Theory. Utopia. Empathy. Ephemeral arts – EST. 1990 – ATHENS LONDON NEW YORK

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International Solidarity

Global movement

Raul Vaneigem: Here we are! At the beginning of everything!

17 November 2019 (The text published in french language at “A contretemps” at 17 November 2019). The sudden attacks of freedom on the suffocating capitalist hydra, constantly make the epicenter of the seismic disturbances fluctuate. The territories of the whole world affected by the system of private benefits are exposed to the outburst of insurrectional movements. Consciousness is forced to run after successive waves of events, reacting to constant, paradoxically predictable… …

Global movement

Moroccan Journalist’s Prison Sentence Increased on Appeal to 15 Years – by George Katsiaficas

At midnight on October 25, 2019, Tawfik Bouachrine, the editor-in-chief of newspaper Akhbar Al Yaoum (Today’s News), was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment. A Casablanca appeals court sentenced him to three years longer than the term imposed by a lower court. Bouachrine was denied key evidence, his cell phone, which had been confiscated and would have cleared him from the charges. The appeals court announced its decision to increase his prison… …


SOS Kurdish Revolution Needs Us and We Need the Kurdish Revolution

“This US decision to let Erdogan invade Syria will have disastrous consequences not only for the Kurds but for the entire international community. They authorize the Turkish state to invade a peaceful, secure and democratic area that has driven out all jihadist terrorists at the cost of the lives of 12,000 martyrs. They now leave the Kurds at the mercy of the Turkish army and its jihadist allies. We will… …

EXARCHIA: Solidarity to squats and all spaces of struggle- ASSEMBLY Announcement

The state and capital always attack the freedom of the social base, steal its labor and resources. In recent years we have experienced one of the most violent attacks through the massive impoverishment of people who are already oppressed and exploited. On the other hand, there has been widespread social resistance and solidarity. People have created a variety of self-organized spaces such as housing infrastructure, social medical centers, community kitchens, open parks and public spaces… …

Global movement

Rozbrat: One of the oldest European squats in Poland calls for solidarity in face of eviction threat

Rozbrat, an anarchist squatted space in Poland, has called for solidarity in face of eviction threat. Rozbrat is located in the western Poland city of Poznan. The property was squatted in 1994 and since then it became an alternative politics and cultural centre. It also serves as a home for over 20 people, and is both temporary and permanent shelter for homeless people. The principal idea behind the space is… …

Global movement

West Papua: The genocide continues

The word genocide is simple enough to understand, whether in Nazi Germany, Rwanda, Bosnia, Palestine, Pol Pot’s Cambodia or in West Papua. The stories and intent are the same, a policy to annihilate the people considered the enemy of those in authority. Describing the horrifying methods used in these countries to eliminate people by state-sponsored activity is mind-boggling. The genocidal activities of the colonial government of Indonesia against the people… …

Global movement

Announcing the formation of the Anarchist Union of Afghanistan & Iran

This union is a free and voluntary agreement, and each individual or group will continue to operate independently in addition to being in the union. In the union, all anarchist tendencies, except for religious, pacifist and so called capitalist anarchists, have the potential to participate All persons and groups are required to sign any callout or announcement with the name of the union. If no collective agreement is reached, each individual… …

Global movement

Haiti: Prelude to a Revolution-Mass Protests, Like in France, Threaten Modern Oligarchic Structure

VOID NETWORK express solidarity to the people of Haiti in revolt. Their struggle is our struggle, their passion for freedom and end of inequality and exploitation resonates all around the world. SLAVES BREAK OFF YOUR CHAINS- WE ARE EVERYWHERE- WE ARE READY TO EXPLODE   Jovenel Moïse, the corrupt US backed president of Haiti, is faced with a rapidly spreading insurrection. The population had resoundingly rejected his claim to authority… …

Events/Void Network News

Void Network: Anarchist Social Struggles in Greece FR. 25/1/2019 Cowley Club- Brighton

