Italy: Issue no. 10 of “Fenrir”, ecological anarchist publication (January 2020)

January 20th, 2020

Issue 10 of “Fenrir” has been published, an ecological anarchist publication, 80 pages, A4 format. Italian language.

In this number:

If not now, when?
The black sun of the future (Autopsy of the revolution, part II)
The rise of the new populist right: an analysis of the current situation
5G, the network of domination
Resuming our black path, by Gustavo Rodriguez
Marginal contributions to an ongoing debate, by Gabriel Pombo da Silva
News from the necro-world
Updates on Prisoners and State Repression
Letters from prison

The cost is 4 euros per copy, or 3 euros for orders of 5 or more copies. The cost of shipping with ordinary “book folding” is € 1.30.

To receive one or more copies write to us: fenrir at riseup.net

Help us distribute “Fenrir”, if you have a distro or want some copies, contact us!

Italia: È uscito il n. 10 di “Fenrir”, pubblicazione anarchica ecologista (gennaio 2020)

È uscito il n.10 di “Fenrir”, pubblicazione anarchica ecologista, 80 pagine, formato A4.

In questo numero:

Se non ora, quando?
Il sole nero dell’avvenire (Autopsia della rivoluzione, parte II)
L’ascesa delle nuove destre populiste: un’analisi della situazione in corso
5G, la rete del dominio
Riprendendo il nostro nero cammino, di Gustavo Rodriguez
Contributi marginali a un dibattito in corso, di Gabriel Pombo da Silva
Notizie dal necromondo
Aggiornamenti sui/lle prigionierx e sulla repressione di Stato
Lettere dal carcere

Il costo è di 4 euro a copia, oppure di 3 euro per ordini di 5 o più copie. Il costo della spedizione con “piego di libri” ordinario è di 1,30 euro.

Per ricevere una o più copie scrivici: fenrir at riseup.net

Aiutaci a distribuire “Fenrir”, se hai una distro o vuoi un po’ di copie, contattaci!

via insuscettibilediravvedimento.

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Athens, Greece: Solidarity Statement from Imprisoned Members of Revolutionary Struggle to the Koukaki Squatting Community

January 20th, 2020



Since the end of August 2019, the state has launched a wide-scale crackdown on self-organized structures, occupations of the anti-authoritarian space and against squats, which also housed refugees and immigrants, mainly families with children. The present ND (Νέα Δημοκρατία / New Democracy) government is attempting to level everything left standing by the previous SYRIZA government, which had made more selective progress, with the goal of evicting squats of either immigrants or self-organized spaces of struggle.

The Koukaki Squatting Community is one of these self-organized structures of struggle, which was evicted some time ago, but their comrades in arms recaptured it yesterday which led to a second intervention by the police which resulted in the arrests and beatings of the comrades and those acting in solidarity. The dynamic resistance of the Koukaki Squatting Community who fought against the MAT (Riot Police) and the EKAM (Special Anti-Terrorist Unit) twice during eviction operations for the first time in such cases in Greece, is an exemplary stance to defend the options and practices of struggle that we should never abandon.


Pola Roupa – Nikos Maziotis, members of Revolutionary Struggle
January 12, 2020, Korydallos Prison

[Taken from actforfree.nostate.net]

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Tehran: Letter from Imprisoned anarchist comrade Soheil Arabi – “Anarchism Means Flying Forever” (Iran)

January 20th, 2020

Soheil Arabi, the anarchist political prisoner, writes from the notorious Evin prison in northern Tehran, Iran…

Anarchism means flying forever. Since the very moment we open our eyes to this world, from all sides, a net of religion, nationality, language, “race”, sexism is thrown over our intelligence, as an obstacle to flight. When you talk to me about religion, race, language and superstition, then I try to build wings out of these nets to fly towards the infinite freedom of thinking mind.

Becoming an anarchist starts with breaking norm structures. This is hugely difficult and expensive. But more difficult than that is to remain an anarchist.

In fact, all brave birds fly far away to distant places, but eventually halt somewhere their flight and are unable to continue more. Then they sit on the higher branch of a big tree or on a big rock.

Who else can say then that there is no infinite freedom anymore? Who else can say that they have flown as far as they could handle? There are no birds capable of flying for endless eternity.

Anarchism is a bird that moves against the definite characteristics called fate and laws, therefore it breaks the norm structure, goes against Power and thus conquers the world and creates the change.

The Anarchist development is not created of any chance, but is produced by the difficult path of libertarian struggle.

Soheil Arabi
Evin Prison
January 5th, 2020

Translated by Hasse Golkar

via Asranarshism.

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Repression updates from Italy

January 20th, 2020

Italy: Updates about some anarchist prisoners (January 2020)

We briefly summarize the latest updates on the situation of some anarchist prisoners in Italy.

