The profile photo & cover image features belong to Members

Since the very first version of BuddyPress, the local avatar management feature was depending on the xProfile component. During the 2.1 development cycle we’ve renamed this feature “Profile Photo”. The cover image feature was introduced in BuddyPress 2.4 and, just like the Profile Photo feature one, it needed the xProfile component to be active to be able to enjoy it. In BuddyPress 6.0.0, we are introducing a major change about these 2 features: they will belong to the Members component.

This decision is the result of a Slack Discussion the team had about the subject just after we brought the first version of the BuddyPress REST API into BuddyPress Core. We’ve been working on it from this Trac ticket and yesterday the changes landed in Trunk.

What does it change for end users ?

When the xProfile component is active not much! They will only see that the settings to disable profile photo and cover image uploads are now available from a new Members settings section.

When the xProfile component is not active, BuddyPress used to fill the blank with a single member screen to show some information about the user’s WordPress profile (display name, website, biographical info and potentially some contact methods). As you can see below this lonely screen will have 2 new neighbours in BuddyPress 6.0.0*.

* If profile photo and cover image uploads are allowed by the site owner.

Logged in users will be able to edit/delete their profile photo and cover image from their self profile area, even if the xProfile component is not active.

Within the WordPress extended profile administration screen, Administrators will be able to edit the Profile Photo of the displayed user, even if the xProfile component is not active.

What does it change for BuddyPress plugin and theme developers?

If their WP_DEBUG constant is set to false, we believe nothing more than what we’ve described so far. Otherwise there are good chances their screens will be full of deprecation notices!! As a result we’re asking plugin and theme developers to start testing BuddyPress very early to make sure their master pieces will be ready before 6.0.0 release (scheduled for end of April). You can do it by cloning one of our Git mirrors or by checking out our SVN development repository:

svn co

git clone git://

# OR
git clone

To help you, here are the deprecated functions and hooks in 6.0.0 about the profile photo and cover image features.

Deprecated in 6.0.0Replacement in 6.0.0Type

Let’s use the time we have left before the 6.0.0 release to make sure we haven’t forgot anything: please test your plugins and themes against Trunk, update them as needed and let us know asap if you need more help / BP Core code changes to take these evolutions in account.

BuddyPress Contributors, let’s update the Codex!

We still need to update our documentation about these changes. Here are the first Codex pages needing updates I’ve identified:

Thanks in advance for your help in making this change as smooth as possible for our end users 😍.


BuddyPress 6.0.0 will require at least PHP 5.6

Hi everyone,

Please note we’ve just raised our PHP minimal required version to 5.6. Of course, we are supporting PHP versions up to WordPress requirements.

According to these stats PHP 5.3 is now used by less than 3 % of WordPress installs.



BP Dev Chat Agenda for February 26, 2020


Next dev-chat is scheduled to tomorrow: February 26 at 19:00 UTC. As usual it will happen in #BuddyPress. We will discuss about :

  1. The BuddyPress 2020 survey,
  2. Progress about the 6.0.0 main features,
  3. Open floor.

Reminder, 6.0.0 schedule is:

  • First beta at the end of march.
  • Final release at the end of April.

If you have anything you wish to add (or remove) to this agenda or specific items related to those listed above, please leave a comment below.


BP Dev Chat Summary: February 12, 2020

BuddyPress Survey

@mercime shared her progress about her first pass on the BuddyPress survey for 2020 (see #8153). She prepared 16 questions.

  • We’ll use CrowdSignal to publish the survey.
  • On a side note @johnjamesjacoby suggested BuddyPress could have a lightweight Questionnaire component, @im4th believes it’s a great idea !
  • @mercime shared with all of us the questions she worked on after the dev-chat. Please take some time to review it before our next dev-chat

BuddyPress dev-chat are maintained on every other wednesday at 1900 UTC.

Unfortunately @espellcaste can’t join us on all the alternative days of week we’ve found into the doodle 😦 As the result it doesn’t worth changing our dev-chat meeting day/time.

6.0.0 Progress

@dcavins is making good progress about Network invites (#8139). He’s getting some inspiration from the Invite Anyone plugin. @im4th asked if it would be possible to invite a user not yet registered to the site to join it using a group invite, and the reply is yes 🙌

@im4th confirmed BuddyPress 6.0.0 will ship 2 Blocks and shared his progress about the Group Block. Here are 3 early screenshots of how it could look like :

The team also shared their thoughts about whether we should ship the JavaScript built blocks or include the complete JavaScript source files into trunk and build the Production scripts from there. At the minimum we’ll need to move to using WP CLI to generate our POT file so that JavaScript translations are available within GlotPress. @im4th will work on this asap from this trac ticket #8048.

