Sanders Wins New Hampshire

Bernie Sanders won a close contest in New Hampshire, and his supporters say this victory will help him secure the Democratic nomination and beat Trump in November.

Nina Turner: Politicians Shouldn’t Answer to the Billionaire Class, they Should Answer to the People

Former Ohio Sen. Nina Turner says there are oligarchs influencing the government in the United States, but Sen. Bernie Sanders definitely isn’t one of them.

‘Parasite’ Is a Class-Conscious Climate Parable

Audiences are used to thinking of apocalyptic stories as fantasy. But “Parasite” resonates because it merges themes of class warfare and climate crisis to show…

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United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture on the Julian Assange Case

In this speech, Nils Melzer, a United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture and Professor of international law at the University of Glasgow, talks about the…

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‘Bernie Beats Trump’ Rally Draws Thousands on Eve of New Hampshire Primary

Sanders supporters remain confident he can win on Tuesday, that he’s best positioned to beat Donald Trump, and that he can implement a vision that…

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In New Hampshire, the Working Families Party Endorses Elizabeth Warren

Nelini Stamp says Warren addresses race, gender, and class like no other candidate does.

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Activists Demand Public Control of Presidential Debates

Corporate media moderators focus debates on corporate interests and fail to represent public concerns, said protesters outside ABC News. They say control of debates should…

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Sanders’ Path to Victory Relies on Turning Out New Voters

Progressive Caucus co-chair Rep. Mark Pocan argues Sanders is electable because he won states like Wisconsin in the 2016 primary.

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Michael Moore: It’s Disqualifying to be Funded by Billionaires

Award-winning filmmaker Michael Moore responds to the Democratic presidential debate in New Hampshire.

Sex Workers Are Organizing, and Voters Are With Them

Grassroots organizing is giving the movement to decriminalize sex work unexpected traction this election cycle. Focus on specific policies instead of data helped show the real level of support for what’s been called a nationally divisive issue.

US Sanctions Venezuela Again to Prove Socialism Doesn’t Work

Shortly after Venezuelan opposition leader and self-declared president Juan Guaidó got a standing ovation at Trump’s State of the Union address, United States officials promised more sanctions on Venezuela. Why?

Warren Makes Final Pitch in New Hampshire

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who vows to tax the rich to pay for social programs, says New Hampshire isn’t ‘do or die’ for her campaign.

US Gov’t Attempts to Railroad Venezuelan Embassy Protectors

Prosecutors convinced the presiding judge not to allow political considerations in a highly politicized trial against four defendants who attempted to prevent Venezuela’s parallel government from illegally taking over the DC embassy.


ExxonMobil Got Congress to Trade Arms for Offshore Gas

By: Steve Horn, Lee Fang

February 6, 2020

Trump’s Impeachment Trial Begins Next Week

By: Jaisal Noor

January 17, 2020

Rethinking the Online Sex Trade Debate

By: Steve Horn

November 21, 2019

Baltimore to Reckon With A Shitty Sewage Situation

By: Dharna Noor

November 13, 2019

If UAW Members Ratify the Contract, What Does GM Get?

By: Frank Hammer

October 23, 2019

Republicans Storm Closed Door Impeachment Hearing

By: Lisa McCray

October 23, 2019

Africa’s Free Trade Area Misses Nigeria

By: Mattias Sköld

July 8, 2019

Driving Financialization

By: Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Michael Lim Mah Hui

June 11, 2019

Loyal to their Class, Unhinged from Democracy

By: Mike Ferner

June 6, 2019

Oppose Doug Ford’s Ontario Schools Budget

By: Dudley Paul

May 29, 2019

The (Small-d) Democrat’s Dilemma

By: Andrew Levine

May 24, 2019

Springtime for Biden and Democrats

By: Andrew Levine

May 17, 2019

Privatization Solution Worse than Problem

By: Jomo Kwame Sundaram

May 14, 2019

Climate Emergency Manifesto

By: Socialist Project

May 14, 2019

Why Ecuador?

By: Ola Bini

May 9, 2019

An Open Letter to Extinction Rebellion

By: Norman Solomon

May 6, 2019

Police Accountability Report

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TRNN Documentary: Trump, The Koch Brothers and Their War on Climate Science

We replay this TRNN documentary on the Koch Brothers and their war on climate science, on the occasion of David Koch’s death on August 23rd, 2019. Narrated by Danny Glover, this documentary special reveals how climate change science has been under systematic attack.

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Is the Oil Industry Canada’s ‘Deep State’?

Justin Trudeau and Canada’s political elite are fighting for the Tar Sands and oil industry’s interests, even if it means that Canada misses its climate targets. We speak to Kevin Taft, ex-Liberal Party politician and author of ‘Oil’s Deep State.’

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