On November 29, 2019 a search took place in the cell of the Sardinian anarchist Davide Delogu, imprisoned in the Rossano Calabro prison. At the same time, he was notified of the opening of an investigation for “association with the purpose of terrorism or subversion of the democratic order” (art. 270bis of Italian criminal code). Subsequently, he was returned some previously seized manuscripts. A week later, the guards informed him that a telephone had been found in the sewers of the prison and that they intended to charge him with its possession; Davide refused to be x-rayed and undressed.

We remind you that a solidarity fund has been opened for Davide Delogu, the coordinates are: Owner: Laura Gargiulo. Iban: IT27E0306967684510327514549.

This is the address of the comrade: Davide Delogu, C. R. di Rossano Calabro, Contrada Ciminata snc, 87067 Corigliano-Rossano (Cs), Italy.

For the repressive operation “Prometeo” (arrests of May 21, 2019) Natascia and Beppe remains in the prisons of Piacenza and Pavia respectively. On December 2, 2019, Robert, accused in the same operation, was released from Bancali prison, in Sardinia, without any precautionary measures. The release came following the decision of the court of review after the cassation, in October, had annulled the order of pre-trial detention for lack of “serious indications of guilt”. The appeal in cassation had been requested for Robert and Beppe, but for the latter it was rejected. Recently, the public prosecutor in turn lodged an appeal in cassation opposing Robert’s release; the hearing has been set for February 4, 2020. The “Prometeo” investigation is still open. The censorship in the correspondence of Natascia has been removed. Read the rest of this entry »

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(A-Radio) B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world – Episode 30

January 18th, 2020

Episode number 30 (01/2020) of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”, a monthly news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world, is now online.

Length: 1:10 h

You’ll find the audio here:

In this episode you will hear contributions from:
1) A-Radio Berlin: Meuterei goes in the air – a steampunk report
2) Frequenz A: A summary and a short interview about the case against the Park Bench 3 in Hamburg
3) 1431AM (Thessaloniki): Struggles in Petrou Ralli Immigrantion Office and Detention Center / 23day-strike in OTE (Organisaton of Telecommunications in Greece)
4) R.O.S.E. (Athens): Eviction of the Utopia squat / Process around the murder of P. Fyssas
5) Radio Fragmata: Updates on political prisoners and persecuted antifascists in Greece
6) Dissident Island (London): News of an oil rig occupation in Scotland, industrial action by precarious workers in London and reports from various hunt saboteur outings around the country
7) The Final Straw: conversation with a translator for the Anarchist Union of Afghanistan and Iran
8) The Final Straw: conversation with an anarchafeminist about the new, rightwing neoliberal regime of Nayib Bukele and the GANA party in El Salvador
9) A-Radio Berlin: Call for an International Week of Solidarity with the Political Prisoners of the revolt in Chile (13.-19.1.2020)

Other audios from A-Radio Berlin in English (or Spanish) here:

Or visit the anarchist 24/7 online stream from the Channel Zero Network:


A-Radio Berlin

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New anarchist publication RUMOER #1 out now

January 18th, 2020

We want more uproar, which is why we give you RUMOER! A publication which will hopefully provoke discussion, irritation, inspiration, agitation, and attack. Because we do not want a raise in wages, but the destruction of work. Because we do not want to shout ‘boo!’ but want to hear BOOM! We want a confrontation without compromise with the system that is destroying our lives and the planet.

In this first issue you will find texts about the increasingly disgusting expanding technologisation of the world. Another one outlines why it is really not necessary to have your phone with you at all times. Furthermore, we will talk about police violence and the worldwide revolts against it, from Chile to Iraq. Incisive texts concerning leftist misery, affinity and ‘professional’ activism in a triptych of translations also appear in this edition; after these, there is a critical text about the current discourse of a large activist group dealing with the climate. And last but not least, a primarily happy end — a chronicle of attacks and anarchist interventions, by way of entertainment and necessary inspiration.

You can find RUMOER in your local social center or order for free by sending us an e-mail. On our website rumoer.noblogs.org you will find a pdf version that you can read online or print and distribute yourself (but then you need gold ink of course).

If you want to order a few copies or do you have something to report, you can mail us on rumoer (((A))) riseup \\\ net

Print PDF
Read PDF

See you soon on the street!