Anarchist Social Struggles in Greece- open public dialogue with anarchist members from Void Network from Athens Friday 25/1/2019–Cowley Club | Brighton Greece became a world news report center during the revolt of December 2008 after the assassination of 15 years old boy Alexis Grigoropoulos, by the Greek police in Exarchia square, the stronghold of anarchists and leftists in Athens for the last 40 years. The global economic crises brought Greece again in global news… …

Global movement


L’eau Est La Vie camp is a floating pipeline resistance camp. Although we have no leaders, we value the voices of our indigenous, black, femme, and two spirit organizers. We fight in the bayous of Louisiana, Chata Houma Chittimacha Atakapaw territory, to stop the Bayou Bridge Pipeline, an Energy Transfer Partners project and the tail end of the Dakota Access Pipeline. BBP resistance is a continuation of our fight in… …

Global movement

HOMAGE TO HUMANITY – amazing photos from unknown tribes by Jimmy Nelson

Check out these beautiful photos of remote tribes and village clans from all over the world, documented by photographer Jimmy Nelson. Jimmy Nelson has traveled to the world’s most hidden corners to photograph indigenous peoples. In 2013 he published his first book ‘Before They Pass Away’, with which his lifelong dream, to create awareness about the world’s unimaginable diversity, became reality. We love how he combines these majestic landscapes with their… …

Global movement

“Smash Brahminical Patriarchy” Poster Draws Wrath of Patriarchal Brahmins

Rights group: “Outrage of upper-castes only emerges in response to anti-caste action” NEW DELHI: Nov. 21, 2018 — After Twitter CEO and Co-Founder Jack Dorsey was pictured in India holding a poster reading, “Smash Brahminical Patriarchy,” pundits across the internet exploded with comparisons of anti-Brahminism to anti-Semitism. Last week, Dorsey attended a meeting with female journalists, activists, and writers in Delhi. During the meeting, Dalit activist Sanghapali Aruna gifted him the… …

Global movement


What follows is translated statement by our comrades in Brazil on the current and politically urgent situation in Brazil. As Brazil is rocked by economic recession, parliamentary coups and scandals, into the void has stepped far right-wing presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro. Winning the first found of voting earlier this month Bolsonaro is headed to the second round on October 28 where he will face off against the Workers Party (PT)… …

Global movement

Touching the heart: about the blackmail concerning ‘the immigrants’

During the last 10 years, a lot of comrades in different countries have participated in the struggle around the question of migration, whether it be about the struggle of paperless people to get regularized, the struggle around housing in poor neighbourhoods, the struggle against raids on the street and on the public transport or the struggle against the detention centres. Often these have led to a repetition of certain impasses… …

Global movement

Nazi Govern USA: 10,000 migrant children at 100 concentration camps in 14 states

We try to follow the news but its not easy. Nazi govern USA and the federal government using police and the army for building concentration camps all over AmeriKKKa. For one more time in history as in in previous decades in Africa, in Australia (with the Aboriginals) and in Europe (with Roma, communists, anarchists, disabled people and Jews)  the USA government take the kids of the people in custody, steal… …

Global movement

The Art of Not Being Governed: Hill Peoples and Valley Kingdoms in Mainland Southeast Asia

  For two thousand years, the peoples residing in Zomia — the mountainous region that stretches from the Central Highlands of Vietnam to northeastern India — have fled the organized state societies in the valleys. Far from being ‘remnants’ left behind by civilizing societies, they are “barbarians by choice”, peoples who have deliberately put distance between themselves and lowland, state-centers. James Scott, director of the Agrarian Studies Program at Yale… …

