South America | Latest News & Analysis | Brisbane Times


South America

'Let the homeland grow!': Maduro urges Venezuelans to have 6 children

'Let the homeland grow!': Maduro urges Venezuelans to have 6 children

The country's economic collapse, coupled with its deep political divisions, has led more than 4.5 million Venezuelans to emigrate since 2015.


Fake Bolsonaro shows up to presser in place of Brazilian President
Press freedom

Fake Bolsonaro shows up to presser in place of Brazilian President

Journalists were expecting the real Bolsonaro to answer questions about new figures showing a worsening economy, but he sent in a comedian.

  • by Gabriel Stargardter
Captain murdered on oil tanker off Venezuela

Captain murdered on oil tanker off Venezuela

A coast guard sergeant guarding the ship was also injured. Locals blame pirates.

  • by Deisy Buitrago and Marianna Parraga
Pablo Escobar's hippo collection turns into a massive problem

Pablo Escobar's hippo collection turns into a massive problem

The rapid growth in numbers of the massive, dangerous animals has authorities worried.

Brazilian oil workers in massive strike over Petrobras

Brazilian oil workers in massive strike over Petrobras

The country may have to start importing fuel if more than 21,000 strikers don't go back to work soon, analysts say.

Venezuelan officials arrest opposition leader's uncle
Venezuela crisis

Venezuelan officials arrest opposition leader's uncle

Juan Guaido accused Nicolas Maduro of using his uncle, to threaten him as he returned from an international tour rallying support to topple the president.

Brazil to send forces in to fight deforestation
Amazon forest fires

Brazil to send forces in to fight deforestation

Police with special military-style training to support environmental agency Ibama and avoid a repeat of last year's environmental disaster.

  • by Ricardo Brito
Ecuadorian children race llamas to save national park

Ecuadorian children race llamas to save national park

The park is famed for dramatic Andean vistas. The race, whose youngest rider was not even three years old, took place at altitudes nearing 4500 metres.

Russia accuses US of 'provocations' in Venezuela
Venezuela crisis

Russia accuses US of 'provocations' in Venezuela

A high-profile visit to the US by Venezuela's self-appointed interim president Juan Guaido appears to have roiled Russia.

  • by Marianna Parraga
Outcry as ex-missionary made protector of isolated tribes
Indigenous culture

Outcry as ex-missionary made protector of isolated tribes

Ricardo Dias worked for several years for a US missionary group that sought to establish a Christian church in every indigenous community in Brazil.

  • by Ernesto Londoño and Letícia Casado
Illegal logger shot dead in northern Brazil raid
Amazon forest fires

Illegal logger shot dead in northern Brazil raid

A man has died during a raid to fight illegal deforestation in the northern Brazilian state of Roraima.

  • by Tatiana Bautzer