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The EB duck has had a nip a... - last post by JingleBlitzenBalls

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No EB email notifications f... - last post by Paddlepop
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How to Block a Member - last post by MissBehaving

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How To Make Your Own Signature - last post by Bumbleflop

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Does your son show signs of... - last post by F.E.B.E

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Blog: Kylie Orr

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Is there truth to "Litt... - last post by Evelyn Smith

Blog: Amity Dry

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A visit from the dummy fairy - last post by newmumandexcited

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Did the feminists get it al... - last post by Datrys

Blog: PrueCorlette

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IVF and Depression - last post by AJulemont

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My baby had a stroke in utero - last post by Cupcakesmum

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Hello! I'm a newbie here - last post by Ellie bean

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EB Military Families #77 - last post by 4littlemonkeys

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Mandurah to Albany - Must S... - last post by EsmeLennox

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June 06 Parents # 271 - last post by Xanadu25

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Pregnancy: Tips, Questions and Information

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Is EB representative when i... - last post by Nut

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Due in Sept 2020 chat #1 - last post by Sailor4

Hospital and Birthing Centres

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One Born Every Minute - Bla... - last post by ajo

Doulas & Midwives

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Student Midwife in Melbourn... - last post by carlastmidwife

Baby Names

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Boys names! - last post by Phoebeandme

Pregnancy/Parenting After Problems Conceiving

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Ready Set Go: Due in 2020 - last post by Gabbitz

Pregnancy/Parenting After Loss

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Terrified of my pregnancy - last post by born.a.girl

Specialised Pregnancy Support Groups

Buddy groups for those experiencing pregnancy after overcoming obstacles

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Support for High Risk NT Re... - last post by bees-knees

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Labour & Birth

What to expect on the big day

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Balloon induction - last post by the abc


Preparing for a delivery by caesarean section

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Delayed cord clamping - c s... - last post by 400

Vaginal Birth Preparation

Plus vaginal birth after a caesarean section (VBAC)

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Advice re vaginal birth, pr... - last post by littlepickle

Home Birthing

Talk about your plans and experiences of babies born at home

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Homebirth in 2016? - last post by mumwith3

Your birth stories

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(Long, self-indulgent) birt... - last post by Riss_234

Traumatic & Disappointing Birth Experiences

When things don't turn out how you expected

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Marginal placenta previa an... - last post by Chief Pancake Make

Your body after baby

All about your recovery and the changes that take place

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PCOS and the pill regarding... - last post by NeedSleepNow

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Birth-6 Months

The early days

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Looking for a nanny - last post by wilding

6-12 Months

Your older baby

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Pointing and language - last post by Prancer is coming

Babies Born Early (and beyond)

The issues facing parents of premmies

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No-one posts here now, - bu... - last post by Amica

Twins, Triplets, Quads and More

For parents and friends of multiples

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You'll Laugh, You'l... - last post by 4*shining*stars


From birth to beyond

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Breastfeeding woes :'( - last post by Lou-bags

Formula and supplement feeding

Advice and support

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Cow's milk protein into... - last post by MayaTheGrinch

Baby and toddler food

Seek advice on weaning and solids and share your favourite recipes

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Avocados, peas, pasta... wh... - last post by Riotproof


Disposable or modern cloth? The choices don't end there

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Modern cloth nappies - last post by PrincessPeach

Buying & Dressing for Baby

Plan your spending first

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Wraps/slings - last post by Fluffy Potatoes

Prams & Strollers

Getting mobile with your baby or toddler

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Baby monster Easy Twin - last post by Mooples


How to help everyone get enough

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Seeing so many newborns nig... - last post by Caribou

Toggle Toddler & Kids Toddler & Kids

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Babies and Kids With Disabilities & Special Needs

Advice and support from others who understand

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ASD and sibling issues arou... - last post by Charli73

12-24 Months

The first birthday and beyond

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21 month old and speech? - last post by PandoBox

24-36 months

The transition stage from toddler to pre-schooler

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Stairs and active 2 year old - last post by tothebeach

3-5 Years

The pre-school years

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Finding a nanny? - last post by lizzzard

5-8 Years (Younger Kids)

Discuss issues around the early primary years - behaviour, development and discipline.

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Book reccomendations for li... - last post by AJPM

8-12 years ( The pre-teen years)

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Surprise present fail - last post by Tokra

13-18 years (Teenagers)

Discuss behaviour, development and discipline for teens.

