Monthly Archives: March 2013

Defend the Fertility Control Clinic!

The Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group circulates the message below from the Campaign for Women’s Reproductive Rights in the spirit of the united front.  The MACG supports the clinic defences of the CWRR. Defending the Clinic Saturdays Every Saturday, the clinic … Continue reading

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Wayne Price, The Value of Radical Theory: An Anarchist, Introduction to Marx’s Critique of Political Economy (AK Press)

The Value of Radical Theory achieves two main goals: It explains Marx’s economic theory, providing readers with a solid foundation in his critique of capitalism. Wayne Price’s political insights also offer a framework through which anarchists can understand and use … Continue reading

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Defend the Fertility Control Clinic!

We circulate this message in the spirit of the united front.  It should be noted that the anti-abortionists in Melbourne are getting more aggressive in their actions in recent weeks.  The clinic defenders are the the essential defence against these … Continue reading

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