Local movement

SOS- Δράσεις και αποστολές αλληλεγγύης για τους Κούρδους πρόσφυγες στο Λαύριο

Athens Club St. Pauli: Μέσα στον Μάρτιο ολοκληρώθηκε η αποκατάσταση των σπασμένων τζαμιών στον καταυλισμό των 20 κοντέινερς (βρίσκεται 800 μέτρα μακριά από το Κέντρο Φιλοξενίας), όπου ζουν 100 Κούρδοι πρόσφυγες ανάμεσά τους αρκετά παιδιά. Το κόστος των 230 ευρώ κάλυψαν οι παρακάτω συλλογικότητες που δραστηριοποιούνται σε αλληλεγγύη με τους Κούρδους πρόσφυγες του Λαυρίου: η κολλεκτίβα εργασίας – καφενείο ΤΟ ΠΑΓΚΑΚΙ, η Ελευθεριακή Συνδικαλιστική Ένωση (ΕΣΕ Αθήνας), το συνεργατικό παντοπωλείο ΛΑΚΑΝΤΟΝΑ… …


NO NAME DIVIDES US NO NATION UNITES US PROLETARIANS HAVE NO MOTHER COUNTRY The resurgence of the “Macedonian issue” has been a rare opportunity for all kinds of nationalist and fascist scums to take up space in the public discourse and try to promote their murderous political plans. The nationalist rallies in Thessaloniki and Athens served this very purpose. It became obvious, even to the most naive, that the supposedly… …

Global movement/Theory


After the initial wave of terror and fury, my post-election tactic has mostly been dissociation. Out of safety, out of self-protection. I know that ignoring these truths won’t save me- that I need to engage, to stand in solidarity with the homies- with the scientists- with the immigrants and children of immigrants- with the Muslims- with the Mexicans- with the queers- with the artists.. but something about the way the… …

Global movement

Brazil: More raids on anarchist homes as state crackdown continues

Punitive raids were expanded at the turn of the month, as police continue to try and pin recent incendiary attacks in Porto Alegre on the anarchist movement. Activists in the city reported on November 30th that: Operation Erebo (Operação Érebo) attacked anarchists once again. They invaded some houses, stealing things and destroying everything in their path. At this stage we don’t know whether any other homes were invaded. Communication is precarious… …

Προβολή ντοκυμαντέρ για την Εξέγερση των Ινδιάνων στo Standing Rock ΤΡ.28/11 BLACK SNAKE KILLAZ (USA)- documentary show at EMBROS- athens

Black Snake Killaz is a feature-length documentary film about the resistance  to the Dakota Access Pipelinein Standing Rock. This film explores actions taken by water protectors to stop the construction of the oil pipeline and highlights actions taken by law enforcement, military, and corporate mercenaries to quell the months-long protest. Black Snake Killaz timelines the historical events that unfolded in Standing Rock throughout 2016 and brings you the raw experience… …

Events/Void Network News

Psy Trance Solidarity- SAT. 2 DEC 2017 Occupied EMBROS- athens

PSY TRANCE SOLIDARITY SAT. 2 DECEMBER 2017 Occupied self-organised Theater EMBROS R.Palamidi 2 Psiri area / athens starts at midnight Crystal Zero Underverse War Chaotic Behavior Junior X Vertigo ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟ ΑΥΤΟΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΖΟΜΕΝΟ ΘΕΑΤΡΟ ΕΜΠΡΟΣ Ρ. Παλαμήδη 2- Ψυρρή – Αθήνα Εκδήλωση οικονομικής ενίσχυσης της ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑΚΗΣ ΠΡΩΤΟΒΟΥΛΙΑΣ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ για την δημιουργία νέου ελευθεριακού χώρου στην πόλη της Θεσσαλονίκης. Με την υποστήριξη της συλλογικότητας ΚΕΝΟ ΔΙΚΤΥΟ Solidarity Party of LIBERTARIAN INITIATIVE OF… …

Global movement

CHARLOTTESVILLE: The world is divided, the camps are being formed- Anarchist Federation- Greece

Τhe 32 year old anti-fascist, Heather Heyer, was killed when a well-known fascist who was participating at the american alt-rights’ gathering in the town of Charlottesville deliberately ran his car over a large number of anti-fascists, causing the death of the 32 year old and dozens of injured, with some of them very seriously. Let us begin with this: with most recent example the attacks in Barcelona, the Islamic State… …

Not a struggle for the refugees, but with the refugees: Anarchism at work in Greece.

