Big corporations fund Australia’s two “parties of government”. They received more than $430 million from corporate Australia in the year leading up to the May 2019 federal election. This is a record amount: $150 million more than the previous highest total.

The context in which Plibersek is attempting her insulting dressing-up of Australian patriotism is the ugly, nakedly racist push by right-wing politicians to whip up nationalism and jingoism at a time when Australia (and the rest of the world) is divided by greater inequality, spawned by a sharper exploitation by the corporate rich.

Socialist Alliance unequivocally condemns the US military strike on January 3 that assassinated Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani and deputy commander of the Iraqi government-affiliated forces Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis

Union leaderships are still falling in behind the Australian Council of Trade Unions’ “re-elect Labour at all costs” strategy, which effectively ignores the seismic shift in public opinion around needing to take action on climate change. The planet, and communities being affected by climate change now, cannot wait while Anthony Albanese and the Australian Labor Party get their act together.

Morrison has to go and, if the outrage at his callous ineptitude compels the cabinet to sack him, that would be a good thing.

The horror of the devastating and apocalyptic fires in NSW and Victoria has not only dampened the New Year party mood, it has fanned anger over the government's obvious failure to respond to the climate emergency.

The people of India have taken to the streets to protest against an act which indirectly discriminates Muslims in India. A wave of protests are underway in India due to the Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA), also known as CAB previously.

Sam Watson, a giant of the Aboriginal rights struggle, died on November 27. A prominent author, playwright and filmmaker, Watson was also the Socialist Alliance’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs spokesperson for many years.

As the climate crisis pushes the planet past certain tipping points protests and resistance grow.

The ALP's recently released federal election post-mortem has a giant invisible elephant in the room: the party's own culpability for its defeat through its embrace of neo-liberalism and its abandonment of progressive “traditional Labor values” over decades.