Family Drug Support Australia
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    Family Drug Support

    Supporting families affected by alcohol and other drugs in Australia.
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Stages of Change preview - Stepping Forward Session

Presented by Chrissie Kelly from Family Drug Support.

In this video Chrissie Kelly, Queensland State Manager, Family Drug Support explains the work of Family Drug support and discusses the stages of change for families model. This model can be helpful for families to understand where they are at on their journey and start to learn how to cope depending on what stage they may be at.

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FDS Amnesty Bin - Media Release

FDS logo 165Family Drug Support Dismay at Premier’s Amnesty Bin Announcement

11 December 2019

Tony Trimingham, the Founder and CEO of Family Drug Support (FDS), on behalf of the many thousands of families FDS is in contact with, has expressed his utter dismay and disbelief that once again the NSW Premier and Government have slammed the door on life-saving pill testing.

It is unconscionable that the extensive work and findings of the NSW Deputy Coroner, an independent evaluation of the second successful trial in the ACT and the deaths of so many young people recently at festivals, can be so easily ignored.

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John Menadue's "Pearls and Irritations"

Here is an opinion piece on John Menadue's "Pearls and Irritations" blog by The Hon. Emeritus Professor Peter Baume AC, former Chair of the FDS Board:

PETER BAUME. Our current drug policy is insane.

There is, in front of me, a book entitled “Not my family: never my child”. The title of that book is so right. WE are on the front line. We are affected. It is OUR families and our children who take these drugs. It is OUR children that suffer and die and cause us grief.

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FDS submission to the NSW Coronial Inquiry into deaths at music festivals

Below is an abridged written submission by Tony Trimingham OAM on behalf of Family Drug Support in relation to the coronial inquiry into music festival deaths.
There are currently reports in the media that the coroner has recommended key strategies from Tony’s submission. For example, that police presence can cause more harm than good, and that they should abolish sniffer dogs and body searches. Secondly, that pill testing should be trialled, as the most important thing is to keep people safe and alive. Politicians still need to be convinced to allow trials to begin. FDS will continue to lobby that the coroners recommendations should be taken seriously.
FDS supports pill testing 
  • FDS has been an advocate for pill testing since first learning about it being offered in Europe approximately 20 years ago.

Items of Interest