Mazel Tov Cocktail’s book list for lefty Jews

Please let me know if you have any additions to recommend to this ever evolving list.

Link here.

Episode 8: Maiya, Eva, the Israeli occupation and the US Jewish establishment


This episode I talk to Maiya and Eva from the IfNotNow Jewish activist group in the United States. We talk about Jewish and Palestinian coalitions against Israeli occupation, challenging the Trump administration and the US Jewish establishment and building international Jewish movements.


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Show notes:

Disturbing the Peace film

Jordy’s piece on Sumud Freedom Camp

Recent Washington Post piece about Sumud camp and potential of coalition building

Emily Mayer piece about IfNotNow

Donate to the ongoing Sumud Freedom camp

Salvage piece on Corbyn

Episode 7: John, Fascists, Islamophobes and Jews

safran cover

This episode I talk to John Safran about his new book ‘Depends What You Mean by Extremist: Going Rogue with Australian Deplorables’. We talk about Islamophobes and white nationalists, a Jewish themed Christian fundamentalist event, John’s Jewish socialist grandparents, the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, Jewish racists in Australia and more.

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Episode 6: Ali, Yehuda and the new Australian Jewish left

free saeed

This episode I talk to to a couple of Jewish lefties, Yehuda and Ali about their Jewish left group in the process of formation in Sydney. We talk about the actions they’ve done so far, opposing Netanyahu’s Sydney visit and holding a Passover seder at Villawood detention centre. We talk about their political outlook, overseas influences, politics and religion, Zionism, the Holocaust and plans for the future.

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Show notes:

Join the #FreeSaeed campaign here 

Check out the Jewish Antifa Berlin manifesto here

Episode 5: Leandros, Angela and anti-racism

Angela Merkel

This episode I talk to Leandros Fischer, political scientist, and an activist in and expert on the German left. We talk about how to beat the far right, Angela Merkel perhaps not being our great liberal hope, historical analyses of Nazism, how Palestine figures in German politics and how to combine anti-racism and anti-capitalism.

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Show notes:

Leandros’ most recent article in Jacobin : Why Wagenknecht Will Fail

More from Leandros: The German Left’s Palestine Problem

Interview with Oskar Lafontaine 

Remembering the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising by Marcus Barnett

Episode 4: Jordy and Multiculturalism, Zionism, the Holocaust and Turnbull


This episode I talk to Jordy Silverstein, an activist with the Australian Jewish Democratic Society, and a historian at the University of Melbourne. We talk about the government’s attempts to weaken the Racial Discrimination act, multiculturalism- its limits and potentials, Aboriginal sovereignty, Holocaust narratives, Zionism and more.

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Show notes:

Ghassan Hage on 18c changes

Malcom Turnbull’s speech at the Sydney Jewish Museum

Small portion of #freedomofspeech tweets

Jordy’s recent piece for Overland Magazine ‘When the aim is to dismantle all walls: on liberal Zionism and the Women’s Strike’

Jordy’s book ‘Anxious Histories: Narrating the Holocaust in Jewish Communities at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century’

The Colors of Jews by Melanie Kaye/Kantrowitz

The story of Migrants for Refugees is partially told in Kevin Cook and Heather Goodall’s book ‘Making Change Happen: Black and White Activists talk to Kevin Cook about Aboriginal, Union and Liberation Politics’

Notes on Late Fascism by Alberto Toscano

Episode 3: Christian and Left Renewal



This episode I talk to Christian from Left Renewal , the new anti-capitalist radical tendency within the Australian Greens party. We talk about the history of the Greens, the contradictions between pro-environment and pro-worker politics and the possibilities for left populism.

Check out Di Natale’s Press Club address here

Read ‘The Laugherators’ here

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