Finaly we’ve talked about the fact the project behind the JavaScript library we are using for our suggestions feature is no longer maintained. We shared thoughts about moving to the Tribute library and using the BP REST API instead of AJAX. So far there are no impacts on the suggestions feature and we are taking some more time to think about it, having in mind we could also benefit from the BP AutoCompleter React component we’ve built for our 2 BP Blocks.

6.0.0 schedule & main features

  • Schedule:
    • First beta at the end of march.
    • Final release at the end of April.
  • Main Features:
    • BP REST API remaining endpoints
    • BP Blocks ✅
    • Network invitation & Membership requests
    • & maybe some surprises!

Next dev chat

It will happen in 2 days on February 26 at 19:00 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress.

PS1: sorry it took me so long to write this summary 😬

PS2: if you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!


BP Dev Chat Agenda for February 12, 2020


Next dev-chat is scheduled to tomorrow: January 29 at 19:00 UTC. As usual it will happen in #BuddyPress. We will discuss about :

  1. The BuddyPress 2020 survey,
  2. Progress about the 6.0.0 main features,
  3. Open floor.

Reminder, 6.0.0 schedule is:

  • First beta at the end of march.
  • Final release at the end of April.

If you have anything you wish to add (or remove) to this agenda or specific items related to those listed above, please leave a comment below.


BP Dev Chat Summary: January 29, 2020

BuddyPress Survey

@mercime asked for the questions we’d like to include for this new version of the survey (see #8153). In other words, what do we need to know from BuddyPress users to help us in our decisions?

  • We agreed we need to keep questions from previous surveys to be able to compare results.
  • Knowing which components are mostly used should help us to validate/improve the activation process. How could we improve/facilitate the BuddyPress setup process?
  • We’d like to know how people choose to “display” BuddyPress content. Are they using a regular WordPress Theme with a template pack (and which one? Legacy or Nouveau?), are they using a BuddyPress standalone theme like BP Default ?
  • We need to evaluate the idea of including a new full featured BuddyPress Theme.
  • @im4th shared his wish to know what approach people prefer between BuddyPress bundled optional components Vs optional components as plugins (see #8148). @mercime noted that, in previous surveys, people usually ask to bundle new optional components or to include BuddyPress plugins into Core.

We shared some other potential questions during the meeting (What are you using BuddyPress for? Would you be willing to switch to a BP Specific Theme? What are must have customizations? What are the every BuddyPress installs components?…), @mercime will work on a first pass of the 2020 survey so that we can discuss about it during our next dev-chat.

New day of week for our dev-chat?

@im4th thanked again the members of the team who gave their preferences into the Doodle poll. We have a first important information: 19:00 UTC will stay our time of meeting. We are now waiting for @espellcaste preference about the day between these possible ones: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday?

6.0.0 Progress

@im4th began to talk about the many PHP/JavaScript code standards patches that has been submitted by new contributors such as Passionate, WPAmitkumar, Mukesh27. Thanks a lot for your work and feel free to carry on helping us.

@dcavins is making good progress about Network invites and membership requests and is confident this feature will land into the 6.0.0 release.

@im4th shared his progress about BP Blocks and thanked @karmatosed for her great help contributing to design sketches of the single Member and single Group blocks. BuddyPress 6.0.0 will include these 2 blocks. Here are 3 early screenshots of what could look like the Member one.

6.0.0 schedule & main features

  • Schedule:
    • First beta at the end of march.
    • Final release at the end of April.
  • Main Features:
    • BP REST API remaining endpoints
    • BP Blocks
    • Network invitation & Membership requests
    • & maybe some surprises!

Next dev chat

It will happen next week on February 12 at 19:00 UTC (unless @espellcaste informs us about his preferred day 😉soon) and of course in #BuddyPress.

PS: if you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!


BP Dev Chat Agenda for January 29, 2020


Next dev-chat is scheduled to tomorrow: January 29 at 19:00 UTC. As usual it will happen in #BuddyPress. We will discuss about :

  1. The BuddyPress 2020 survey,
  2. First results about the doodle we organized to change the dev-chat day/time. (@espellcaste will share his preferences as soon as he’s back from his current afk status 🤗)
  3. Progress about the 6.0.0 main features we agreed on last dev-chat,
  4. Open floor.

Reminder, 6.0.0 schedule is:

  • First beta at the end of march.
  • Final release at the end of April.

If you have anything you wish to add (or remove) to this agenda or specific items related to those listed above, please leave a comment below.