Live from Athens, cultural activist Tasos Sagris from Void Network discusses with Chuck Mertz from the radio program THIS IS HELL (U.S.A.) the political and social work of anarchists in austerity-era Greece – to provide support and mutual aid to the victims of capitalism and war, to defend the people from fascist and state violence, and to build and occupy the framework for a new, horizontal society, against capital, and for each… …

Local movement


[text: Eng./Ελλ.] O Hussein Haniyeah, 22 ετών, Παλαιστίνιος πρόσφυγας από τη Χάμα της Συρίας ξεκινά σήμερα 16/6/2017 απεργία πείνας μέχρι να γίνουν δεκτά τα αιτήματα του, ενώ διαμένει σε χώρο φιλοξενίας γνωστής Μη Κυβερνητικής Οργάνωσης σε τραγικές συνθήκες. Το μήνυμα του είναι: ‘’Θέλω να ζω με ειρήνη, να συνεχίσω της σπουδές μου, να ενωθώ με τους συγγενείς μου και να έχω μια ήσυχη ζωή’’. Το μήνυμα αυτό εκφράζει τον πόνο… …

Local movement

Θεσσαλονίκη ΠΟΡΕΙΑ ΠΕΜΠΤΗ 15/6 | Να υποδεχτούμε τους σφαγείς της Παλαιστίνης όπως τους αρμόζει- Anarchist’s demo against Israel prime minister- Let’s welcome the slaughters of Palestinians as they deserve it!

* [text: Eng./Ελλ.] Την Πέμπτη 15/6, η κυβέρνηση της «αριστεράς» θα υποδεχτεί στη Θεσσαλονίκη τον πρωθυπουργό του Ισραήλ, Μπ. Νετανιάχου, για την τριμερή Συνάντηση Κορυφής μεταξύ Ελλάδας, Ισραήλ και Κύπρου. Στην τελευταία αντίστοιχη συνάντηση, το Νοέμβριο του 2015, ο Α. Τσίπρας είχε φροντίσει να χαρακτηρίσει την κατεχόμενη Ιερουσαλήμ ως «ιστορική πρωτεύουσα» του Ισραήλ, νομιμοποιώντας έτσι τη θηριωδία των ισραηλινών δυνάμεων κατοχής. Κι ενώ κάθε μέρα ανήλικα παιδιά πυροβολούνται στους δρόμους… …


Anarchism and Nationalism- by Uri Gordon

Anarchists are against nationalism; everyone knows that. Instead of solidarity across borders and anti-hierarchical antagonism within them, nationalism engenders loyalty to the state with its armed forces and public symbols, encourages the oppressed to identify with their compatriot oppressors, scapegoats minorities, and pits workers of different countries against one another in economic competition or open warfare. Opposition to nationalism is an almost trivial starting point for anarchist politics, reflected in… …

Global movement

Dozens of anarchists arrested in Belarus after anti-government protests

Today in three major cities of Belarus – Minsk, Mogilev and Grodno – people took the streets protesting against government attempts to collect tax off the unemployed (details of the story HERE). In Minsk, demonstrations managed to gather more that 1 500 people, in Mogilev and Grodno 1 000 each. These are the biggest protests those cities have seen in decades. It is worth mentioning that most of the protesters… …

ΚΑΤΩ ΤΑ ΧΕΡΙΑ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΕΜΠΡΟΣ!- SOS Κόψανε το νερό από το Εμπρός! Κάλεσμα Αλληλεγγύης / PUT YOUR HANDS DOWN FROM EMBROS ! SOS- State cut water supply from Occupied Theater Embros- Call out for Solidarity

