Economy | Australian, regional and global economic News | The Age


The economy

Trump’s economic cheerleading faces a huge test

Trump’s economic cheerleading faces a huge test

It's easy to work out why Trump has played down economic damage from the coronavirus and dismissed Wall Street plunge - they threaten to undermine the most effective story he tells about his presidency.

  • by Jim Tankersley and Ben Casselman


The double whammy that threatens the global economy
Coronavirus outbreak

The double whammy that threatens the global economy

Coronavirus coupled with inflation may be the perfect storm that destroys growth around the world.

  • by Russell Lynch
IMF chief says coronavirus has wiped out hopes for stronger economic growth in 2020
Coronavirus outbreak

IMF chief says coronavirus has wiped out hopes for stronger economic growth in 2020

IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva says it's hard to know just how hard the global economy will be hit by the coronavirus.

  • by David Lawder and Andrea Shalal
Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow the virus won't get you
Coronavirus outbreak

Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow the virus won't get you

Crazed by an overexcited world media, Aussies have gone into panic mode well before the threat has materialised.

  • by Ross Gittins
We are facing a global recession and central banks may not be able to come to the rescue this time
Coronavirus outbreak

We are facing a global recession and central banks may not be able to come to the rescue this time

In 2008, responding to the financial crisis, central banks helped avoid a Depression. Their ability to limit the economic fallout from the coronavirus is more limited.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
Sydney's median house price back over $1 million as interest rate cut looms
Sydney house prices

Sydney's median house price back over $1 million as interest rate cut looms

Sydney and Melbourne house prices surged in February with double-digit annual growth putting the capital cities on track to outstrip the peak of the 2017 property boom.

  • by Jennifer Duke
Twin shocks to hit the NSW economy hard
Coronavirus outbreak

Twin shocks to hit the NSW economy hard

The coronavirus and bushfire emergencies could cut economic growth in NSW to the slowest rate in nearly three decades

  • by Matt Wade
Productivity problem? Start at the bottom, not the top

Productivity problem? Start at the bottom, not the top

No one ever imagines the problem with Australia's productivity might be something the nation’s businesses have been failing to do.

  • by Ross Gittins
Despite neglect at the top, we're muddling towards low-carbon electricity

Despite neglect at the top, we're muddling towards low-carbon electricity

We are making the shift to renewables but don’t imagine we’re doing anything like enough.

  • by Ross Gittins
Why the coronavirus could have an upside for the WA economy
Property development

Why the coronavirus could have an upside for the WA economy

Finbar managing director Darren Pateman said despite ongoing global uncertainty he predicted Perth could benefit in the long run.

  • by Hamish Hastie
Investors say price ruling puts clean energy projects at risk

Investors say price ruling puts clean energy projects at risk

The energy market rulemaker has angered some of Australia's biggest wind and solar farm owners after rejecting their plea to reset network charges.

  • by Mike Foley and Nick Toscano