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February 26, 2020
The entire prosecution against Assange, submitted Fitzgerald, was an abuse of process, constituting a 'political offence' which would bar extradition under the US-UK Extradition Treaty of 2003.
Law & Liberties - Binoy Kampmark - 8 comments
A plan to realign Malaysia’s political structure along racial lines to cement ethnic Malays as the country’s ruling force appears to have floundered because its architect, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, backed away.
International - Murray Hunter - 1 comment

Eureka Street - compassion justice courage reflection analysis discernment ...
Henry Thornton

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Australian bushfires on Turkey’s answer to Al Jazeera

Ambit Gambit Last night I was interviewed by TRT – Turkey’s answer to Al Jazeera – on a panel moderated by Adnan Azwaz on the Australian fires. My fellow panellists were Professor Mark Howden and Tony Kevin. Azwaz did a good job, and his courteous approach to moderation could teach Tony Jones a thing or two, although he […]

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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Orwell's Essay on Politics and the English Language is more important than ever.
Media - Murray Hunter - 4 comments
Nuclear energy may be controversial, yet it could prove to be the much-needed circuit breaker to Australia's energy and climate change dilemma.
Environment - Tristan Prasser - 32 comments

Monday, February 24, 2020

Queensland's Compulsory Third Party (CTP) vehicle insurance system is under threat as insurers push for the scheme to be changed to a no-fault system.
Law & Liberties - Trent Johnson and Mark O'Connor - 5 comments
We are all divided he says, into Euro-sceptics and Euro-philes. Some prefer their national customs, traditions and national governments; Others prefer forming a single unit out of disparate nations.
Political Philosophy - Peter Bowden - 7 comments

Friday, February 21, 2020

Australian and international media have howled with indignant outrage at the notion they and their sources are accountable to 'onerous' national secrecy laws.
Law & Liberties - David Pellowe - 8 comments
Given the experience outlined here the decision to involve New Democracy in the upcoming NSW citizens jury suggests there will need for very close scrutiny.
Political Philosophy - Tony Webb - 18 comments
Contrary to Prime Minister Netanyahu's assertion, the occupation erodes rather than buttresses Israel's national security and cannot be justified on either security or moral grounds.
International - Alon Ben-Meir - 5 comments

Thursday, February 20, 2020

The sale run in 2019 proved so poor that it saw the cessation of the Opel-based Holden Commodore and Astra in favour of SUVs.
Economics - Binoy Kampmark - 5 comments
Global warming threatens to destroy civilisation, runaway technology is taking over our lives, nuclear war remains an immediate existential threat, while the international system is wracked with bitter rivalries.
Economics - Peter McMahon - 26 comments
De Gaulle said that the UK was 'incompatible with Europe' and that she harboured a 'deep-seated hostility' to any pan-European project.
International - Brendan O'Reilly - 7 comments

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Not many of us like being told how to live our lives, especially by those we don’t know and trust. It gets up our nose.
Political Philosophy - David Leyonhjelm - 13 comments
Trump's trial offered the opportunity to delve into the activities of the Bidens in Ukraine, while Joe Biden was Vice President and President Obama's point man in Ukraine.
International - David Singer - 7 comments

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

These expeditions took place in the early years of the Anglo-French cold war between 1763 and 1776.
Society - Warren Reed - 5 comments
The shift in economic power towards Muslim women, who are more oriented towards business and career rather than political agendas, is a massive influence on changing cultural aspirations.
International - Murray Hunter - 1 comment

Monday, February 17, 2020

With such reanalysis coming to light, the CCCers must act quickly. The climate change tipping points, much like the 'peak-oil' tipping points have not happened.
Environment - Charles Essery - 41 comments
Every past administration knew full well that prejudicing the outcome would doom any prospective deal from the start, and thus settled on providing a general outline consistent with prior internationally recognized agreements.
International - Alon Ben-Meir - 33 comments
The reaction by Chinese authorities to the novel coronavirus (now named COVID-19) outbreak has been receiving its fair share of gushing praise from some medical circles.
International - Binoy Kampmark - 4 comments

Friday, February 14, 2020

Shamefully, the federal government has decided to move ahead despite the unanimous opposition of the Barngarla Traditional Owners, native title holders over the area.
Law & Liberties - Jim Green and Michelle Madigan - 31 comments
You would have to be a brave man to write a book of historical fiction centred around Paul the Apostle because Paul is owned by so many who would protest at any historical or theological anomaly.
Religion & Spirituality - Peter Sellick - 10 comments

