Cut through on Facebook

Place your listings into the Facebook newsfeed of buyers who are actively searching and enquiring on properties in your vendor’s area. You'll get more views, enquiries and engagement, meaning more competition and a faster sale.

Reach the right buyers at the right time

Target property seekers looking to buy a property within your vendor’s suburb, using Domain search and enquiry insights.

Reach people located within your vendor’s suburb and surrounding areas using Facebook’s large audience.

Stand out to national and international Facebook users who have searched for properties in your vendor’s suburb.

Be seen

Ensure your listings are viewed by local, national and international buyers.


of Domain sale enquiries come from out-of-area¹


of all views to sales listings are from interstate or overseas²

Explore other digital listing add ons

Dream Homes

Source: 1. Domain Group internal data, Mar 2019 (based on postcode data, excludes international enquiries). 2. People searching for properties in different state from their location or overseas, sourced via Google Analytics, desktop and mobile web (excl. Apps), Mar 2019.