MAW Holmes


Old enough to know better... Stupid enough to care about it... Daft enough to keep on doing it anyway... (Also RTA guest podcaster & scribbler)

The North
Beigetreten Februar 2011


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    2. März 2015

    over Manchester looking ominous last night...

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    10 years ago today (boy, that went fast) I spent my birthday on set filming The Thick of It. Today I’m spending it with and the gang again on .Which is frankly bloody lovely.

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  3. hat retweetet
    vor 5 Stunden

    When I'm stressed, I go to this. I'd like to live in this Public Information Film.

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    vor 3 Stunden
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    Sublime. As the nostalgia warmly washes over me, I again pose the question who we think the narrator is. My moneys on David De Keyser. He overdubbed a character in an New Avengers episode I randomly caught a few years back and it was identical to the voice in this.

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  5. vor 3 Stunden
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  6. hat retweetet
    vor 4 Stunden

    You don’t have to go grand and expensive: J’s simple cardboard coffin was covered by a Pollock-seque colourful frieze, made by his very young grandchildren. Perfect, personal.

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    vor 4 Stunden

    I actually said these very words recently... apparently I’m thought of as sarcastic....

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  8. vor 4 Stunden

    "Its deep ruby/plum/purple colour is accompanied by an extraordinary perfume of creme de cassis, cherry liqueur, plums, liquorice, caramel, and sweet toast." [Puts creme de cassis, cherry liqueur, plums, liquorice, caramel and toast in blender...]

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  9. vor 4 Stunden

    BBC News - Hawksmoor Manchester: Diners given £4,500 red wine by mistake

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    vor 5 Stunden
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    They're called Tories.

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  11. vor 5 Stunden

    There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things. Things which act against everything we believe in. They must be fought.

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  12. vor 5 Stunden
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  13. hat retweetet
    vor 24 Stunden

    Grief stricken teenager fined for causing a nuisance after she was talked down from jumping off a motorway bridge by police

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  14. vor 5 Stunden

    So, let's get this straight... The solution to using the wrong bin is to take away the correct bin which naturally forces you to use the other bin wrongly..."

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  15. vor 5 Stunden

    BBC News - Kirklees Council seizes 1,300 green bins in recycling drive

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    A very happy 83rd birthday to Roy Hudd. Here's a picture I took of him on the set of Heavy Weather in 1995. He played Peter O'Toole's butler

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  17. hat retweetet
    vor 6 Stunden

    Quick, quick, quick...are you ready?! Tomorrow we will be choosing the first feature picture! Head over to our instagram to submit your entry or sit back and enjoy the view!

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  18. vor 6 Stunden
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  19. vor 7 Stunden
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  20. vor 7 Stunden
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  21. vor 7 Stunden

    Happily... The "Robots" book I was recently consulting for *reasons* features under "Quicksilver" 🙂

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