Anu Mathur 


Nationalism is nt something tht u will get after certain level of Maturity,its a sentiment u born with it.blocked by ,shela,Textile designer No DM

अगस्त 2018 पर शामिल हुए


आपने @AnuMathur19 को अवरुद्ध किया है

क्या आप वाकई इन ट्वीट को देखना चाहते हैं? ट्वीट देखने से @AnuMathur19 का अवरोध नहीं हटेगा

  1. पिन किया हुआ ट्वीट
    8 अग॰

    Ugly looking sanghi ...and beautiful ,Ravishing, Gorgeous, real beauty, liberal...😜😜😜

  2. 2 घंटे पहले

    THANK U PAJI..HAPPY NEW YEAR 😊😊🙏🙏...good morning

  3. ने रीट्वीट किया
    2 घंटे पहले
  4. ने रीट्वीट किया
    2 घंटे पहले
  5. ने रीट्वीट किया
    11 घंटे पहले

    For last few years, I am requesting every Indian Stop watching these for 1 year and 90% of India's problem will be solved 1. Bollywood every film 2. Cricket all kind off 3. TV News, every channel 4. Print Media all listed by 5. Chinese Products

  6. ने रीट्वीट किया
    8 घंटे पहले

    my dog likes to check on me to make sure i'm still having a good time on our walk (redditor : u/windowlicker1234)

  7. ने रीट्वीट किया
    14 घंटे पहले

    | SHOCKER: Tamil scholar makes a highly controversial statement & calls for the murder of PM Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah. More details by TIMES NOW’s Shilpa.

  8. ने रीट्वीट किया
    11 घंटे पहले

    Allah o Akbar & Insha Allah are secular. Bhaarat mata ki jay is communal. Last year, she termed Bharat mata ki jay as communal & yesterday she termed Allah Akber secular. It only happens in India. These kind of Bigots can play their dirty games only in a tolerant country, India.

  9. ने रीट्वीट किया
    11 घंटे पहले

    हम सिर्फ 6 महीने सिनेमा का पूर्ण बहिष्कार कर दें , पूरा बालीवुड सुधरकर भारतीय संस्कृति के साथ खड़ा हो जाएगा

  10. 11 घंटे पहले

    I come frm a line of RSS believers. My family is Islamophobic. Mom hates M,bro is more कट्टर hindu than me.v r proud of ourselves. I belong2an educated family,mom is postgraduated & bro is n engineer & u r d kind of coward who sits on d fence & pretend2be better than any1else

  11. 11 घंटे पहले

    From burhan wani & kashmiri terrorists 2 current CAA rioters, india's leftist media makes heroes out those promoting violence against india's military & police bt v will support police/army who is protecting india. tht's y he should b encouraged & protected

  12. 23 घंटे पहले

    कल्कि का तुझ जैसे चरसी,लपंट,देशद्रोही को छोड़ना अलग बात हैँ पर जब देश के लिए कोई अपना गृहस्थ जीवन त्यागता हैँ तो वो महापुरुष बनता हैँ जिनका नाम स्वर्णिम अक्षरों मै इतिहास मै दर्ज होता हैँ फिर चाहे वो कपिलवस्तु के राजकुमार सिद्धार्थ हो जो गौतम बुद्ध बने या फिर मोदी हो जो PM बने.

  13. 24 घंटे पहले

    My New year Resolution is to fight more vigorously with Antinational liberals, bollywood bhands and so called झोलाछाप intellectuals from Media who want to dilute my Religion, My nation.. Are you with me guys ??

  14. 30 दिस॰

    2019 - A year of leftists & Muslim's tamper tantrum after losing an

  15. 30 दिस॰

    Its good thing there are other News channels on TV because all you get from is " We hate Narendra Modi 24/ 7"

  16. ने रीट्वीट किया
    29 दिस॰

    Let us make this absolutely clear. There is nothing anti-Muslim in the CAA. But the anti-CAA protests are all anti-Hindu.

  17. ने रीट्वीट किया
    29 दिस॰

    Jackass ! And Congress wants a CAA that gives bigots like Shahid Afridi & Hadeez Saeed Indian citizenship not likes of Danish Kaneria! Shame on INC

  18. 29 दिस॰

    It's a slow death when there is NO ONE..

    यह थ्रेड दिखाएं
  19. 29 दिस॰

    I was at my society's supermarket at around 9 pm. An old lady was standing at d Meatcounter staring away.I started conversation tht there was too many choices.We talk 4 an hour.She later told me she just comes here everyday2pass her time. it was an eye-opener wht loneliness means

    यह थ्रेड दिखाएं
  20. 29 दिस॰

    Basically the Root to happiness for every indian. *Only hv kids when u want them & able to support their wellbeing instead of reproducing like 🐷 *Close down d borders 4 illigal immigrants 2 avoid cultural confrontation & conflict within d country. *Focus on majority ppl.

  21. 29 दिस॰

    Only one word comes to my mind for him...Bas***d


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