Andrew Frost


Out here on the periphery, there are no stars...

در ۱۳۹۱ آذر پیوسته است


@sci_fictional را مسدود کردید

مطمئن اید که می‌خواهید این توییت‌ها را ببینید؟ دیدن توییت‌ها، @sci_fictional را از مسدودشدگی در نمی‌آورد.

  1. ۲۱ ساعت پیش

    Oh boy. The Red Wedding is even worse the second time around.

  2. بازتوییت کرد
    اردیبهشت ۲۰
  3. اردیبهشت ۱۳

    Into mid S2 of Game of Thrones in an unplanned rewatch, two things are obvs: S1 is a lot more like the final 2 seasons than conventional wisdom said at the time; watching it thru first time there was at least hope for the characters, this time its just tragedy.

  4. بازتوییت کرد
    ۲۱ تیر ۱۳۹۸

    the futuristic house so sexy it was featured in playboy is now a relic of the past deteriorating in a swampy lake patrolled by alligators and venomous snakes. here's the wild inside story of a countercultural icon.

  5. اردیبهشت ۱۰
  6. بازتوییت کرد
    اردیبهشت ۷

    I'm not going to stay in any form.

  7. اردیبهشت ۷

    I can't find a definitive connection but one that really stands out is Japanese artist Kohei Nawa's 'PixCell-Red Deer'. The research continues...

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  8. اردیبهشت ۷

    Another nagging image in Annihilation are the deer that make a fleeting appearance early in the movie...

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  9. اردیبهشت ۷

    ...the work of legendary sci fi illustrator and artist Not an exact match, but def. the same hybrid neighbourhood...

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  10. اردیبهشت ۷

    The next probably very obvious [to everyone but me] link are the startling images in the film of flowering plants that have taken on human form and...

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  11. اردیبهشت ۷

    It can't be a coincidence that the roiling images of the shimmer look so much like Google's AI, which when you feed an image into it, creates hybrid creatures from the details...

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  12. اردیبهشت ۷

    There were a few things that really stood out this time, not least the look of 'the shimmer', the eerie, shifting border between Area X and the outside world...

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  13. اردیبهشت ۷

    A year later - after having finally read 's Annihilation and was knocked out by just how good the book is, yet how incredibly far Garland's film is from its source material [not in a bad way, but sheesh!] - I revisited the film...

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  14. اردیبهشت ۷

    About a year ago I mused on connections between 's film and TV work, and some conspicuous similarities in art direction and set design with some examples of contemporary art...

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  15. اردیبهشت ۵

    Rewatching S1E1 and am astounded by the amount of heavy handed foreshadowing (which of course flew by on first watch). Everything that isn’t foreshadowing future events, is foreshadowing the foreshadowing.

  16. بازتوییت کرد
    فروردین ۲۵
    پاسخ به
  17. بازتوییت کرد
    ۲ شهریور ۱۳۹۸
  18. فروردین ۱۶

    Gorgeous music video designed and directed by

  19. بازتوییت کرد
    فروردین ۱۳

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