Five-month-old now the youngest person to have visited all 50 US states

Photo: CindyLim/Instagram
Photo: CindyLim/Instagram 

This is 5-month-old Harper Yeats and she made history on October 18, by becoming the youngest ever person to visit all 50 states of the USA.

And from the look on her adorable face, it seems she already has an inkling of how special she is, notching up this incredible entry to the All Fifty States Club before she's even half a year old.

Parents Cindy Lim and Tristan Yeats are Australian expats who now live in Canada.

They must have set a cracking pace to achieve the goal, and that's no small feat with a baby.

They told Babble that the best policy is not to plan too much, as a baby is sure to put a spanner in the works.

"We actually think that less planning is more! The more you plan, the more daunting the whole trip seems. From the beginning, we always agreed that if Harper wasn't managing well with the travel, we would just turn around and go home."


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The couple admits it hasn't all been plain sailing.

"Inevitably, Harper has had ups and downs — she is an infant after all. However, we have just taken it one day at a time, and that has worked out well for us!"


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So how did they come up with the idea?

"Before she joined us, we had already visited 19 states as a couple so, when we started planning this trip, we only envisaged trying to get to the remaining 31 states," the couple explained.

"It was only after we crossed into the U.S. that we came across the All Fifty States Club online and realised that if we did do all 50 with Harper, she could be come the youngest person to achieve the feat."


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Now Harper has made the record books, the family plans to keep showing her the world. They say that visiting all of the countries in Europe might be their next large-scale adventure but that weekends nearby home are also on the cards.

The family has been documenting their travels on Instagram, with a photo of baby Harper next to each state's border sign. They hope that it will give Harper something wonderful to look back on, even though she won't have memories of the trip.

"When she looks at the photographs and [reads] stories of not only what we did as a family, but also how much fun we had along the way, we hope that it instils confidence in her that she can do anything she puts her mind to," they say. 

"We also hope that it inspires a sense of curiosity about the world around her and that she will be inspired to go on her own adventures as she grows up."

Life looks pretty sweet when you've accomplished so much, so young.


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