ΚΑΤΩ ΤΑ ΧΕΡΙΑ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΕΜΠΡΟΣ! Αυτή η εικόνα με το σκαμμένο πεζοδρόμιο και την ασπροκόκκινη κορδέλα είναι μια συνηθισμένη εικόνα για το Εμπρός. Την είδαμε όταν μας έκοψαν το ρεύμα τη βλέπουμε ξανά από χθες που μας ξανα-έκοψαν για πολλοστή φορά το νερό! Είναι η εικόνα της κρατικής καταστολής. Η εικόνα της “ασφυξίας” που μας επιβάλλεται ξανά και ξανά από το κράτος και την, κατ’ ευφημισμό αριστερή, κυβέρνηση. Την… …

Global movement

AWARDS High Tension: The Contemporary Moment in France, photos by Rémy Soubanère

No, these are not photos from battlegrounds in Ukraine or Syria—these are from Paris, the erstwhile city of love and light, transformed into another stage for conflict in the aftermath of two years of terror attacks and heightened security and anxiety. photo 1: Nous Somme le Peule Qui Manque [We Are the Missing People]. Rue de Chaligny. Paris, May 26, 2016. Nearly three months after the first gatherings, the demonstrations became… …

Global movement

Over 120 arrested at North Dakota pipeline protests, including journalists // 120 Iνδιάνοι ΙΘαγενείς, ρεπορτερ και ακτιβιστές συλληφθέντες σε επεισόδια

North Dakota police arrested more than 120 people over the weekend at Native American oil pipeline protests, including film-makers and journalists, prompting accusations that law enforcement officials are stifling free speech and using excessive force against peaceful protesters.  ΗΠΑ (η αστυνομια στην υπηρεσια των πολυεθνικων) Στην Βόρεια Ντακότα η αστυνομία συνέλαβε περισσότερα από 120 άτομα στις ινδιάνικες διαμαρτυρίες κατά του πετρελαιαγωγό στη διάρκεια του Σαββατοκύριακου, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των δημιουργών ταινιών και… …

Global movement

Αnti-fascist march in London Cable Street, celebrating 80 years of anti-fascist resistance / Μεγάλη Αντιφασιστική πορεία στο Λονδίνο

  Anarchists and confrontational antifascists back in the streets of London in 9/10/2016 in memory of 80th anniversary of heroic Cable Street battle, the great day of Londoners struggle against English fascists, the 1936 Battle of Cable Street, which saw over 100,000 working-class residents in London’s East End oppose a march by Oswald Mosely’s British Union of Fascists, forcing them to abandon it entirely. Void Network expresses solidarity to all… …

Local movement

ΠΟΡΕΙΑ Aλληλεγγύης ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗ 30/09 -18.00 ΠΡΟΠΥΛΑΙΑ // Demonstration in defense of refugee children

Five children 12 to 14 years old and two children 20 to 22, on their way to take part at a theatre play in Athens centre, has been arrested from police and then tortured and abused at the Omonoia police station. The Assempbly of the Exarchia Occupied Spaces for immigrants and refugees and the self-organization of the solidarity invites ALL at the demonstration at Friday 30/9 at 18.00 from Propylaia… …

Void Network News

REFUGEES WELCOME! DUB UNITY Reggae Dub | Hip Hop | Drum n Bass SAT. 13/2/2016 OCCUPIED THEATRE EMBROS athens

Occupied Accomodation Area for Refugees and Immigrants (Notara 26-Exarchia) People’s Solidarity Initiatives  REFUGEES WELCOME!No One is IllegalDUB UNITYReggae Dub | Hip Hop | Drum n BassSAT. 13/2/2016 Eλεύθερο Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο Θέατρο ΕΜΠΡΟΣOCCUPIED THEATRE EMBROS(R.Palamidi 2 / Psiris area / athens)starts at 23.00dj booker (hip hop) golden child (hip hop)natural reaction ft junior x (dub roots)dub riots ft . bluez < live >  (dub roots -steppers)insp – i – ration soundsystem (dub)basik 1 (drum n… …

