Akshay MaratheПідтверджений профіль


Media Panelist, Aam Aadmi Party | Worked on Education policy with Delhi government | Law student

New Delhi, India
Дата приєднання: серпень 2009
Дата народження: 9 серпня 1995 р.


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  1. ретвітнув(ла)
    12 годин тому

    . gives what is a true tribute to Sardar Patel - India’s largest medical facility at the time of a global pandemic! This is the India that Sardar Patel would be proud of; not one where billions of rupees are wasted on statues.

  2. 5 годин тому

    On the one hand, the University is not providing any solutions to legitimate concerns of students about Online Open Book Exams (OBE) and on the other it's arbitrarily changing exam dates. Why aren't even Central universities following the UGC's fresh guidelines?

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  3. 5 годин тому

    What's the point of a 10-day postponement of exams? Is Covid going to suddenly disappear in 10 days? ji, Delhi University administration is playing a cruel joke on students.

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  4. ретвітнув(ла)
    7 годин тому

    Live from Radha Soami Satsang Beas, Chhatarpur| The Sardar Patel Covid Care Centre is among the largest hospitals in the world. On a joint visit with Hon. Home Minister Shri Amit Shah.

  5. ретвітнув(ла)
    6 годин тому

    इस मुसीबत की घड़ी में दिल्ली को करोना से बचाने के लिए मैंने सबसे सहयोग माँगा। और सबने बढ़ चढ़ के सहयोग किया। केंद्र सरकार और राधा स्वामी ब्यास के सहयोग से अपने दिल्ली वालों के लिए इतना बड़ा करोना सेंटर बन गया है।

  6. ретвітнув(ла)
    8 годин тому

    धन्यवाद शायद आपकी बातचीत के बाद ही गृह मंत्रालय ने फ़ोन भी किया . आपको भविष्य में भी इसी तरह केंद्र और राज्य सरकार के साथ मिलजुलकर काम करना चाहिए.

  7. ретвітнув(ла)
    9 годин тому

    कोरोना के खिलाफ लड़ाई में दिल्ली के 5 हथियार - बेड्स की संख्या बढ़ाई - युद्ध स्तर पर किया टेस्टिंग और आइसोलेशन - ऑक्सीमीटर व ऑक्सीजन कंसेंट्रेटर मुहैया किए - प्लाज्मा थेरपी का देश में पहला सफल ट्रायल किया - सेरोलॉजिकल सर्वे शुरू किया दिल्ली जीतेगी, कोरोना हारेगा।

  8. ретвітнув(ла)
    12 годин тому

    दिल्ली वालों ने करोना के ख़िलाफ़ ज़बरदस्त युद्ध छेड़ा हुआ है। इस युद्ध में हमारे ये पाँच हथियार हैं

  9. ретвітнув(ла)
    14 годин тому

    A thread on why 1) No stated plan as to the mode of taking the exam/uploading yet (law exams slated to start on 6 July); DU servers are historically ill-equipped to carry heavy traffic.

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  10. ретвітнув(ла)
    14 годин тому

    Delhi conducted highest no of tests in a singly day yesterday- 21,144 We have increased testing 4 times Delhi now following strategy of very aggressive testing and isolation.

  11. ретвітнув(ла)
    26 черв.

    To honour Sardar Patel - BJP built a statue, Kejriwal built a hospital. Who would have Sardar Patel been proud of?

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  12. ретвітнув(ла)
    26 черв.

    Out of 10,000 beds, 2000 beds have been made operational at the newly established COVID Care Centre at Radha Soami Satsang Beas Centre. This is the world's largest COVID Care facility built by the Kejriwal Govt.

  13. ретвітнув(ла)
    26 черв.

    We are sending pulse oximeters that are like Suraksha Chakras for Corona patients in home isolation so they can check their oxygen saturation. I spoke to one such patient Mr Kanan on the phone yesterday. Listen in to our conversation.

  14. ретвітнув(ла)
    26 черв.

    CM speaks to patients and checks on them. Making every provision possible to ensure all of them are taken care off. State govt really looking after Delhi -ites. Great to see such governance.

  15. ретвітнув(ла)
    26 черв.
  16. ретвітнув(ла)
    26 черв.

    Watch LIVE: CM Shri addresses the people on the fight against Corona. He is making an important announcement.

  17. ретвітнув(ла)
    26 черв.

    AMAZING NEWS Huge WIN for AAP in Delhi MCD's 'CTSP Zone Elections' AAP candidates WINS in all three positions 1. Chairman : Mohammad Shadik 2. Dy Chairman : Dharmendra Mahaveer 3. Standing Committee Member : Vicky Gupta An unitited INC and BJP face a BIG defeat in Delhi.

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  18. ретвітнув(ла)
    26 черв.

    Just wanted to let you all know that I’m feeling much better and stronger. Oxygen levels, temperature and pulse have all been stable for the last 3 days. My doctor says that I need a few more days of rest and monitoring, but am recovering well!

  19. 26 черв.

    जन्मदिन की ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएं विकास भाई 🌟💪🏼😎

  20. ретвітнув(ла)
    25 черв.

Схоже, завантаження займе трохи часу.

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