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First job - 13.5 yrs old - last post by amdirel

Challenging Behaviour & Discipline Techniques

Coping with tears, tantrums and trying times

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WHy cant I see posts in thi... - last post by Sandra

Toilet Training

Is your child ready? Looking for the signs and getting started

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Success! - last post by Ozquoll

Car Restraints

Make the right choices when it comes to safety

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Recommendation 0-4 - last post by petit_manchot


Support and advice for tough times at school

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WHY does it still happen ? - last post by JingleBlitzenBalls

Play and activities

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Vuly Trampoline - last post by Mooples

Toggle Daycare, Pre-School and School Daycare, Pre-School and School

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Daycare, Babysitters & Nannies

For finding child care or being a carer

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Babysitting, what’s the goi... - last post by Dianalynch


Discuss your Playgroup experiences or find a Playgroup near you.

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Nature playgroup Newcastle - last post by linen_and_lace

Preschool (EC, Kinder)

Discuss your child's early childhood education here.

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Pre-K in PLC/MLC/Santa Sabi... - last post by afterlaughter

Your Child's Education - First year of school

Choosing a school, school readiness and the challenges of the first year of formal schooling.

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Out of area Public School - last post by Ek35

Your Child's Education - Year one and beyond

The learning experience for children and parents

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Year 12 parent/guardian sup... - last post by JRA

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Parties for Under 5s

Organising a special day for the little ones

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Cutting costs when outsourc... - last post by Veritas Vinum Arte

Parties for 5 and Over

Planning and hosting gatherings for older children

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Sleepover - catering for GF... - last post by wallofdodo

Weddings, Christenings & Showers

Celebrating the landmarks of life

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Small same sex wedding - last post by IamtheMumma

Christmas, Adult birthdays, Special Occasions & other

Seasonal events and party ideas for grown-ups

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Christmas is So Depressing - last post by KnightsofNi

Toggle The Parents' Room The Parents' Room

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Everyday Mums Chat

The everyday things that other parents understand

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Spin off - citizenship - last post by born.a.girl

Young Mums and Mums-To-Be

Meet other members who are starting families early

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Very scared - last post by melanieb530

'Older' Mums and Mums-To-Be

For those having or thinking about a late baby

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Testing / screening - last post by Renovators delight

Same-Sex Parents & Parents-To-Be

Families that begin with two mums or two dads

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Soon to be TTC Mammas Melbo... - last post by BKim
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Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses

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Coping with asthma in the s... - last post by blimkybill

Your Family

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How to get over wanting ano... - last post by Jersey Caramel

Large Families

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3 baby mover question - last post by SergeyAU


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Adoption in Qld - last post by gracie1978
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Share the journey with other foster parents, current or prospective

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I’m possibly about to start... - last post by **JODES**
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A members-only forum to seek support and discuss sensitive subjects

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Stuck! - last post by Sweet.Pea
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Plus Size Living

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Shopping Help - Party Frock... - last post by ExpatInAsia

Find the 'awesome' in your family

Join a 4 week challenge brought to you by Essential Baby and Parent Wellbeing that will help you maximize the ‘awesome’ moments in your family right now.

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Funny things your kids have... - last post by Wallymaduka

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Sharing tips, research methods and sites and more.

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Can anyone help a novice? - last post by Chicken Pie

Hobbies & Crafts

Discover your creativity

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Looking for a knitting patt... - last post by llamarama

Quilting & Sewing

Many threads about needle crafts

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Spotlight patterns - last post by cvbn

Scrap Chat & Share

All about scrapbooking

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How many pages in a scrapbook - last post by MillyM


Tips and inspiration for beginners to experts

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Slides to digital prints - last post by gabbigirl

Toggle Lifestyle & Entertainment Lifestyle & Entertainment

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Environmental Tips, Info, News & Questions

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Where can I take a balloon... - last post by ~Bob~

Recipes & Cooking Tips

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What's for dinner tonig... - last post by Silverstreak

Managing Money

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budgeting on centrelink - last post by Silverstreak

TV, Movies & Celebrity News

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Apple TV+ subscription service - last post by Scootaloo

Books, Poetry & Music

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Six -  The Musical - last post by aluminium

Have a Laugh

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My neighbours dog looks lik... - last post by Cocoa Trufflespice


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Short card/board games for... - last post by Barefoot

Family Travel

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Gold Coast accommodation - last post by purpleblaze

