It's the ultimate kind of listing

Imagine popping up when someone is searching not just for any home, but their dream home. Domain Dream Homes are featured on our homepage and across some of Australia's leading news sites, as well as our extensive Nine Network.

Cast your net wider

Want to connect with a larger audience? We’ll go a step further and make sure your listing is seen by those property seekers who are only searching on Domain for their dream home.


Australians visit Domain per month¹


Australians only use and don't visit the nearest competitor²


Australians access the Domain Dream Homes network³

Millions of Australians are searching now for their dream home

Leverage Domain’s extensive and exclusive audience and feature your listing on Domain’s homepage.

Go beyond search to connect with Dream Home seekers

Tap into audiences across our Dream Homes network including,, and, and get your listings in front of more people. The bigger the audience, the better.

Your dream home on Nine

With 1.1m Australians intending to buy property in the next 12 months4, make sure your listing is seen. Our Nine partnership will place your Dream Home listing on your state homepage of and

Explore other digital listing add ons

Social Boost

Source: 1. Nielsen Digital Content Ratings (Monthly Total), Unique Audience, Mar 2019, P2+, PC, Smartphone and Tablet, Text. 2. users who don’t use, emma™ conducted by Ipsos Australia, People 14+ for the 12 months ending Mar 2019, 14+ Nielsen Digital Panel data calibrated to Digital Content Ratings Mar 2019. 3. emma™ conducted by Ipsos Australia, People 14+ for the 12 months ending Mar 2019, 14+ Nielsen Digital Panel data calibrated to Digital Content Ratings Mar 2019. Includes Domain and the Dream Homes partnership network including the Nine digital metro mastheads, and 4. Intention to buy property in the next 12 months, emma™ conducted by Ipsos Australia, People 14+ for the 12 months ending Mar 2019, 14+ Nielsen Digital Panel data calibrated to Digital Content Ratings Mar 2019. Includes audience across total Domain print and digital, Domain Review, Allhomes, in The Canberra Times.