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Istanbul, Turkey: Revenge Units Arson Attacks Against Factories Supplying the Turkish Military

January 16th, 2020

13.01.2020: The Şehit Sorxwin Roboskî and the Şehit Soro Amed Revenge Units carried out actions against factories in Başakşehir, Istanbul that supply clothing and equipment to the Turkish military. The Revenge Units issued a written statement explaining their actions that took place on January 11th, 2020:

“On January 11th, our members organized an action against a factory that makes military clothing for the occupying Turkish army. The factory is located in the PİK Dökümcüler Industrial Estate in the Başakşehir district of Istanbul. 8 minibuses owned by the factory were destroyed as a result of this action. At the same time as this action was carried out, members of our unit also sabotaged a factory on another block located in the same industrial estate. This factory manufactures equipment for military vehicles belonging to the occupying Turkish army. Read the rest of this entry »

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Lebanon: Statement Issued by the Anarchist KAFEH! (Struggle) Movement About the Ongoing Protests

January 16th, 2020

Everyone has become aware of the revolutionary events taking place in Lebanon. This movement has gone global, and the international media is reporting on it and lauding it for its uniqueness and success.

The KAFEH movement is proud of its participation in the events of this revolution, and of being at the center of the movements. Whether in calls and invites, sit-in, setting tents, confrontations, statements, or permanent presence and full readiness, KAFEH has been at the forefront.

These protests represent KAFEH ideologically in every way :

First and foremost, this revolution is without a leader or hierarchy to control it, and automatically rejects whoever tries to lay claim on it and speak and take decisions on its behalf. This represents the philosophy of the anarchist and non-authoritarian KAFEH movement; enforcing direct decision by the people. Read the rest of this entry »

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New Issue of Anathema Volume 6 Issue 1 (U$A)

January 16th, 2020

Zine from the insurrectionary anarchist comrades in Philadelphia:

Volume 6 Issue 1 (PDF for reading 8.5×11)

Volume 6 Issue 1 (PDF for printing 11×17)

In this issue:

Philadelphia Energy Sale
2019 Year In Review
Attorney General Denies Parole
What Went Down
Response To Response To “Property Destruction Is Not Enough”
2020 Summits
Bern It Down!
World News


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Toronto: Explorations in rail disruption in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en (Kanada)

January 16th, 2020

Anonymous submission to North Shore Counter-Info:

This weekend in Toronto, inspired by the actions of Wet’suwet’en land defenders and a recent callout for rail disruptions, some anarchists took to the rails to add our contribution to the building momentum of demonstrations, blockades, and acts of sabotage taking place across Turtle Island.

We debated writing this because, due to a lack of experience and the location we picked, we really couldn’t be sure that our attempt at sabotage succeeded. Ultimately, we wanted to share our message of solidarity and commitment to this struggle, and our own reflections and knowledge gained in this first attempt.

Previous posts on this site [1, 2] provide a great starting point for the how-to’s of this kind of mission. We picked a site in proximity to a rail junction and used copper wire to mimic a train on the tracks, (hopefully!) halting any rail traffic until the disruption was cleared away. Since we didn’t have any jumper cables, which provide a more dependable connection, we quickly scrubbed our connection points with steel wool to make sure there was no rust impeding the connection. Read the rest of this entry »

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January 17th Day of Action to Stop Line 3 – Tar Sands Anti-Pipeline Struggle (U$A)

January 14th, 2020

From the headwaters of the Mississippi River, a call reverberates across Turtle Island: Stop Line 3!

The Dakota and Anishinaabeg people have lived, died, and cared for the waters in what’s now “Minnesota” since long before the founding of the United States. Enbridge Inc. proposes to place a tar sands pipeline across the lands and waters of indigenous people in northern Minnesota—a project called ‘Line 3’. This pipeline proposes to cross 211 waterbodies, some of the richest wild rice beds in the world, and violate the treaty rights of Anishinaabeg negotiated in 1837, 1854, and 1855. The Minnesota segment of Line 3 is the final holdout of a pipeline planned to send 1M barrels per day of oil sands from Alberta to the western edge of Lake Superior. Line 3 represents a 10% increase in tar sands production.

As the state of Minnesota weighs the final water crossing permits needed to build Line 3, we invite you to join us for a day of joyful, exuberant, and playful public engagement with the possibilities for life without oil. Indigenous, settler, migrant—we all agree: a world of extraction is not the world we want!

When we take action to support the Dakota and Anishinaabeg preserve their homelands and culture, together we open possibilities for reinventing our lives beyond colonialism and capitalism. You don’t have to be part of an organization, a government, or some other structured system to want something else. We want ethical ways of relating to each other and to the earth. This is the only home we have. From January 17th – January 19th we call all beings who want something different to gather and display this desire using the hashtag #StopLine3. From banner drops to rallies to roving street parties to demonstrations to teach-ins, anything that helps spread our joy and defiance is welcome.

The possibilities for another world exist now.

Call in Español and Fraçais on the website below.

Website: https://lifewithoutline3.home.blog/

Instagram: @WaterIsLifeJ17

List of possible targets: https://lifewithoutline3.home.blog/locations/

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Posted in Eco Struggle |

Hamilton: Simultaneous Rail Sabotage at Bottlenecks in Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en Land Defenders (Kanada)

January 12th, 2020

Anonymous submission to North Shore. Callout for rail disruption is here.

