Malatesta's Blog

Combat 18 Terror Clown Snitches!

C18’s Charlie Sergeant: He’s a Chubber! 

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! The Brexit result appears to have legitimised populist racism and there has been a rise in racist attacks but, as usual, the UK far right are hopelessly splintered and have failed to capitalise on it. Instead they spend their time bickering on increasingly abandoned forums like VNN UK which is about as busy as the snack kiosk at Chernobyl. Amongst the remaining cracked-nuts, groupuscules, and bizarro Hitlerite fantasists is Eddie Stampton, one of the few Nazis with a sense of humour who is often accused of subterfuge, hoaxes and humbug. Recently, after a tired and emotional afternoon in The Two Ways Inn, we were winding up C18 jailbird Rob ‘Larry’ Grayson about Eddie’s latest book ‘Combat 18: My Part In Its Downfall’ (Milligan Books, 2016) who then posted up our message on Shirtfront nazi site which led to a particularly confused and amusing exchange!

Nazi Rob: Here’s the proof that Eddie Stampton is working for AFA and the [proposed White Lives Matter] march was a honey trap. It’s on Twitter if every one wants to read it.

Nasty Nob: Are you Rob Gray and why are you corresponding with the Antifa?’

Noisy Gob: Yes of course, Antifa always expose their assets and it is also very plausible a commie from the UK would own a share in an American publishing house that would publish a “far-right” book.

Nasty Nob: I aint no mate of Eddie Stanton’s … anyone with any sense knows that 20 odd year old middle class red blogger Malatesta from Bristol [!!!] owns about as much off that publishing company as you do

Noisy Gob: Is he from Bristol? I thought he was a Scot?

Nazi Rob: prove that he don’t own part of that publishing company and why has he asked me on behalf of Stampton to help him with a book. I told him where to go.

Nasty Nob: By submitting your post you are doing his work I would also inform you that on that post (which had more than one red posting) they also claim that they have more than Stanton grassing to them, are you one of the others? … If you believe that red is a share holder you are even more stupid than even I thought … no wonder the reds run circles round us when people like you are about. Just curious [but] you’re speaking to Malatesta about a book so your talking to Antifa ?

Ho! Ho! Ho! Whit a mess! And as for ’20 odd year old middle class red blogger Malatesta from Bristol,’ 4 out of a possible 6 statements are completely wrong. For a start I’m fae fucken Leith, you hairy bawbag! By the way, Rob ‘Larry’ Grayson was a ‘footsoldier’ for Combat 18 who made a wee fanzine, The Fluffer, and ended up in jail, as did the rest of that over-rated, non-achieving, delusional fuckspigot group who weren’t either murdered or who turned informer. Here’s the latest ‘Combat 18 Terror Machine T-Shirt!’