

socialsciencespace is a new social network that brings together social scientists to explore, share and shape the big issues in social science.

Inscrit en janvier 2011


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  1. Tweet épinglé
    17 mars

    How can I add the “human touch” and maintain student retention? How can I support diversity in an online environment? Answers to these questions & more at our new resource:

  2. 19 mai

    Daniel Nehring: "One of the most remarkable recent developments in global higher education is the formation of what might be termed a reserve army of academic labor." How will COVID-19 affect the academic job market & therefore unemployed scholars?

  3. 19 mai

    "As lockdowns force scientists (social & not) worldwide to put their research on hold, funders are introducing measures to minimize stress." Check out "How research funders are tackling coronavirus disruption" by

  4. 8 mai

    '[] has resulted in some excellent science, some mediocre science, some thoughtful, nuanced approaches and some showboating ... the full range of human responses to a difficult problem.' in on social science value now

  5. 7 mai

    '“We think something is going to have to break, and break badly, in order for us to see reform.' Anne Case in new podcast on deaths of despair. (maybe listen before webcast tomorrow: )

  6. a retweeté
    28 avr.

    NEW POST! 'There isn’t a single monolithic thing called ‘The Science,’ I think governments have recognized that the pandemic is not just a medical phenomenon but a social and economic one.' on social science and the pandemic

  7. 1 mai

    Recognizing the importance of influential long-term research, SAGE Publishing announced the launch of the 10-Year Impact Awards! "The need for timeless research has never been stronger as the pandemic continues to uproot the world." Click to learn more:

  8. 1 mai

    Why do we ignore emergencies? Ignored emergencies become disasters-- "Paraphrasing Newton’s first law of motion: A person continues with the current activity of rest or unthinking motion unless acted on by some external or internal force."

  9. a retweeté
    29 avr.

    "While experts in epidemiology are leading the fight against the novel coronavirus, social science researchers can also help make sure contact tracing is carried out." Read about contact-tracing initiatives in Indonesia at :

  10. 30 avr.

    What role does gender play in research impact and assessment?

  11. 30 avr.

    Journals reporting fewer papers coming in from women, more from men during . (See this piece ) What are you doing/seeing?

  12. 28 avr.

    Social Science Space is speaking up today, meeting with offices of the U.S. House and Senate about the importance of social science in responding to the pandemic. Learn more and write to your congressional reps here

  13. 28 avr.
  14. 27 avr.

    Thinking of submitting for a grant? Check out some insights on impact metrics and grant funding at our new resource, A Compendium of Research Funder's Impact Requirements:

  15. 27 avr.

    Why Social Science? Because Institutional Racism Exacerbates Our Health And Economic Challenges:

  16. a retweeté
    27 avr.

    "To understand and effectively respond to COVID-19, and other novel infectious diseases we’ll likely encounter in the future, policymakers need to acknowledge and respond with 'planetary consciousness.'"

  17. 24 avr.

    Excellsior podcast on immunology - how timely can you get - has a couple of key social science perspectives in recent podcasts: Learn why COVID19 is causing economic shocks: Learn how different individuals perceive risks:

  18. a retweeté
    23 avr.

    Various factors determine how, why, and the extent at which we perceive information. Listen to our latest podcast where Dr. McComas, a Communication Scientist from explains her thoughts about .

    Afficher cette discussion
  19. 24 avr.

    Well-written, and what a story! Check out this piece on a particular part of social/behavioral science history.

  20. 22 avr.

    ASK ME ANYTHING ALERT How do we cope with psychological impacts of ? Behavioral scientists Drs. Roxane Cohen Silver, , Robin Gurwitch share expertise TODAY (Earth Day) w/ 3pmET Join us &

  21. 22 avr.

    The March for Science has gone virtual (natch!). Check out the sessions on Earth Day (tomorrow!) including loads of social and behavioral insights on flattening the curve. We're moderating the 2 p.m. CST panel, BTW


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