Void Network News

UNDERGROUND RESISTANCE Psychedelic Trance Experience FR. 22/1/2016 NOMIKH Athens Law School benefit event for the collective kitchen of Free Social Space Nosotros

UNDERGROUND RESISTANCE  PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE EXPERIENCE FRIDAY 22 JAN. 2016 | starts 23.00 | NOMIKH Σχολή Αθηνών – Ακαδημίας 45 Athens Law School – Akademias str. 45 23.00-01.00 WAR (Void Network) 01.00-02.30 JUNIOR X (Void Network) 02.30-03.30 CRYSTAL ZERO (Void Network) 03.30-05.00 IRAKLIS MINDPHASER (Natural High) 05.00-06.00 UNDERVERSE (Natural High) 06.00-07.00 ROLLING DICE (Natural High) To σύνολο των εσόδων θα διατεθεί για την οικονομική στήριξη της συλλογικής κουζίνας ΕΑΤ ΤΗΕ RICH!,… …

Global movement

The International Freedom Battalion of Rojava and participation from greece

This is a response of the Revolutionary Union for Internationalist Solidarity (from greece) and the International Freedom Battalion’s full statement upon the announcement of it’s creation.R.U.I.S.’ solidarity response:The Revolutionary Union for Internationalist Solidarity is a formation for struggle with the aim to practice solidarity in the international field of armed conflicts on the the side of the classes of the oppressed who fight towards social liberation from the domination of… …

Void Network News

ΚΑΛΕΣΜΑ ΑΛΛΗΛΕΓΓΥΗΣ ΣΤΟΝ ΝΙΚΟ ΡΩΜΑΝΟ ΕΝΑΝΤΙΑ ΣΤΟΝ ΟΛΟΚΛΗΡΩΤΙΣΜΟ ΤΕΤ.10/12 Κατάληψη Εμπρός Open Public Assembly for organizing solidarity actions for Nikos Romanos against Totalitarianism / Occupied Theatre Embros Wen. 10/12/2014

 on the roads!   ΚΑΛΕΣΜΑ  ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΕΠΕΚΤΑΣΗ ΤΩΝ ΔΡΑΣΕΩΝ ΑΛΛΗΛΕΓΓΥΗΣ ΣΤΟΝ ΝΙΚΟ ΡΩΜΑΝΟΕΝΑΝΤΙΑ ΣΤΟΝ ΟΛΟΚΛΗΡΩΤΙΣΜΟ Aπό την εξέγερση του Δεκέμβρη του 2008 έως σήμεραείδαμε πολλές αυταπάτες να διαλύονται. Είδαμε τον κόσμο της καταναλωτικής επίπλαστης ευτυχίας να καταρρέει και τα μεγάλα οικονομικά και πολιτικά συμφέροντα να επεκτείνουν την εκμετάλλευση και την κερδοφορία τους με τον πιο βάναυσο κι απάνθρωπο τρόπο. Είδαμε χιλιάδες ανθρώπους να αυτοκτονούν, τα όρια της φτώχειας να περιλαμβάνουν… …

Global movement

6 December 2014, Solidarity with Nikos Romanos in Turkey

Today, we were on streets for Alexis who was murdered by Greek State and for Nikos Romanos who  has been on  hunger strike for 26 days against the repression of the same state. Today, we were on streets for our sisters and brothers who have been murdered while resisting in Greece, in Ferguson, in Mexico, in Kobanê. Today, we were on streets for Berkin, Ali İsmail, Ethem, Arin, Kader, Suphi… …

Global movement

Black Lives Matters! Ferguson is burning after grand jury decision of no-charges for police officer who killed Michael Brown LIVE REPORT

