Category Archives: Uncategorized

From Sa’di of Shiraz, 13th Century Iran

A day or so ago, in response to the escalating tensions between Iran and the United States, I posted to Twitter my version of what are perhaps the most famous lines written in 13th Iran by Sa’di of Shiraz: From … Continue reading

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“Your Face” in Spanish

It is so cool to see my story in other languages! I can’t read most of them, but it’s still really fun to know the story has a life beyond the words I chose. My story “Your Face” has already … Continue reading Continue reading

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A Portfolio of Barry Deutsch’s comics

I created this post so that when people ask for a link showing what I do, I can have examples gathered at one URL. Although I’ve created many comics over the years, my four largest projects are Hereville, SuperButch, my … Continue reading

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Repost: Notes Towards a Discussion of Male Self-Hatred

(I originally posted this in 2012, but a conversation I had recently with some of my students made me think of it. I still think it raises some interesting questions, and so I am reposting it now.) In Kayak Morning, Roger … Continue reading

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Cartoon: Checking The News

If you enjoy these cartoons, please help me make more by supporting my Patreon. A $1 pledge really matters! The worse physical pain I ever felt in my life was a mysterious pain in my left forearm, searing and throbbing … Continue reading

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Good Place spoiler thread

What a great show! Let’s spoil it.

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Cartoon: Is Marriage A Magic Wand?

If you enjoy these cartoons, please support them on my Patreon. A $1 pledge really matters. TRANSCRIPT OF CARTOON Panel 1 This panel shows a reporter standing in a back yard, taking notes in a little pad, as a woman … Continue reading

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Cartoon: Liberal Pundit Opposes Identity Politics! What a Shock!

If you enjoy these cartoons, and can spare it, please support them on Patreon. A $1 pledge really matters. The pundit march against “identity politics” never gets old, does it? Oh, wait. In a way, this is something I did … Continue reading

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Some Thoughts About Harvey Weinstein and What He Represents

I met my Harvey Weinstein when I was around 13 years old. He was the head waiter at the catering hall where I worked, and he spent the next three or four years groping and fondling me as often and … Continue reading

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Anatomy of a Book Cover

Not too long ago, I received from my publisher, Guernica Editions, the final proof of the cover of my new book of poems, Words For What Those Men Have Done and I am really happy with it. The design, of course, is … Continue reading

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