Grandmother delivers a second grandchild five years after the first

April McMasters with her grandchild Braelynn, whom she delivered in the back of a car on September 21. Photo: Supplied
April McMasters with her grandchild Braelynn, whom she delivered in the back of a car on September 21. Photo: Supplied 

Florida grandmother April McMasters thought she was pretty lucky to unexpectedly deliver her first grandchild Maddex in 2014.

Nearly five years later it was a case of déjà vu - on September 21 she was once again tasked with delivering another grandchild, despite not having any medical training.

Four-year-old Maddex loves to tell people about the unique way he was born. Ms McMasters was called away from work to her daughter Makayla Cole's side as she went into labour with her first child.

She delivered him with the help of an emergency assistance operator after the hospital had told Makayla she wasn't far enough along in labour to be admitted.

"He loves to tell anybody he can," Ms McMasters told Good Morning America. "He says, 'I was born on the bathroom floor and I was so excited to be here, that I popped right out and my mum caught me.'"

'Mum' is the Cole grandchildren's affectionate name for their grandmother.

"It was an amazing experience, but I never imagined it would happen again!," McMasters told Essential Baby.

"I always said I'd do it again in a heartbeat, but never on purpose. What are the odds that I would have a second chance?" she said.

Braelynn was born in the family car.

Braelynn was born in the family car outside a Bealls store. Photo: Makayla Cole


Her second grandchild Nixen was born in hospital in 2017 after another short labour, so when they learned a third was on the way, the jokes started.

In fact Makayla and her husband Nate were gifted a joke labour kit which happened to be on hand during baby Braelynn's birth, which occurred in the family car with assistance from an operator.

"She was set to be induced Monday morning, but Saturday she woke up and her water broke," Ms McMasters said "I delivered her all on my own. There were no other directions until after she was born [the operator] told me to dry her off and then put her in a clean towel."

The baby was delivered with the song Set the world on fire by Britt Nicole playing in the background, a fact that April finds fitting for such an arrival, with the lyrics, "I am small but you, you are big enough" propelling her through the birth.

Photo: Makayla Cole

April with Braelynn (left) and (right) Maddex with Braelynn. Photo: April McMasters

Makalya is delighted her mother has played such a vital role in two of her children's deliveries and says that it has brought them closer than ever before.

She told Essential Baby, "Having my mum deliver my babies has made us much closer. We were already close but now even more. We are best friends and I am so lucky to have her, and I was so lucky to have her there when I had my babies. It was an amazing experience to share with my best friend, my mum."

Photo: Makayla Cole

The Cole Family before Braelynn's dramatic birth. Photo: Makayla Cole