Super & retirement | News, Advice & Guides | The Age


Super & retirement

Weigh up the true value of a home loan to a family member

Weigh up the true value of a home loan to a family member

What appears on paper to be generous offer may become problematic if the family does not have enough after-tax income after the payments to enjoy life.

  • by George Cochrane


Baked beans are out, overseas travel is in: changing expectations of retirement
Retirement living

Baked beans are out, overseas travel is in: changing expectations of retirement

Today’s retirees are richer than any previous generation.

  • by Jessica Irvine
Keep calm and save on: super funds urge members not to panic
Coronavirus outbreak

Keep calm and save on: super funds urge members not to panic

Sharemarkets are in tumoil as coronavirus fears grow but superannuation fund members should resist any temptation to switch to more-conservative investment options that risk leaving them worse off in the long run

  • by John Collett
The case for and against compulsory 12 per cent super

The case for and against compulsory 12 per cent super

The debate is about whether the employer contribution should be capped at 9.5 per cent of salary.

  • by Noel Whittaker
Calculating value of a home for aged care, pension purposes
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Calculating value of a home for aged care, pension purposes

There are two different assessments with complex rules

  • by Noel Whittaker
Elderly people at risk of homelessness when 'granny flat' agreements fail
Retirement living

Elderly people at risk of homelessness when 'granny flat' agreements fail

Family care arrangements where elderly parents give their assets to adult children in exchange for accommodation are becoming more common, sometimes with dire consequences.

  • by Caitlin Fitzsimmons
There are only limited opportunities to defer capital gains tax
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There are only limited opportunities to defer capital gains tax

Don’t even think about buying another investment property without first doing your sums with a well-informed tax expert

  • by George Cochrane
A 'living separately and apart' option can have significant benefits
Aged care

A 'living separately and apart' option can have significant benefits

Key to meeting the criteria is the care needs of at least one member of a couple, meaning that they are both physically separated and are no longer able to participate in a couple relationship.

  • by Rachel Lane
Understanding the complex rules of SMSF direct property investment

Understanding the complex rules of SMSF direct property investment

SMSF specialist expert advice should always be obtained when a fund acquires an interest in direct property.

  • by John Maroney
Scale, efficiencies 'put downward pressure on super fees'

Scale, efficiencies 'put downward pressure on super fees'

AustralianSuper introduces a small levy to cover the cost of a fee cap on low account balances, but it may not translate into across-the-board hikes.

  • by Emily Chantiri
Giving to children sooner, rather than later, can be a good idea
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Giving to children sooner, rather than later, can be a good idea

You can have the enjoyment of watching them use the money as well as setting them up for financial independence.

  • by Noel Whittaker