Thursday, February 13, 2020

If we wallow in the Twittersphere, we would certainly be convinced that the cause of these tragic bushfires is climate change and that if only ScoMo would announce a 100% renewable target, the fires would immediately abate.
Environment - Geoff Ellis - 36 comments
Memories are imperfect repositories, but there is something to be said about those of actors being particularly susceptible.
Media - Binoy Kampmark - 4 comments

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

People arrived in Australia at least 65,000 years ago, and by 40,000 years ago they had taken control of fire and changed vegetation across Australia.
Environment - Vic Jurskis - 7 comments
More than 15% of the world's population is stricken with a contagious and virulent infectious disease. At least 2% of those infected die.
Health - Peter Curson - 6 comments

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

There are more old people requiring residential care than there are beds available. So the power rests with the providers of care.
Health - Peter Baume - 15 comments
This has been the summer when we have been forced to see what we have collectively sought to avoid.
Environment - Lyn Bender - 32 comments

Monday, February 10, 2020

A United Nations report released Wednesday, 20 November, 2019, warned that worldwide projections for fossil fuel production over the next decade indicate that the international community is on track to fail to rein in planet-heating emissions.
Environment - John Avery - 53 comments
Their partisan political strategy has cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars as the Democrats trashed long-established cardinal legal principles to pursue the President.
International - David Singer - 34 comments

Friday, February 7, 2020

In this year of the presidential elections, President Donald J Trump shows little sign of cowering.
International - Binoy Kampmark - 26 comments
Thus, controlling the Palestinians' lives and their territory became synonymous with Israel's national security.
International - Alon Ben-Meir - 19 comments

Thursday, February 6, 2020

One report notes that the UK’s carbon dioxide level, which reduced by 38% between 1990 and 2017, would have been four times higher if change had not occurred through political leadership.
Environment - Chris Lewis - 63 comments
Clinton's therapy has been one of self-denial and accusation of others, strained through a device that gives her miraculous exoneration for her own failings.
International - Binoy Kampmark - 6 comments

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Whatever the claims by the Democratic pollsters on the ground, the party has all the work to do ahead of selecting a candidate to make a fist of it come November.
International - Binoy Kampmark - 6 comments
Has our Prime Minister improved in his demeanour since the bushfire crisis?
Domestic Politics - Mark Buckley - 24 comments

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

A major cause of Australia's fire problem has been the high 'fuel loads,' underbrush that, left to accumulate over years, acts as a tinder box for bushfires.
Environment - Tom Harris - 28 comments
Trump has no coherent foreign policy doctrine, no understanding of historical perspective, and no knowledge of the intricacies of various regional conflicts.
International - Alon Ben-Meir - 12 comments

Monday, February 3, 2020

The experts who reviewed the Californian fires say '20% to 25% of the wildfire damage resulted from climate change', and '75% is the way we manage lands and develop our landscape'.
Environment - Charles Essery - 90 comments
Through the recent summer bushfire crisis sport organisations - specifically Surf Life Saving Clubs - were at the forefront of emergency service efforts.
Sport - Michelle O'Shea, Hazel Maxwell and Megan Stronach - 5 comments
Those who promised to be in attendance were the usual suspects of the Little England brigade who had been so successful in convincing citizens that leaving the European Union was tantamount to gaining one's freedom.
International - Binoy Kampmark - 11 comments

Friday, January 31, 2020

China is a nation held captive by one man. A regal creature, she covers her bruises with jewels and keeps quiet at international dinner parties.
International - Alexandra Marshall - 5 comments
Do we need a new discipline to bring more focus to the changing nature of work: the types of jobs we'll see more of in the future, where they'll likely be located, and their other characteristics?
Nation Building - Ross Elliott - 7 comments

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Barber argued that there were four presidential styles derived from a person being either 'active' or 'passive' and from being either 'positive' or 'negative'.
International - Keith Suter - 24 comments
Where possible, and as a matter of principle, it is better to expose social media to existing law and existing enforcement methods rather than introduce overspecialised specific legislation.
Law & Liberties - Chris Whitfield - 7 comments

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Attempts to control the virus like those faced by SARS are turning into a nightmare and tells us much about facing the spread of viral infections.
Health - Peter Curson - 14 comments
This is the biggest case of its kind, and will determine, for an era, how journalism and the publication of nationally classified information is treated.
Law & Liberties - Binoy Kampmark - 3 comments

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Recently Senator Bridget McKenzie, a National Party member, and Deputy Leader of the party, was found by the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) to have acted outside the spirit of a $100 million sports grant program.
Political Philosophy - Mark Buckley - 23 comments
Of course, funerals are sad, and people do cry, justifiably. But it was the absence of any other note than the sad that left me in such a bad way.
Religion & Spirituality - Peter Sellick - 8 comments


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