Real Products That (Are Unfortunately About To) Exist: Kentucky Fried Chicken Crocs Clogs

February 12, 2020


As a very clear sign humanity doesn't have much time left, these are the limited edition KFC x Crocs clogs being released this spring. The footwear will be available on the Crocs website for $60 when they're released, and each pair includes two fried chicken scented drumstick Jibbitz™ (plug-in-a-hole charms for Crocs -- I had to Google that, just so we're clear). So yeah, this is the world we live in now. "I don't like it, GW." *tousling hair* Me neither, not one bit. Also if you own a dog I can't recommend leaving these around the house because it will almost certainly eat your chicken scented drumstick Jibbitz™, and then how could you ever expect to be taken seriously in public? "Oh man, get a load of this idiot." MY DOG ATE THEM, OKAY?

Keep going for several more shots and a weird promo commercial.

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High Schooler Allegedly Suspended For Drumming P0rnHub Community Video Theme At Talent Show

February 12, 2020


This is an ultra short video of a high schooler drumming the intro to a P0rnHub community video during a high school talent show. He was allegedly suspended for the incident, although I couldn't find any actual proof that he was. I mean of all the ridiculous things to suspend a student for, this would definitely be up there. *sees girlfriend return from inactive online* Also, just what is this community video theme song anyways? And what's P0rnHub?

Keep going for the video, as well as a SFW clip of the theme for reference. And did everyone know he was going to play the song prior, or did all those kids recognize it instantaneously? Because I really didn't.

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Coyote Encourages Badger To Hurry Up So They Can Cross Under Highway Together

February 12, 2020

This is a video from a night vision camera set up by Pathways for Wildlife and the Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST) of a coyote excitedly encouraging its badger friend to hurry up so they can use a culvert to cross under a California highway together. Did you know coyotes and badgers are known to hunt together? I did not. I just assumed the coyote would try to eat the badger and the badger would be all, 'Oh hell no bitch!' *shrug* Who knows, maybe that's how their friendship blossomed.

Keep going for the whole Disney movie, but the gif is actually it.

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What A Pro: Dog Demonstrates His Very Impressive Sea Legs Aboard Rocking Boat

February 12, 2020

This is a short video of a good boy demonstrating his very well adjusted sea legs aboard a rocking crabbing boat. So, if you were ever wondering what a salty sea dog actually was but were too afraid to ask for fear of being branded a landlubbing scoundrel, look no further -- this is the textbook definition. "Actually--" Oh shit *brandishing cutlass* looks like we've got ourselves a plank walker today, mateys!

Keep going for the full video.

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Oh, Internet: The Princess Bride's Inigo Montoya Edited To Perform Eminem's 'My Name Is'

February 12, 2020

Because the internet, like a clothes dryer set on auto-detect with a broken sensor, never stops spinning, this is a series of clips from The Princess Bride edited together by Ariel Avissar so Inigo Montoya and a few of the other characters perform a bit of Eminem's 1999 banger 'My Name Is'. There's really not much more to say besides I'm going to be singing this for the rest of the day, much to the potentially being stabbed by coworkers. *lifting shirt to reveal scars* Wouldn't be the first time I've gotten a song stuck in their heads! "Jesus, GW, some of those look fresh." Rebecca Black's 'Friday', every Friday.

Keep going for the video.

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Hockey Team Performs Synchronized Force Choke To Celebrate Goal On Star Wars Night

February 12, 2020

This is a video of the Liberty University hockey team of Lynchburg, Virginia on Star Wars night (slick Vader jerseys by the way) performing a synchronized Force Choke goal celebration. So, if you were wondering if Star Wars night was a thing for collegiate hockey games now, the answer is yes. When I was a kid going to University Of Alabama Huntsville hockey games? We were just excited when the snow cone guy wasn't too drunk to show up and sell his wares.

Keep going for the video, but the gif is really it minus the announcer audio.

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Personal X-Files: Gillian Anderson Does ASMR Video

February 12, 2020


This is a video from Netflix of Gillian Anderson doing some ASMR (Autonomous sensory meridian response, read: "braingasm audio tricks") to promote her new British comedy show Sex Education. I don't know about you, but I feel educated. Granted I'm not sure what exactly I learned, but if it was I'll have to try hiding a boner for the entirety of our morning staff meeting, mission accomplished. "Haha -- staff meeting." LOL.

Keep going for the video.

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Guy Builds Adjustable Microtonal Guitar Out Of LEGO

February 12, 2020

This is a video demonstration of and build discussion about the modular LEGO Microtonal Guitar with adjustable frets constructed by Turkish musician and constructor of unique microtonal guitars Tolgahan Çoğulu, after being inspired by his son Atlas playing with LEGO blocks. What's a microtonal guitar? Let me copy paste that for you while I build a macrotonal guitar:

Most Western music is based on a twelve-tone octave with the smallest interval being a half step (or half tone, or "semitone") up or down. Microtonal music contains intervals smaller than a semitone. (Imagine playing notes between the keys on a traditional piano.)

So using a guitar with adjustable frets allows a musician access to those tones not readily available on a normal guitar. That's cool. My personal guitar? It can play ALL the tones, you know why? "It's an air guitar?" *performs entirety of Free Bird guitar solo, waits for bras and panties to be thrown on stage, receives a single pair of boxers, shrugs* It's a start.

Keep going for the video.

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