Synchronicity Factor  


"We want you to join the fun. Fun is Creation's metaphor."

California, USA
Inscrit en août 2011


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  1. Tweet épinglé
    20 avr. 2019

    Truth, integrity, courage, goodness and love win.

  2. il y a 18 heures

    Look so forward to being with my great friends in INDIA!

  3. il y a 11 heures
  4. il y a 11 heures
  5. DHS Whistleblower against Obama Philip Haney Found Dead - Shot and Killed Haney told Hannity in 2016 that he was ordered during the Obama administration to scrub the record of Muslims in the US with terrorist ties 🔥Murder is how Dems settle scores😡

  6. This is where it starts... Law enforcement standing up and defying Sanctuary City policies. San Diego Sheriff does right thing complying with ICE 👏 # AmericaFirst🇺🇸

  7. il y a 23 heures
    En réponse à

    Phil Haney's full-length press conference on his book "See Something, Say Nothing. What a patriot. His loss is crushing. DHS Whistleblower Exposes Government's Submission To Jihad (FULL Press Conference)

  8. il y a 23 heures

    Whistleblower Phil Haney shot dead last night. I knew Phil. He was exposing the penetration of the US government by Islamic cultural jihadists. He was instrumental in exposing Keith Ellision and Obama's concealment of radical Islam in America.

  9. 22 févr.

    Elizabeth Warren broke your eardrums while she was bitch slapping your ass all over the stage?

  10. 22 févr.

    This is a rather fascinating observation.

  11. 22 févr.

    Eric Holder, former AG for Obama and facilitator of the gun-running 'Fast and Furious' scandal, on using celebrities/leaders/etc to "brainwash" people about gun control...

  12. 22 févr.

    Human Death Star, George Soros, is interfering in our judicial system again by investing millions to keep his loyal slave Kim Foxx in her position as Cook County State's Attorney - where she will remain in limbo while patriots prepare to drop the hammer on her life of corruption.

  13. 22 févr.
  14. 21 févr.
  15. 21 févr.

    If the FBI can target National Security professionals like K.T. McFarland and General Flynn, imagine what they can do to regular Americans.

  16. 21 févr.

    This is a disgrace. Something we should be celebrating the social media masters are censoring such bullshit!

  17. 21 févr.

    Perhaps AG Barr should step in and take these sensitive prosecutorial decisions out of the hands of his line attorneys. They are not the "career" prosecutors the MSM describes them as. Many appear to be partisans still working for Obama and AG Holder/Lynch.

  18. 21 févr.

    Well he is a communist... also, after Trump put the toughest sanctions in recent history in them it’s much more believable that they would want America to suffer the Bern! Russia trying to help Bernie’s campaign, according to briefing from U.S. officials

  19. 21 févr.
    En réponse à
  20. 21 févr.

    There is no more obvious and pathetic sign of Democrats’ panic about the upcoming 2020 election than the convenient return of the “Russia is meddling in our elections!” hysteria As crazy as it is predictable

  21. 21 févr.

    That kid from yesterday's international bullying video... His mom is a "stage mom" and has been taking him on auditions for years. The material is easy enough to find. Shameful how she used her son, who may still be a victim of bullying, but is 100% a child abuse victim.


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