Beauty and Fashion

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Hair extensions - last post by sammyv

Your Pets

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When doing something good g... - last post by VigilantePaladin

Home, Garden & Renovating

  1. Decluttering and home organisation

Practical advice, inspiration and motivation

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How long to get your house... - last post by Literary Lemur


  1. London 2012: Olympic and Paralympic Games

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Best smart watch for cyclin... - last post by Dadto2

Internet & Technology

For talk about internet, mobiles and gadgets

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Which switch game should we... - last post by Riotproof


  1. New Age Beliefs & Spirituality,
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  4. The Crystal Ball

Encompassing religion, faith and other beliefs

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Difference between catholic... - last post by Datrys

Celebrity Parents and Kids

Births, babies and the kids who have everything!

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Celebrities and twins - last post by tres

Toggle General General

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News, Social Issues & Politics

  1. Election2016

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Prince Harry and Meghan Mar... - last post by purplekitty

What Do You Think?

For discussions about the issues that make us think

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What to consider when looki... - last post by IShallWearTinsel


For topics that just don't quite fit in anywhere else

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Nostalgia Fluff - Discontin... - last post by -Carpe Diem-

Good News

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It rained again..... - last post by wilding

Venting Board

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First world fluffy vents -... - last post by Murderino
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WIN dad a gift pack for Fat... - last post by EB-Marion

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Studying and Parenting

Striking a balance between family and further education

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Any single parents studying? - last post by Nebula

Party Plan

For sellers and buyers to share ideas, info and strategies. Please read the forum guidelines before posting!

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Looking at starting Party plan - last post by aprilrainatxmas

Employment Opportunities

Offer a job to an EB member here! Please read the forum guidelines before posting.

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I can't believe I just... - last post by Tokra

Seeking Employment

For EB members looking for work - and those who want to employ them. Please read the forum rules before posting.

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Anyone else looking for work? - last post by Ozquoll

Working Parents

When you're juggling work and family commitments

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Work stress - last post by laridae
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My Business

For business owners to share advice and support. Please read the forum guidelines before posting.

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Business cards - working fr... - last post by JomoMum

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General Health and Safety Tips

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General Health and Safety Tips

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Glandular fever - last post by flakyfish

Your Diet & Fitness

Your Diet & Fitness

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Lifestyle change - last post by Ivy Ivy

Natural Therapies

Natural Therapies

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Garlic oil to treat ear inf... - last post by Chelli

Cancer Support Forum

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Fertility preservation befo... - last post by Wolf87

Allergy and Food Intolerance Support

Food Intolerances and Allergies

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Share the new food products... - last post by notsoretro

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Educational experience 50% off - last post by Ozquoll

Product Reviews

Product Reviews

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Dual Cab Ute - best family... - last post by happygoluckyinoz

Product Recalls

Product Recalls

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Recall - BIG W - Ray Ban Br... - last post by rjflc69

Children's toys

Toy shopping for younger kids (1-8)

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Crayola light board - last post by MayaTheGrinch

Toys for Older Kids

Toy shopping for older kids (8 and up)

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Toys, games & ideas for... - last post by Bearynice

Toggle Dad's Zone Dad's Zone

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Blog: Dad's Diary

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Nintendo "DS": Device of Sa... - last post by stephanu

Dad chat

Forum for men to chat to other dads and dads-to-be.

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Moving overseas...without t... - last post by steppy

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Top 5 Viewed Articles

Essential Baby and Essential Kids is the place to find parenting information and parenting support relating to conception, pregnancy, birth, babies, toddlers, kids, maternity, family budgeting, family travel, nutrition and wellbeing, family entertainment, kids entertainment, tips for the family home, child-friendly recipes and parenting. Try our pregnancy due date calculator to determine your due date, or our ovulation calculator to predict ovulation and your fertile period. Our pregnancy week by week guide shows your baby's stages of development. Access our very active mum's discussion groups in the Essential Baby forums or the Essential Kids forums to talk to mums about conception, pregnancy, birth, babies, toddlers, kids and parenting lifestyle. Essential Baby also offers a baby names database of more than 22,000 baby names, popular baby names, boys' names, girls' names and baby names advice in our baby names forum. Essential Kids features a range of free printable worksheets for kids from preschool years through to primary school years. For the latest baby clothes, maternity clothes, maternity accessories, toddler products, kids toys and kids clothing, breastfeeding and other parenting resources, check out Essential Baby and Essential Kids.