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Top industrial judge resigns in disgust over 'biased' system

Aaron Patrick
Aaron PatrickSenior correspondent

One of the most senior members of the national workplace tribunal has resigned and launched an extraordinary attack that portrays the Fair Work Commission as a politically compromised and biased organisation that is hurting jobs and investment.

Graeme Watson wrote to Governor-General Peter Cosgrove on Friday formally stepping down as a vice-president of the Fair Work Commission, an almost unprecedented move that exposes ideological fissures in the tribunal that sets the pay and conditions for millions of workers.

"I have made this decision because it is increasingly clear to me that the operation of the workplace relations system is actually undermining the objects of the Fair Work legislation," the fourth-ranked commissioner wrote in a separate letter to Employment Minister Michaelia Cash.

Former Fair Work commissioner Graeme Watson Kate Geraghty

"I do not consider that the system provides a framework for co-operative and productive workplace relations and I do not consider that it promotes economic prosperity or social inclusion. Nor do I consider it can be described as balanced."

Long-term tensions


The resignation of Mr Watson, a former Freehills lawyer who represented Patrick stevedores in the famous 1998 waterfront dispute, is a result of long-term tensions within the commission under the leadership of president Iain Ross, a Labor appointee and former assistant secretary of the Australian Council of Trade Unions. Some Coalition-appointed commissioners feel he has shifted the tribunal to the left.

In a pointed snub, Mr Watson didn't inform Mr Ross that he was quitting. Mr Watson, who is five months short of his 10th anniversary as an industrial judge, plans to work as a private industrial relations consultant to boards and executives, a job he told Ms Cash would allow him to make a greater contribution to "productive workplace relations and national prosperity".

Although mostly former unionists or representatives of employers, Fair Work commissioners are supposed to act like judges and put their backgrounds aside in decisions.

In a single-spaced three-page letter, Mr Watson essentially argues the commission isn't upholding the spirit of the law to treat both sides fairly and is discouraging employment and investment through poor decisions.

"There is an increasing understanding in the business community that the Fair Work Commission is partisan, dysfunctional and divided," he wrote.

Fair Work Commission president Iain Ross was appointed by Labor in 2012. Pat Scala

Appeal tribunal

When it won power in 2013 the Coalition government wanted to create an appellate body to review decisions of the Fair Work Commission, a move that would have effectively demoted Justice Ross, who was appointed by Labor leader Bill Shorten in 2012 when he was employment minister.


Mr Watson was seen as a likely candidate in industrial relations circles for the appeal board because he was the most senior commissioner perceived to have been marginalised by Justice Ross.

One source said the plan was approved by cabinet but never implemented because the Abbott government feared triggering a big political debate over industrial relations after the ACTU's anti-WorkChoices campaign helped remove the Coalition from power in 2007.

In his letter, Mr Watson critiques all major areas of the commission's work: unfair dismissals, adverse actions by companies against their employees, workplace bargaining, enterprise agreement approvals, the award safety net and penalties for illegal strikes.

The rare attack by an insider could lead to more pressure from the business community on the Turnbull government to implement more business-friendly industrial relations policies. One of the big unknowns is whether it will attempt to deregister the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union, which has been accused of bullying construction companies.

Unfair dismissals

Justice Ross, who is also a Federal Court judge, is trying to fulfil the commission's legal responsibility to prevent strikes by offering informal advice to companies and unions before disputes escalate.

"In the year ahead, we will be particularly focusing on the needs of small business and on improving the way we deal with unfair dismissal applications," Justice Ross wrote in the commission's latest annual report.

About 40 per cent of the applications to the commission are from people who argue they have been unfairly fired. To avoid the cost of defending the cases, sometimes employers pay their former staff off.


Mr Watson suggests managers don't trust the commission to protect them from unscrupulous employees who are fired for poor performances or breaking rules.

"Undergoing a defence of a claim, especially with an unpredictable outcome, has made the process a penalty in itself," he wrote. "The impact of an uncertain disciplinary regime on productivity and operational performance compounds the penalty on business."

Drug test

In one case, a Sydney ferry driver who failed a marijuana drug test in 2013 was reinstated by Commissioner Jeff Lawrence, a former secretary of the ACTU. A full bench overturned the decision, a move supported by the Federal Court.

Mr Watson doesn't always rule for employers. In 2016 he supported the CFMEU's right to send organisers to small eating areas at an open-cut mine in Queensland run by BHP Billiton, which did not want the hassle of ensuring access next to dangerous equipment.

His replacement will be ranked about 20th in the commission's hierarchy, giving him or her little chance to have a major impact on the commission's culture or decisions.

Aaron Patrick is the senior correspondent. He writes about politics and business. Connect with Aaron on Twitter. Email Aaron at

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