Category Archives: Uncategorized

It’s Jack Off Time!

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Fucken Boab! Yet another one for the list and what a little peach this is. Perpetually pubescent neo-Nazi Jack Renshaw has been exposed as a predatory sex offender and convicted of four counts of inciting … Continue reading

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2019 Far Right Sex Offenders List

Depressing as it is, here’s the updated far right sex offender list which we will no doubt be adding to soon. Yesterday’s conviction of Jack Renshaw – BNP, EDL, National Action – is striking but unsurprising and he joins a … Continue reading

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The Friday Blog: Richard Bircumshaw

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! Whit a fecken week! Congratulations to us cos we have now passed the 200,000 mark and many, many thanks to all our readers for that (apart from the child molesting fascist ones). However, this … Continue reading

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2019 Far Right Sex Offenders Update

Update 2/4/19. Depressing as it is, here’s the 2019 updated far right sex offender list which we will no doubt be adding to soon. Today’s conviction of Jack Renshaw – BNP, EDL, National Action – is striking but unsurprising and … Continue reading

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The Friday Blog!

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! Whit’s bin going on with the UK far right this week? Well, Jayda Fransen ‘The Barbarian’ finally left the useless Britain First groupuscule which shocked no-one. Last year when Jayda and Pudden Heid Goldinger … Continue reading

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Ra! Ra! Rassclaat Putin!

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! Is Trump a Russian asset? Yes. He is! Maybe. Well, I dunno, do I? Fux sake. Anyhoooots … When Donny met Vladdy in front of the world’s media they nicked off into a side room … Continue reading

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Friday Blog: Extra

We are the only long-running militant anti-fascist blog in the UK. We make no money & host no adverts so please repost or retweet where possible. Cheers.  Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! The presidency is getting ever weirder and more … Continue reading

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