Costello warns against relying on rate cuts to spur economy

Costello warns against relying on rate cuts to spur economy

Future Fund chief executive Peter Costello has warned against relying on rate cuts to stimulate the economy, claiming further cuts will fail to encourage investors to take out loans and may even drive consumer confidence backwards.

The Reserve Bank of Australia cut the official interest rate by a quarter of a percentage point yesterday to a fresh record low of 0.5 per cent as it attempts to shield the economy from the financial fallout of the coronavirus. The virus has sent markets into freefall and forced the business world to re-examine its reliance on China.

Mr Costello, speaking at finance forum in Sydney on Wednesday, said unlike fiscal policy that has to go through parliament, adjusting the cash rate was a faster and easier policy option but cautioned against relying on it to grow the economy.

Peter Costello identified digital disruption as one of the long-term drivers that will shape the world.

Peter Costello identified digital disruption as one of the long-term drivers that will shape the world.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

“Monetary policy is the easiest lever to pull because you don’t have to pass a law, you don’t have to do anything, you just announce,” Mr Costello said. “You just put out a statement and bang, the market moves .... but it is running out of efficacy”.


“The trouble is there ain't much leverage left ... if we were at 6 per cent you could cut rates by 2 per cent and have a real effect."

America’s central bank slashed interest rates by 50 basis points this week in an emergency response to the coronavirus following warnings the economic slowdown could tip countries into recession. Mr Costello said the cuts failed to stem the free-fall in the market, as stocks and bond yield tumbled following the announcement.

“In the US, after the rate cut, the market went down. The sentiment was ‘gee this must be worse than we thought’,” Mr Costello said.

The former treasurer encouraged a focus on making changes to structural aspects of the economy, including a reformed tax system and winding back regulation. Mr Costello said the banking royal commission had led to a spike in red tape.

“I’m not here to defend the banks, they had bad practices, they should have been exposed. No doubt about it.


“But some of these laws are making it much, much harder to advance credit and the costs of advancing credit are greater … This is a bit of a restraint of the Australian economy.

“We’ve got to be very, very careful here that bad conduct, rightly condemned, doesn’t lead to over-regulation.”

In a keynote speech to the Australian Governance Summit in Sydney on Tuesday, former Wesfarmers chief executive Richard Goyder lamented the impact regulation on business investment. "Calculated risk-taking is what drives investment, generates returns, supports growth and delivers breakthrough and right now risk-taking is at risk of becoming a dirty phrase, it is at risk of being stifled by regulation," Mr Goyder said.

Mr Costello, who is also chairman of Nine Entertainment which owns this masthead, encouraged a pivot in public debate from coronavirus to long-term drivers that will shape the world. He identified the rise of China, ageing populations, climate change and digital disruption.

“Digital disruption has got a long way to run. I’m in the media and we’re at the forefront of digital disruption. We’re seeing it every day," he said.

“These days, every person with a phone is a reporter,” Mr Costello said. “You don’t need to convince an editor to put the thing up, you just put it up on your Insta page or Facebook page.”

Mr Costello’s speech comes as news wire service AAP announced yesterday it would shut down in June following rising competition from digital giants and a declining willingness of consumers to pay for news.

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