Author Archives: Το κόσκινο

About Το κόσκινο

A poet and a historian working in Mass Media

Greece: Creditors and States are nothing if we become everything

By Dimitri (A member of MACG) To clarify my position I am not with SYRIZA neither following any dappled shade “Europhiles”. I am resolutely and unequivocally against Europe of creditors, fascists, butchers of every human dignity, regardless which political party … Continue reading

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Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group (MACG) invites you in a talk/presentation by a member of the Foreigners Section of the German anarchosyndicalist Freie Arbeiter Union (FAU). Thursday, 26 February 2015, 7.00 pm New International Bookshop Trades Hall | 54 Victoria St … Continue reading

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GLOBAL FIRE – South African author Michael Schmidt on the global impact of revolutionary anarchism Wednesday, March 19, 2014 6.30pm Join us for an exploration of the global history and impact of anarchist and syndicalist ideas and strategies with international author Michael Schmidt! Michael Schmidt is an investigative journalist, an anarchist theorist and … Continue reading

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Why did you write this book, and how to feel that is contributes to the conversation around the history of anarchism and revolutionary practice? Michael Schmidt: The US edition is funnily enough a slightly expanded English-language translation of its first, … Continue reading

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Adopted 12 Nov 2013. Superseded 6 Dec 2015. Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group Statement of Shared Positions This document is to be read as a supplement to the Aims & Principles of the Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group.  Agreement with the positions … Continue reading

Posted on by Το κόσκινο | 5 Comments

  Camp Anarchy 2013 – A few thoughts A few disjointed thoughts on Camp Anarchy 2013. Melbourne’s second Camp Anarchy was held at Camp Eureka over the recent Labour Day weekend here in Victoria. Reviewing a conference is easy, right? … Continue reading

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The Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group circulates the message below from the Campaign for Women’s Reproductive Rights in the spirit of the united front.  The MACG supports the clinic defences of the CWRR. Defending the Clinic Saturdays Every Saturday, the clinic … Continue reading

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The Value of Radical Theory achieves two main goals: It explains Marx’s economic theory, providing readers with a solid foundation in his critique of capitalism. Wayne Price’s political insights also offer a framework through which anarchists can understand and use … Continue reading

Posted on by Το κόσκινο | 1 Comment

We circulate this message in the spirit of the united front.  It should be noted that the anti-abortionists in Melbourne are getting more aggressive in their actions in recent weeks.  The clinic defenders are the the essential defence against these … Continue reading

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Anarchism is a social philosophy based upon the principles of liberty, equality and solidarity. Anarchists aim to create a society founded on this basis and operating by voluntary co-operation. An anarchist society can be achieved only by a social revolution, … Continue reading

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