Synchronicity Factor  


"We want you to join the fun. Fun is Creation's metaphor."

California, USA
Iscrizione a agosto 2011


Hai bloccato @1111Liberty

Vuoi davvero vedere questi Tweet? Procedendo non sbloccherai @1111Liberty

  1. Tweet fissato
    20 apr 2019

    Truth, integrity, courage, goodness and love win.

  2. 12 ore fa

    Disney isn't just a little cartoon mouse and an amusement park. It's the largest media conglomerate in the world - a corruption cesspool and one of the cornerstones of the Deep State social engineering agenda. Time to SINK this evil monstrosity once and for all.

  3. Wow!!! He’s admitting he BOUGHT those seats! OMG!

  4. 8 ore fa

    The Lucifarians view us as a virus that has to be "cured". If abortion stopped tomorrow, there would be a baby boom exceeding what we saw in the roaring 50s. It would present a huge obstacle to their endgame, and set them back decades. They're trying to wipe us out. Wake up. Now.

  5. 9 ore fa

    Sweetie, the is the final firewall between the rights of Americans and potential tyranny. After watching the lunacy of the tonight, the genius of the Founding Fathers was never more apparent. Screw your .

  6. 15 ore fa
  7. 15 ore fa
  8. 19 ore fa
  9. 21 ore fa

    Trump Calls Out Dem Love Affair with Weinstein: ‘Michelle loved him… Hillary loved him’

  10. 25 feb

    NEW: There is another tomorrow, get caught up now!

    Mostra questa discussione
  11. 25 feb

    Breaking: House Republicans consider filing criminal referrals against Mueller prosecutors

  12. 25 feb

    That's truly what it was. The presidency of Barack Hussein Obama was an INSURGENCY against the United States. 💥💥💥

  13. 24 feb

    Michelle Obama says convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein is her “good friend” and “a wonderful human being.”

  14. 24 feb

    Grenell to get rid of the moles in the intelligence community. My hope and dream. I hope he knows what he is getting himself into, and has the proper protection.

  15. 25 feb
  16. 25 feb

    I personally believe the driving motive behind the Russia hoax and other diversionary scams by Democrats is to camouflage their campaign of massive voter fraud. Illegal immigrants, dead voters, and their new tactic of “vote harvesting” are suffocating our democracy.

  17. 25 feb
  18. 25 feb

    Deep Stater Unmasked: FBI Agent Faulted For ‘Significant Errors’ in FISA Report Identified

  19. 24 feb
  20. 24 feb

    This is the favorite amongst Democrats. fails to answer simple questions...

    Mostra questa discussione
  21. 24 feb

    Posting this picture for no apparent reason.


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