Category: Gaza

Israel is systematically poisoning one million Palestinian children

Gaza has become “uninhabitable,” not because of ecological disaster or Palestinian poor stewardship of the land, but because Israel chooses to destroy it by every means – poisoning, starvation, disease, poverty, medical neglect, and invasion – while the world stands silent.

‘Blinding the truth’: Israeli snipers target Gaza protesters in the eyes

Eyes are a ‘common target’ of Israeli snipers at Gaza’s Great March of Return. Israeli soldiers have shot 50 men, women, & children in the eye since the weekly demonstrations began last year… one young victim locked himself in his room & wouldn’t go to school…

Gazan Girl Fights Cancer Alone at West Bank Hospital – Israel Won’t Let Her Parents Join her

A 10-year-old Palestinian girl suffering from leukemia is undergoing chemotherapy in a Nablus hospital by herself, because Israel won’t allow her parents out of Gaza to be with her. And she’s not the only patient in that situation. Read the facts & contact Congress…