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We study failure and success. Mostly, we just want to understand the world. Really understand it. Studying hundreds and then thousands of cases of success and failure helps you build a repository of “moves” come to mind when you’re faced with hard and uncertain decisions. Learning history helps us think about problems in three-dimensional ways.

It’s not all hard science-y stuff. That part is important, and as you read the newsletter every week, we’ll give you some of that. But we’d feel like robots if we didn’t explore the age-old questions of what it means to live and what makes for a good life. Isn’t that the end game here? So we include regular doses of philosophy, history, art, and human nature.

We respect your time. We never recommend something we haven’t read ourselves. We are not interested in fast food for the mind. We just pass along big chunks of knowledge to help our readers think uniquely and independently so they can gain seize opportunities that others miss.

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