules of etiquette in a time of coronavirus

France and Italy are cautioning against kisses on the cheek, Germany is ditching the hand-shake and the WHO recommends trying the "foot-shake". With the spread of the coronavirus, the ritual of greeting others is changing.

  • by Sophie Aubrey
The power of calm: Elizabeth Gilbert's steps for 'radical' relaxation
Women's health

The power of calm: Elizabeth Gilbert's steps for 'radical' relaxation

Bestselling author Elizabeth Gilbert argues that even when we have good reasons to be stressed, we need to make the radical decision to try to relax. She shares her three steps.

  • by Kasey Edwards
The FODMAP diet is everywhere, but experts warn it's not for weight loss

The FODMAP diet is everywhere, but experts warn it's not for weight loss

While weight loss may occur with the FODMAP diet, strictly following the diet long-term could lead to adverse consequences.

  • by Jane Varney