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How the Chook fund beat the pack again

The year 2019 will go down as one of the seven best in the near 30-year history of compulsory superannuation. Here's how the Chanticleer managed super fund performed.

  • Tony Boyd

This Month

BlackRock seeks to regain lost ground in climate fight

The world’s largest asset manager has been talking about the risks of global warming for years. Yet critics argue that it has failed to live up to its own rhetoric.

  • Updated
  • Attracta Mooney and Owen Walker

Three lessons from Tesla's rise to the top of the auto industry

Investors have, quite rightly, decided electric cars are now the future - and they are backing the company that got there first, not the old giants still desperately trying to find a way to catch up.

  • Matthew Lynn

Ditching the rule book helps this fund manager succeed

Dumping old school valuation tools like price-earnings ratios helps Insync's Monik Kotecha deliver consistent outperformance, especially in the fast-moving digital sector.

  • Tom Richardson

Gold's attraction is a double-edged sword

The Iran-US flare-up saw investors pile into gold as a safe haven that topped $US1600 an ounce. But which way the gold price heads in 2020 remains up for debate.

  • Tom Richardson

The year Indian tycoons faced bankruptcies, jail and death

The tables turned on many of India's wealthiest last year as a new bankruptcy law prompted bankers to call in their debts.

  • P R Sanjai and Bhuma Shrivastava

Wake-up call for boards as activists doubt their capability

The forces behind the uptick in shareholder activism have been building for a decade.

  • Tony Featherstone

December 2019

If you'd put $US10,000 in these assets in 2019, here's what you'd have

This year’s standout investments come from places like Russia, Greece and Ukraine. ‘It’s been sort of fun trading this,’ AxiTrader’s Innes says.

  • Gregor Stuart Hunter and Eric Lam

Investing in music can be idol speculation

It's not just scandals involving sex, drugs and bribery that are chewing into lucrative K-Pop entertainment stocks.

  • The Lex Column

Populism matters to markets, says Michael Hintze

Populist parties and protest can shape policies and drive market volatility, warns the billionaire investor.

  • Hans van Leeuwen

Relief all round as uncertainty lifts

Global markets are ending the year on a high note as a US-China trade deal and a UK Conservative landslide bolsters hopes for an economic rebound.

  • Robert Guy

Why it's time to get serious about India

The emerging economic superpower offers huge potential for growth – more than twice that of developed countries – and possible hedge against trade war fallout.

  • Tony Featherstone

How to invest in India

ETFs shine brighter in rising markets; in times of volatility, investors often wish they had professionals overseeing their capital though active funds.

  • Tony Featherstone

Why Yum China is a tasty prospect

Yum China is the main franchise for KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell in China and could be set for a re-rating when meat prices moderate, writes Greg Smith.

  • Greg Smith

Geoff Wilson sees significant LIC opportunities

Long-time champion of listed investment companies Geoff Wilson weighs into the LIC NTA discount debate with a robust defence of the LIC structure.

  • Geoff Wilson

Why the right CEO matters more than ever

Investment professionals want to see evangelical zeal from CEOs and a focus that extends beyond the next pay cheque.

  • Stewart Oldfield

Investors can change the narrative on climate transition

Whatever pressure ultimately comes from investors, politicians must set the policies that discourage pollution and enable rival energy technologies to emerge.

  • Jonathan Ford

Shutting out noise is the key to investment success

This year, success came to those able to block out the noise, remain committed to their portfolio and the quality of their stocks, writes Elio D'Amato.

  • Elio D'Amato

Alibaba offers market share and growth potential

China’s largest e-commerce player, Alibaba Group,is positively leveraged to a rebound in the Chinese economy and stock markets, says Greg Smith.

  • Greg Smith

November 2019

Stories of forex trading 'heroes' belie a quiet market

Tabloid tales of currency trading whiz-kids are back. But they shouldn't be.

  • Updated
  • Katie Martin