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Connecting the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces to UK employers.

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Na Twitteri od: október 2014


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  1. June's episode of the Being Forces Friendly podcast was released a little early in celebration of Reserves Day. If you missed out listen to our newest episode here:

  2. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 16 hodinami

    This time last week we were celebrating for . Check out "Being Forces Friendly" podcast where they discuss the personal journeys of Veterans and what being a Veteran means to them. Listen here:

  3. 27. 6.

    Armed Forces Week might be coming to a close but it's been amazing seeing all the virtual celebrating and recognition for our Armed Forces Community on social media this week!

  4. 27. 6.

    Veterans are defined as anyone who has served for at least one day in Her Majesty’s Armed Forces (Regular or Reserve). There are currently 2.4 million Veterans in Great Britain but what does being a mean to you?

  5. Retweetol používateľ
    27. 6.

    This week Downing Street has proudly flown the Armed Forces Flag. Thank you to our Armed Forces for all you do for our country.

    Close up of flag that reads "Armed Forces Day. Show your support".
    Armed Forces flag flying at the top of 10 Downing Street
  6. Retweetol používateľ
    27. 6.

    PM spoke to members of the Armed Forces by video call to thank them for their part in fighting .

  7. 27. 6.

    Nicola Triggs, a employee and a describes the transferable skills and training she receives from her Reservist role that she can rely on in her civilian role.

  8. 27. 6.

    What do you value most from your military service? The people, the experiences, the skills?

  9. Retweetol používateľ
    27. 6.

    It's ! 😊 We have a proud history of supporting the Armed Forces. 💪 Darin's been an Army Reservist for 28 years and carries out technical reviews of major railway projects. 🛤 Transfer your skills ➡️

  10. 27. 6.

    Happy ! Today we are celebrating our amazing Armed Forces Community. Let us know how will you be celebrating?

  11. 26. 6.

    Some Cadet Force Adult Volunteers share why they're involved and what transferable skills they gain from being a part of the Cadets in this great video made by :

  12. Retweetol používateľ
    26. 6.

    Ahead of Armed Forces Day, Minister for the Armed Forces celebrates our nation's cadets and adult volunteers.

  13. 25. 6.
  14. Retweetol používateľ
    24. 6.

    "To the rest of the veterans - you're doing a great job." 👆 Emma Humphrey talks about her career transition from to qualified solicitor following a serious injury in 2016 for .

  15. 25. 6.

    After leaving the service, the military remains a strong part of a identity. Let us know why you are proud to be a Veteran.

  16. 25. 6.

    Check out one of our previous episode of Being Forces Friendly, where four discuss their personal journeys and what being a Veteran means to them. Listen here:

  17. 25. 6.

    Self-determination, motivation and team spirit! , how do you bring your military skills in to the workplace?

  18. 25. 6.

    What values from military service have remained with you long after leaving the Armed Forces?

  19. 25. 6.

    After leaving military service, Veterans bring an enormous amount of value to their chosen employers and colleagues. Join us today and celebrate the in your workplace!

  20. 25. 6.

    Today we are celebrating Veterans! Hear from some proud Veterans throughout the day and join in with the conversation and let us know why you are and part of the amazing Armed Forces Community!


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