Monthly Archives: September 2014

EDL Rotherham Disaster

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! Whit a busy week for us. Apparently there’s some kind of referendum going on doon the road, the embarrassed fascist groupuscule MFE have surrendered, and the EDL have made a right hames of it … Continue reading

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MFE Memories!

MFE: Outnumbered. Again! MFE Tough Guy Cowers! Bad Behaviour!   Before … … And After Ouch! Tough Guy Paul Prodromou Attacks A Woman, Accidentally Hits Idiot Son In Face. Jailbird Diddyfiddler Shitting It Post-Chat With Black Block  Chimps Baker. Dead.  MFE … Continue reading

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A Sad Tale of Hopeless Boozers and Confused Losers Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! Just forget the Scottish Referendum for a wee while and bask in a multitude of far right failures! After the fallouts following the EDL’s demo … Continue reading

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Vultures Of Rotherham #4

This young scallywag was pulled for being late for his tea! Here are some real fuckbugling arsefountains: And it doesn’t get much better … The EDL Damage Limitation Division have gone mental trying to deny that it all kicked off … Continue reading

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The Vultures Of Rotherham #3

What a depressing and thoroughly expected surprise that the EDL’s demonstration in Rotherham over the child abuse scandal ended up in public drunkeness, infighting, confrontations with police and a breakaway group rampaging through the town causing damage. 1 EDL member … Continue reading

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EDL Sex Offenders List

The EDL Vanity Show in Rotherham goes on as they try to get their faces in the paper and on the telly to show off to their mates in the pub, but their numbers are falling and there are only … Continue reading

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Rotherham Vultures #2

As we can see, after a week spent in futility, the EDL still think they have some kind of impact on the child grooming issue. Here we see another 2 pissheads ‘supporting’ the victims at Skank Fest. This EDL member … Continue reading

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