
No Smartphone for Lent

nophoneEvery year for Lent I try to give something up that I would otherwise find unimaginable or consider myself particularly dependent on. Last year I gave up meat, which isn’t that unusual but you have to remember I’m from Texas. 😉

This year as I surveyed my life there was one thing I kept coming back to as being completely dependent on: my smartphone(s). It’s only been a few years since the iPhone came out, but it’s inconceivable to imagine my life today without my calendar, email, Foursquare, Path, Chrome, Tripit, Simplenote, WordPress, Tweetbot, Sonos, Uber, Spotify and my iTunes library, and most importantly Google Maps. (On my second screen: SmartThings, Nest, Lociktron, Lutron, 1Password, Calm, Authy, NextDraft, Withings, Circa…) These apps and everything they represent weave into every aspect of my life, I’m sure I’m one of those people who looks at their phone at least 150 times a day. My smartphone is my camera, my flashlight, my connection to the world, and my crutch.

A small selection of what a phone replaces, from Reddit.

And now it’s what I’m giving up for Lent in 2014, from March 5th until April 17th. (Yes, that includes SxSW.) For safety and business reasons I’m going to have a makes-phone-calls-only phone, and might hop in a friend’s Uber, but the idea is there will not be a device on me 24/7 that I’m tethered to, constantly looking at, and lost and hopeless without. You obviously can’t turn back the clock on progress, so I don’t expect this to be a permanent thing, but I’m curious what I miss the most, how it affects my ability to focus throughout the day, and how it changes my relationships with other people, especially the lack of messaging.

I am in the market for a cool feature phone though, maybe a small one like Zoolander had or a slidey one like in the Matrix. Any suggestions?

I’ll leave you with the “I forgot my phone” video from last year:


Evolution of San Francisco

There have been three excellent writings on the effects and consequences of the latest boom on the Bay Area, each long but worth reading.

The East Bay Express, with a permalink I’m sure won’t work a decade from now, brings us The Bacon-Wrapped Economy:

The arts economy, already unstable, has been forced to contend with the twin challenges of changing tastes and new funding models. Entire industries that didn’t exist ten years ago are either thriving on venture capital, or thriving on companies that are thriving on it. It is now possible to find a $6 bottle of Miller High Life, a $48 plate of fried chicken, or a $20 BLT in parts of the city that used to be known for their dive bars and taco stands. If, after all, money has always been a means of effecting the world we want to bring about, when a region is flooded with uncommonly rich and uncommonly young people, that world begins to look very different. And we’re all living in it, whether we like it or not.

SFGate has The hypocrisy in Silicon Valley’s big talk on innovation:

“[I]nnovation” is something of a magic word around here, shape-shifting to fit the speaker’s immediate needs. So long as semiconductors and coding are involved, people will staple it to anything from flying cars to the iFart app.

Other times it’s just code for “jobs,” used to justify asking for government favors one day and scolding them for meddling in the free market the next.

“Lower our payroll taxes because … innovation.”
“Drop that antitrust inquiry because … innovation.”

But for all the funding announcements, product launches, media attention and wealth creation, most of Silicon Valley doesn’t concern itself with aiming “almost ridiculously high.” It concerns itself primarily with getting people to click on ads or buy slightly better gadgets than the ones they got last year.

The final comes from Rebecca Solnit, who I’ve quoted before, writes a diary for the London Review of Books.

I weathered the dot-com boom of the late 1990s as an observer, but I sold my apartment to a Google engineer last year and ventured out into both the rental market (for the short term) and home buying market (for the long term) with confidence that my long standing in this city and respectable finances would open a path.


Met4Filter || technology and culture, from the trenches – True? If only.


Linus says goodbye

Linux-kernel mailing list archive 2002-13,: Linux needs new leadership. – Look at the time on this one 🙂


New springboard >> Preview: Springtooth – Not as good as their effort last year, but still alright.


Google’s new technology

Google Technology – Absolutely beautiful


Online Game from IRS!

From the mind-numbingly exciting category: Braintaxer – “the mentally taxing game show from the IRS”

I couldn’t make this stuff up 🙂


Ellen Rony on ICANN

Interesting observations:

This presents an interesting conundrum for the DOC-ICANN MoU, notwithstanding the pesky issue of who gets to determin what content is “kids-safe”–and how.

* ICANN rejected four .KIDs applications in its new TLD process
* New Net launched a .KIDS in its first round of alternative TLDs
* A .KIDS TLD already exists in the parallel root server system

All hail “Internet stability”.


Searching for Religion

“Scientology” as a search phrase analyzed by the VisIT softare – interesting article, if just from a web design/search engine standpoint. Before you make any judgements about Scientology, however, please note that this guy is a very ardent critic of it.


Peekabooty aims to banish internet censorship

New Scientist has a very nice article about the latest from CoDC, the people who brought us the inimitable BackOrifice.


Photoshop 7

Photoshop 7 leaked information – the healing brush looks very interesting. I can’t wait to play around with this once it comes out. Thanks to Kel for the tip.


Many businesses respect me

“It’s a sign of respect that someone sends you an electric business card. It means he wants you as a customer,” – open relays are bad. The people running the ISPs in question do have some valid complaints though, such as the manuals not being written in their language. It should be interesting to see where this story goes and if politics end up playing a part in it.


Programming tip of the day

When evaluating logical operators, put the constant on the left so you have no chance of forgetting that extra =. For example:

if (5 == $id)
do stuff

Think about it; it’s very logical and if it even saves you a single bug in your code it’s worth it.


operating systems for dummies

Well at least you can’t say Microsoft isn’t helpful.


“think outside the pretty box”

Jef Raskin is suprising honest in a Business Week article on how Apple should “Think outside the pretty box”. I think his comments that there hasn’t been many fundemental changes in terms of user interface in too long, but you must admit that Apple has done some pretty cool things lately.


DOJ releases comments on MS

You may remember the variety of interesting comments the DOJ got concerning the Microsoft case, well they’ve gone ahead and picked 47 from the mess that are relavent to the proceedings. Read on for list, or check out the original.


ckone email ads

I faintly remember a year or two ago seeing the ads talked about in this article, but I never actually emailed one of the addresses listed in them. Looking back over the summary of the ad campaign is fascinating, and it has a BMW Films touch to it that it doesn’t directly sell anything, and it doens’t even try to brand, it just is.



Safeweb, the anonymous proxy lauded by analysts and given money by the CIA, is inheritly unsecure. Declan McCullagh has good coverage of the issue at Wired.


Google Appliance

I haven’t decided what to do with it yet, but I want one.


Common Sense Copyright

Lawrence Lessig, my favorite lawyer (with Mike Godwin and Mike Wallace), has just launched a new project called Creative Commons that aims to facilitate the creation of legally sound legal that can be attached to creative works, enabling them to be released into the open, so to speak, without the creative author losing all rights to the work. For example from the article:

An artist might, for example, agree to give away a work as long as no one is making money on it but include a provision requiring payments on a sliding scale if it’s sold

It’ll be very exciting to see how this technology is embraced.