Barry Deutsch

is creating Political Cartoons
Select a membership level
Early Access
per political cartoon.

You'll see nearly all of my cartoons a few days before I post them on the public internet, plus occasional notes and work-in-progress images from me. Because you're special!

A PDF Book Every Year
per political cartoon.

In addition to the early-access cartoons, once each year you'll get a book collection of the previous year's cartoons, in pdf form. The pdf will be high enough resolution so that you can print out cartoons and hang them on your fridge!

The pdf book, which will be over 90 pages long, will also include commentary and notes about each cartoon, and dozens of never-before-seen images (mostly work-in-process images, but also panels that didn't make it into the final cartoons, and whatever else I think is interesting).

Be The First One To Share!
per political cartoon.

In addition to early access and in addition to the pdf book, you'll get permission to show many cartoons to your friends, or share them on your social media, before I make them public! You could literally be the first person in the world to share one of these cartoons!



About Barry Deutsch

Hi! My name is Barry Deutsch, and to tell you the truth, I'm pissed off. I'm pissed off about so many things - about homophobia, about racism, about sexism, about transphobia... the list goes on and on. And when I get pissed off, I draw political cartoons.

So How Does This Patreon Thing Work, Exactly?

Patreon is a way for ordinary readers to support creators. It's a bit like Kickstarter, except instead of making one big donation towards one big project, you make recurring small donations for ongoing creative work. If you sign up to support my cartoons - to "become a patron," as we say around here - you'll be able to change or cancel your patronage at any time, and you'll only be charged once a month.

So, for example, if you pledge to give me $2 per political cartoon, and I create two cartoons in a month, then at the month's end you'll be charged $4.

And you can set a maximum on how much you can be charged per month, so even if I go on a WILD CREATING SPREE and post ten comics in a single month (and wouldn't that be awesome?), you'll never be charged more than you want to. So if you have a maximum of $1 a month, and I post ten comics in a month - you'll still only be charged one dollar.

There are a few perks for my cool Patreon supporters (see below for more on that!), but the main reward is, you get more political cartoons to enjoy. And whenever you see one of my cartoons on Facebook, you get to think "oh, cool! I helped make that!"

So Who Is Barry Deutsch?

I'm a lefty cartoonist whose political cartoons have won two Massachusetts Newspaper Association awards, and the Charles Schultz Award.  You've probably seen some of my cartoons passed around on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. All of my political cartoons can be read for free at (or here on Patreon).

For fifteen years I've worked for a magazine that is only published six times a year.  The magazine, "Dollars and Sense," is awesome - but six times a year isn't enough! I wanted to create many more political cartoons, and to cover topics that don't always fit into "Dollars and Sense."  And that's where you - and Patreon - come in. Since I began this Patreon, I've been able to increase my output from once every two months, to four a month. That's the difference reader support makes.

But although Patreon support is great, it's not yet a living. I can't yet do all the cartoons I'd like you to see. That's why I'm hoping my Patreon will grow.

With the help of my patrons, I'm creating many more cartoons for you to laugh at, shake your heads at, and share with your friends.

What Makes Barry's Political Cartoons Different?

Although some of my cartoons focus on current events - it's hard to avoid that, with the Trump administration sliming its way through the headlines - most of my cartoons aren't about this week's headlines..

I make political cartoons that will stay relevant for years, about issues that I care about, and that you probably care about too - issues like feminism, racism, transgender issues, queer rights, poverty, fat acceptance, unions, immigration, and so on.  Sometimes my cartoons are angry, and sometimes they're just silly. Some of my cartoons use a typical political cartoon format, and some are more experimental (that link is to a rather harsh cartoon about sexual harassment, so don't click on it if you'd rather avoid that topic).

I want to continue creating cartoons like these! If you enjoy them, I hope you'll support this Patreon. Thank you.

227 of 250 patrons
At this level, I can afford to pay for my housing for a month! Wooo!
6 of 8

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By becoming a patron, you'll instantly unlock access to 17 exclusive posts
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