A decade ago, in a move that has inspired many, Wet’suwet’en people reoccupied their unceded territories as a way to begun healing and ensuring the land is protected in the ways she needs to sustain Wet’suwet’en people’s lives, practices, and continued existence in their traditional territories.

A year ago, the RCMP violently invaded those territories to provide access for industry.

One week ago, the Canadian State criminalized Anuk’ nu’at’en – Wet’suwet’en hereditary law – by granting an injunction which criminalizes Indigenous people and their allies should they protect the Yintah from the destructive forces of industry.

We honour these anniversaries with a giant fuck you to the State.

Early this morning, settlers responded to calls of action coming from multiple Wet’suwet’en house groups after they bravely evicted industry from their unceded territories, as well as a call to action for settlers by settlers.

As one small way of pushing back against the colonial violence being enacted by our government we simultaneously disrupted three natural CN and CP railway bottlenecks at strategic locations with the intention and impact of shutting down all rail traffic going in and out of so-called Hamilton. We did this by using copper wires and jumper cables attached to fishplate wires as a way to interfere with the block circuits – see a video here (opens with TOR). The method is safe, easy, relatively low risk, and widely replicable.

CN rail has been and will continue to ship out pipe to storage yards in preparation of construction and have vast, isolated stretches of infrastructure. The first installations of rail had deep, lasting impacts on the colonization of Turtle Island and targeting it today directly effects so-called canada’s economy.

While these actions will only serve as a temporary disruption, we hope it sends a strong message: Respecting Indigenous sovereignty – anywhere on Turtle Island – is not optional. We will not be passive.

We hope others throughout Turtle Island – especially settlers – will join us in ensuring this is only the beginning, and make the Coastal GasLink pipeline untenable to both industry and the state in every way they can.

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ES/EN/DE – International Agitation Week for the Prisoners of the Revolt in Chile 13 to 19 January

January 12th, 2020



More than 80 days after the social outbreak in Chile, the struggle and social organization persists in the unwavering conviction of confronting and breaking with the model of power and economy that has perpetuated inequalities, injustices and abuses for decades.

Undoubtedly the revolt that still breathes in Chile means this is a turning point with no return, it is within a long journey of struggle that has also brought with it a hard cost: hundreds and hundreds of prisoners of the revolt that are today in the different prisons in this territory. Each week this number increases and in an obvious phenomenon of mass incarceration the State seeks to intimidate and criminalize social protest. We speak of political prisoners of the revolt because of the fact of the mass imprisonment of social fighters after the outbreak of the 18th [October], responding to a political decision of the State and not to technical/legal criteria, understanding the complicity between the different powers of the State in order to perpetuate the existing model of control. That is why we make this call for international solidarity with the prisoners of the revolt in order to reveal the political condition of their imprisonment and demand their immediate freedom. We extend this call appealing to the multiple initiatives and solidarity actions that arise in each territory.




Read the rest of this entry »

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NOS – Adjudicación de ataque contra la Policía Militar de São Paulo, Brasil / Responsibility claim for an attack against Military Police of São Paulo by NOS (Cells of Opposition to the System)

January 12th, 2020

A todxs

Asumimos la autoria de la bomba en el cuartel de la 2ª Compañía del 45º Batallón de la brutal Policía Militar del Estado de São Paulo – PMESP en la calle General Carneiro, la noche del 18-12-2019, en el centro de la ciudad de São Paulo, cercano del Pateo do Collegio (el sitio de fundación de la ciudad), una instalación navideña del banco Santander y un puesto de la también brutal Guardia Civil Metropolitana – GCM a la que también queríamos atacar. Utilizamos una bomba de ruido hecha de una pequeña botella de refresco conteniendo 11 trozos de vidrio puntiagudos para dañar a los policías cercanos.

Fue una represalia por la masacre de Paraisópolis, planificada y fríamente ejecutada el 12-12-2019 por la PMESP y su jefe João Doria, el gobernador fascista de São Paulo, como parte de la guerra contra lxs negrxs y lxs pobres promovida por el estado brasileño. En lugar de enfrentarse a narcotraficantes armados y violentos que les pagan sobornos, la PMESP asesinó a 9 jóvenes indefensxs en una fiesta callejera bajo la aprobación de la extrema derecha. Sus representantes en la política burguesa, como los diputados fascistas Capitán Conte Lopes y Sargento Fahur, diputados provincial y federal de los estados de Sao Paulo y Paraná, respectivamente, celebraron la masacre y dijeron que habrá otros. Doria prometió en 12-2018 que bajo su mando la policía “mataría” y cumplió. Read the rest of this entry »

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