Ferguson, Missouri, erupts in violence after grand jury verdict not to charge Darren Wilson for shooting dead unarmed black teenager Michael Brown – follow live updates VOID NETWORK expresses solidarity for the uncompromised struggle of people all over Amerikkka against the police brutality and the totalitarian “justice” regime that offers to any policeman the right to kill people in the streets with “no-charges” for centuries now! This has to end… …

Void Network News

Void Network | Tour de France | Soulevements Mondiaux Du 21e Siege|Conférence Publique| July 24 /CAIRN / PARIS

Conférence Publique SOULEVEMENTS MONDIAUX DU 21e SIECLE du mouvement ‘Occupy’ aux révoltes asiatiques et à la Révolution planétaire avec George Katsiaficas, Sissy Doutsiou, Tasos Sagris, Richard Greeman et Harry Halpin 19h / jeudi 24 juillet au CAIRN 18, rue Victor Massé, 75009 Paris -métro Pigalle Les discutants enquêteront sur la stratégie, la tactique et la théorie à partir des soulèvements mondiaux de 2011 et tenteront de proposer des réponses sur… …

Void Network News

Reggae Dub Unity Session / Solidarity Night FRIDAY 23 MAY 2014 at OCCUPIED THEATRE EMBROS

Reggae Dub Unity Session: Όλοι εμείς, μουσικοί της reggae dub σκηνής, καλλιτέχνες του δρόμου και παιδιά μιας πόλης που στέκεται ξένη και εχθρική προς κάθε τι διαφορετικό, καινούργιο και άγνωστο, ενώνουμε τις δυνάμεις μας για να υπερασπιστούμε την Ελευθερία, την Αξιοπρέπεια και την Αλληλεγγύη με όλους τους τρόπους που γνωρίζουμε: Την μουσική, τον χορό, την Αγάπη και το Σεβασμό προς όλους τους ανθρώπους αυτής της Γης χωρις διαχωρισμούς χρώματος, καταγωγής,… …

Void Network News

RECLAIM THE BEACH Party! στην Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενη ΠΑΡΑΛΙΑ ΒΟΥΛΑΣ >>>>>>>> ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ 07/09/2013 έναρξη 18.00

    ΚΕΝΟ ΔΙΚΤΥO [Θεωρία, Ουτοπία, Συναίσθηση, Εφήμερες Τέχνες] Σαββατο  07 / 09 / 2013  RECLAIM THE BEACH Party!  στην Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενη ΠΑΡΑΛΙΑ ΒΟΥΛΑΣ*  για την υπεράσπιση  της ελευθερίας της έκφρασης στον Δημόσιο Χώρο  έναρξη 18.00 20.00 Ανοιχτή Συζήτηση: “Δημόσιος Χώρος & Κοινωνικές Αντιστάσεις” 2 STAGES  for all underground cultures:  1. PsyTrance Experience  CRYSTAL ZERO MINDPHASER EL MAHICO NIKOS LIQUID LOVE CONFO RISING GALAXY… …


Slavoj Žižek: “Trouble in Paradise” On the protests in Turkey and Greece

In his early writings, Marx described the German situation as one in which the only answer to particular problems was the universal solution: global revolution. This is a succinct expression of the difference between a reformist and a revolutionary period: in a reformist period, global revolution remains a dream which, if it does anything, merely lends weight to attempts to change things locally; in a revolutionary period, it becomes clear… …

Void Network News

INTERNATIONAL CALL-OUT FROM GREECE: The Days of Our Enslavement are Ending! / ΔΙΕΘΝΕΣ ΚΑΛΕΣΜΑ ΑΠΟ ΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ: Οι Μέρες της Σκλαβιάς Μας Είναι Μετρημένες !

