The past few months have been hot, dry and fiery, but there's some rain in the forecast for drought-ravaged regions this week.
Topics: weather, drought, floods, rainfall, human-interest, australia, adelaide-5000, melbourne-3000, hobart-7000, sydney-2000, brisbane-4000, darwin-0800, perth-6000, act, nsw, qld, nt, sa, tas, vic, wa
| UpdatedTributes are flowing for a 78-year-old man who died from coronavirus in Perth, with James Kwan described as a "true gentleman" and a pioneer in WA's tourism industry.
Topics: health, infectious-diseases-other, diseases-and-disorders, respiratory-diseases, travel-and-tourism, travel-health-and-safety, perth-6000, wa, australia, china
| UpdatedA Defence official says the Xiang Yang Hong 01 was "undoubtedly" mapping waters regularly used by Australian submarines heading to and from the strategically important South China Sea.
Topics: government-and-politics, defence-and-national-security, defence-industry, defence-forces, world-politics, australia, china, wa
| UpdatedMore than 100,000 people line a major road through Perth in a one-off tribute to AC/DC and the late Bon Scott, but only after setting a new world record.
Topics: music, events, road-transport, perth-6000, wa
| UpdatedAn elderly Perth man who spent time on board the Diamond Princess cruise ship becomes the first Australian to die after contracting coronavirus — which the AMA has likened to the deadly Spanish flu.
Topics: health, infectious-diseases-other, perth-6000, wa
| UpdatedVinyl records are set to generate more revenue for the Australian music industry than CDs this year, but it appears to have nothing to do with how the music actually sounds.
Topics: music, music-industry, engineering, popular-culture, community-and-society, perth-6000, wa
| UpdatedAn ancient seabed in Western Australia's north-west is proving to be one of the richest sites to find fossils of giant creatures that roamed the ocean until 3.5 million years ago.
Topics: palaeontology, library-museum-and-gallery, fossils, shark, national-parks, marine-biology, science-and-technology, human-interest, perth-6000, exmouth-6707, cape-range-national-park-6707, wa
Three months into the marathon trial of the accused Claremont serial killer, it's been difficult to get a sense of what the defence case will be. But Paul Yovich has just landed his first major blow.
Topics: murder-and-manslaughter, law-crime-and-justice, courts-and-trials, perth-6000, wa, claremont-6010
Mark McGowan has worked hard to portray his Government as the model of political stability, but the resignation of his Treasurer could strain tensions, writes Jacob Kagi.
Topics: state-parliament, states-and-territories, government-and-politics, alp, perth-6000, wa
Sex ed isn't compulsory in Queensland's state schools, but in NSW, kids start learning about consent in kindergarten — a year before children in NT, WA or Tasmania. How do schools near you teach kids about sexual consent?
Topics: education, university-and-further-education, community-and-society, health, law-crime-and-justice, sexual-offences, diseases-and-disorders, sexual-health, australia, nt, nsw, qld, sa, act, tas, vic, wa
Topics: government-and-politics, industrial-relations, unions, prisons-and-punishment, law-crime-and-justice, wa, perth-6000
| UpdatedJason Burton has been in and out of Western Australia's prison system for 15 years and says he's never seen conditions so bad, with staff under pressure and a rise in violence among inmates.
Topics: prisons-and-punishment, occupational-health-and-safety, unions, workplace, community-and-society, law-crime-and-justice, human-interest, wa, perth-6000, bunbury-6230, kalgoorlie-6430, coolgardie-6429
| UpdatedThe store's owner says the shirt is a joke, but domestic violence advocates have branded it a "hate crime message" in the wake of the death of a mother and three children.
Topics: domestic-violence, perth-6000, wa, mandurah-6210
| UpdatedLawn lovers across south-east Queensland are waking up horrified by the sight of their once-green grass turning brown almost overnight.
Topics: gardening, pests-diseases-and-control-methods, pests---horticulture, landscape-gardening, invertebrates---insects-and-arachnids, leaf-eating-insects, animal-science, horticulture, lifestyle-and-leisure, human-interest, maroochydore-4558, brisbane-4000, palmwoods-4555, bokarina-4575, yaroomba-4573, yandina-4561, gympie-4570, peregian-beach-4573, nambour-4560, australia, act, nsw, nt, qld, sa, tas, vic, wa
| UpdatedThe Claremont serial killings trial is told crucial forensic evidence handled by PathWest was contaminated by DNA from other investigations and from its own scientists.
Topics: murder-and-manslaughter, law-crime-and-justice, courts-and-trials, perth-6000, wa, claremont-6010
| UpdatedThe second case of coronavirus is confirmed in Western Australia, in a woman evacuated from the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan.
Topics: infectious-diseases-other, perth-6000, wa
| UpdatedPerth residents have been left bewildered this week as ferocious storms have appeared seemingly out of nowhere, causing widespread destruction in a matter of minutes. So what is behind it?
Topics: weather, storm-event, perth-6000, bencubbin-6477, wa
| UpdatedA Perth prisoner who tried to hire a contract killer to murder his ex-wife for her life insurance money, saying he "wanted it to to look like an accident", is sentenced to more than six years in jail.
Topics: murder-and-manslaughter, crime, law-crime-and-justice, courts-and-trials, perth-6000, wa
| UpdatedScientists at WA's state-run forensic laboratory contaminated crucial samples relating to the Claremont serial killings case on multiple occasions with their own DNA, the trial of Bradley Edwards is told.
Topics: murder-and-manslaughter, law-crime-and-justice, courts-and-trials, perth-6000, wa, claremont-6010
Across Australia, the inability of emergency operators to pinpoint a mobile phone caller's location can cause delays in dispatching first responders, but that is about to change.
Topics: emergency-incidents, accidents, computers-and-technology, road, mobile-phones, disasters-and-accidents, human-interest, renmark-5341, casterton-3311, australia, act, nsw, nt, qld, sa, tas, vic, wa
| UpdatedAfter summer 2019-20, you'd be forgiven for looking at the forecast for autumn with trepidation, but the BOM's latest outlook offers some optimism.
Topics: weather, climate-change, disasters-and-accidents, drought, rainfall, human-interest, australia, adelaide-5000, melbourne-3000, hobart-7000, sydney-2000, brisbane-4000, darwin-0800, perth-6000, act, nsw, nt, qld, sa, tas, vic, wa
| UpdatedResearchers confirm that Australian Rules football legend Graham 'Polly' Farmer had CTE, and say that repetitive exposure to head knocks are the key to the degenerative brain disease.
Topics: sport, australian-football-league, health, sports-injuries, sydney-2000, nsw, australia, wa
| UpdatedAustralia's men's football head coach calls on the Prime Minister and the Australian Sports Commission to start funding the sport properly as the Olyroos prepare for their first Olympic campaign since 2008.
Topics: sport, socceroos, soccer, olympics-summer, australia, perth-6000, wa
| UpdatedDetectives appeal for help to find a man they want to speak to about a shooting and police chase in Perth's southern suburbs earlier this week, saying he "may have access to weapons".
Topics: law-crime-and-justice, crime, police, gosnells-6110, armadale-6112, perth-6000, wa
| UpdatedDashcam video emerges of a lucky escape on Perth's roads during a destructive storm described as the most severe to hit the city in almost a decade, with regional towns also left mopping up.
Topics: weather, perth-6000, wa