Sound advice on all the things you wanted to know, but didn't want to ask your mum.

Did you know there's a month of the year where divorces are more likely? It may come as no surprise to some that January is the time where lawyers’ phones are ringing off the hook because so many couples have been driven to breaking point over the ho...

If you haven’t yet finished your Christmas shopping, and in case you’re still tossing up whether or not to buy a gift for someone you’ve only been dating for a little while, here is what our members had to say. 

If a couple has been dating for...

It has been predicted that by 2040, 70% of people will have met their loved one online. With these statistics, the odds of meeting the perfect partner through internet dating are in your favour, but it's important to make sure that you start off on t...

There is no woman in the world who doesn’t get excited before a date. So many outfit options, makeup and hairstyles, that it’s so easy to get overwhelmed. A single rule to follow doesn’t exist, no secret to transforming you into a supermodel, but the...

Unfortunately, there are some people online who are deceptive about their identity. They may just be shy, self-conscious or they may be deliberately trying to deceive, these people are called catfish. 

Obviously trying to actively deceive people onl...

It’s been the week for scary stories and chocolate-induced stomach aches, however, for some it isn’t just Halloween that strikes fear straight into their hearts.

Getting out there, going on dates and meeting people can be horrifying for some, howeve...

It’s Friday night; you scored a date with that hottie you had been chatting with and you studied their Facebook page.  You have prepared yourself for this night mentally, but it is also important to prepare physically as well since first impressions...

Diving back into the dating world can be daunting for anyone. It could be because your last relationship is still fresh in your mind, you feel you need some time to be on your own, or you may have concerns about committing to date again because you h...

In today’s age of dating, technology is a major way of getting to know about a new partner. Most singles will confess to a little googling of a potential love interest and checking them out on social media. After all, you just want to get a taste of...

One of the most well-known and popular theories in the world of relationships is called “love languages.” It was developed by counsellor and pastor Dr Gary Chapman, and it focuses on how we most like to be appreciated and loved.

Specifically, he out...

Marriage - the alleged end point of a successful relationship. However, when is the right time to take the plunge into happily ever after? 

This question has been sparked lately by the seemingly rushed nuptials of Frances Abbott and her rowing beau Sa...

Most people know the fear that comes the second before you ask someone on a date. Whether it's via a keyboard, or in person, it can be a nerve-wracking experience. It’s generally made easier by knowing you’re both looking for the same thing, as in, i...

We all know that the first date can be a little daunting, there's always a certain amount of pressure and expectation, even if you're just meeting up for a coffee! Leaving a good first impression is usually at the forefront of our minds, but sometime...

I've always been a big advocate of being patient and selective when it comes to dating. Knowing your likes and dislikes and being clear on your deal-breakers. This allows you to be more targeted and efficient in your dating approach, and you can make...

Dating as a parent is a very different game to our carefree pre-child days. Not only do we have to work through the inevitable ‘does he/she like me’ scenario, but we have to find the time, arrange the babysitter and possibly navigate introducing our...

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