The mass revolts throughout the world show clearly that human beings begin at last to resist the order of those who command without asking us, the orders of those who think that under their thrones there are willing idiots for serving their interests, loyal subjects who bow their head to the exploitation, the oppression, the inequality and the misery they experience every day. We are not slaves to any government, to… …

Void Network News

INTERNATIONAL Solidarity to the struggle of Turkish people against Global Totalitarianism!

Turkish state has started a war against the people. Many people are dead. >>> VOID NETWORK EXPRESSES SOLIDARITY FOR THE PEOPLE IN TURKEY AND THEIR STRUGGLE. THE INTERNATIONAL STRUGGLE AGAINST GLOBAL TOTALITARIANISM CONTINUES! WE SHALL OVERCOME! >>> WE INVITE OUR FRIENDS AT SYNTAGMA SQ. ATHENS GREECE Saturday 1st JUNE 2013 at 18.00 Solidarity for Turkish people demo >>>> for more info about the struggle in Turkey:  …


Turkish police has started a war against the people. Many people are dead.

VOID NETWORK EXPRESSES SOLIDARITY FOR THE PEOPLE IN TURKEY AND THEIR STRUGGLE. THE INTERNATIONAL STRUGGLE AGAINST GLOBAL TOTALITARIANISM CONTINUES!WE SHALL OVERCOME!The occupation of Taksim Gezi Park in İstanbul began on May 28th, 2013. Following the police raid in the park area on May 30th, hackers from the RedHack sabotaged the website of the Beyoglu police headquarters in response to the morning attack.The occupation continued, and thousands of people gathered to resist… …


“Rape Happens”: The ‘normalcy’ of violence—sexual violence being the most perverted—is India’s lot. One girl’s nightmare focuses the light.

“Didi has always made us proud. Aisa kabhi nahin hua ki hamein unki wajah se kuchh sunna pada. Woh hamare parivar ka garv hai (We never had to hear anything on account of her. She is our family’s pride),” say the two brothers (18 and 20 years old respectively) of the girl whose rape and brutalisation a fortnight ago has stirred the whole nation. They were seated outside her ICU… …


India Gang-Rape protesters clashed with Police in Delhi / International Solidarity Message from Void Network

Void Network [Athens, London, New York, Rio De Janeiro] expresses international solidarity for all girls and boys of India fighting for the end of patriarchic opression and medieval gender inequality and erotic supression in India. We express our demands for change of social morals all over this world, we demand social equality, gender equality, freedom of expression, freedom of Love, end of supression of diversity, freedom for all beings in… …

Void Network News

Solidarity For Villa Amalias [ historical Athens political and social occupation ] // Αλληλεγγύη στην Ιστορική κατάληψη Βίλλα Αμαλίας

Δεν περιμένουμε τίποτα από τους μηχανισμούς και τις δομές του ελληνικού κράτους, και της “Δημοκρατίας” που αυτό επαγγέλλεται. Η εισβολή και οι συλλήψεις στην ιστορική κατάληψη της Βίλλα Αμαλίας, καθώς και η συνεχιζόμενη περικύκλωση του κτιρίου, άλλο λόγο δεν έχουν παρά να μας δείξουν, πως πράγματι ένας κόσμος, με μεγάλες ταχύτητες, τελειώνει τον τελευταίο καιρό! Αυτός ο κόσμος δεν είναι παρά ο κόσμος της κατ’ επίφαση “Δημοκρατίας”. Ιδού, λοιπόν, η… …


S.O.S. International Call Out for Solidarity to Guarani -Kaiowa Tribe from Brasil!

Letter of the Community Guarani-Kaiowá of Pyelito Kue/Mbarakay-Iguatemi-MS for the Government and Justice of Brazil We (50 men, 50 women and 70 children) Guarani-Kaiowá communities originating from tekoha Pyelito kue / Mbrakay, we write this letter to present our historical situation and a final decision before the dispatch order expressed by the Federal Court of  Navaraí MS, as Case No. 0000032-87.2012.4.03.6006, on 29 September 2012. We received information that our… …

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