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Arena journal no.37/38

2012: Stolen Lands, Broken Cultures: The Settler-Colonial Present

Published: 2 Sep 2012

ARENA journal

Number Thirty-Seven/Eight, 2012



Why Settler Colonialism? John Hinkson 1


History, Time and the Indigenist Critique Edward Cavanagh 116
The Vanishing Endpoint of Settler Colonialism Elizabeth Strakosch and Alissa Macoun 40
Seven Generations Behind: Representing Native Nations Sarah Maddison 63


Embodying the Australian Nation and Silencing History Mary O’Dowd 88
The Colour Lines of Settler Colonialism Gaia Giuliani 105
More than Preserving a Polynesian Paradise Hokulani K. Aikau 129
Spaces Unsettling Conceptions of Wilderness and Nature Alice Robinson and Dan Tout 153
Settlercolonial Landscapes and Narratives of Possession Tracey Banivanua Mar 176
A Settlercolonial Consensus on the Northern Territory Intervention Melissa Lovell 199
Reclaiming the Northern Territory as a Settlercolonial Space Deirdre Howard-Wagner 220

Palestine: Past and Present

Orientalism and Zionism: Dismantling Leon Uris’s Exodus John Docker 241
New Jews for Old: Settler State Formation and the Impossibility of Zionism Patrick Wolfe 285


Settler Colonialism: A Global and a Contemporary Phenomenon Lorenzo Veracini 322

Notes on Contributors